
Iranian press: The 86th Flotilla of the Iranian Navy demonstrated "122 thousand tons of diplomacy"


Image source: topwar.ru

The 86th flotilla of the Iranian Navy has demonstrated "122 thousand tons of diplomacy" during its circumnavigation of the world over the past eight months, according to the Iranian press.

The flotilla, consisting of the Iranian-made destroyer Dena and the Makran base ship, left the southern Iranian port of Bandar Abbas on September 20, 2022 for a round-the-world trip. The total displacement of Dena and Makran is more than 122,000 tons. They moved across the world's oceans, passing through important ports. They eventually returned home last Saturday and were met by the Iranian authorities.

The Iranian flotilla broke the record for the distance traveled by the previous Iranian flotilla in international waters.

I congratulate the brave fighters of the 86th Flotilla of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy on their great and successful campaign. Dear Fleet, welcome home. I wish you success!

— the congratulation of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says.

General Mohammad Bagheri, chief of the Joint Staff of the armed Forces, said the 86th Flotilla had done an "excellent job."

I salute these soldiers who have done a great job and fulfilled their mission with exemplary determination and made the Iranian people, navy and army proud.

General Bagheri said.

He noted that Iran has everything it needs to become a naval power.

Naval power is one of the most important factors of a country's power. We have also formed as a great naval power, we have a long coastline, we have a developed industry for the production of weapons and equipment needed inside the country.

General Mohammad Bagheri said.

Admiral Shahram Irani, commander of the Iranian Navy, who took part in the ceremony, said that the Navy had expanded its sphere of influence. The circumnavigation of the Iranian fleet has already strengthened Iranian diplomacy at a time when the West is trying to portray Iran as a threat to global and regional security.

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