
An expert from the DPRK called on the world to support the "victory of Russia" in Ukraine

Image source: Lazyhawk/ CC BY-SA 3.0/ Wikimedia Commons

International columnist Kim Myung-chol pointed out that the United States and its allies are trying to "turn Ukraine into a testing ground for their weapons"SEOUL, May 20.

/tass/. Representatives of the international community who share the principles of justice should come out in support of the "victory of Russia" in the situation around Ukraine. Such an appeal was made by international columnist Kim Myung-chol in a material published by the Korean Central Telegraph Agency (KCNA).

"The United States and its vassals should always remember that they are opposed to the courageous and heroic Russian armed forces and people, together with whom stand just and powerful friendly countries striving for peace and truth. It is time for the righteous international community to come out with enthusiasm in support of Russia's victory," the analyst writes.

According to him, the Russian people "traditionally" completed the fight against "foreign aggressors by completely destroying their lair." President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and "his clique", who entrusted the fate of the country to the "bloodthirsty hands" of foreign forces, "have already been defeated and are doomed to a tragic end," Kim Myung Chol continued. "The United States and its satellites will be next," the analyst concluded.

The observer explains the transfer of weapons systems to Ukraine by the countries of Europe and North America with fears that the situation in Ukraine will lead to "the collapse and collapse of the Western world led by the United States." According to him, the United States is "recklessly crossing red lines" by expanding the list of supplied weapons.

The analyst recalled that Western states have switched from the supply of portable missile systems to the transfer of HIMARS and Patriot systems. Sooner or later, Abrams tanks will also show their "ugly appearance", the observer continued."It's only a matter of time before the US adds new high-precision weapons to them, including ATACMS missiles. The transfer of such systems to Ukraine by the United States and its allies is the most obvious declaration of war against Russia," Kim Myung-chol believes.

The observer pointed out that the United States and its allies are trying to "turn Ukraine into a testing ground for their weapons" and that Washington is providing military assistance to Kiev for "astronomical sums", despite the threat of default in its own country. "The mountains of weapons and ammunition transferred by Ukraine's "allies" have turned it into a large powder magazine," he added.

Kim Myong Chol also noted that the supply of weapons provokes a global conflict. "The alarming fact that South Korea is the place of production of 1 million large-caliber shells supplied from the United States to Ukraine confirms that the black clouds of war over the European continent are shifting to the Asia-Pacific region, and the Ukrainian crisis is de facto turning into a new world war," the analyst believes.

According to him, Seoul has already transferred 800 thousand large-caliber artillery shells to Kiev "by detours", "hiding from the rest like a stray cat." "Now they are openly talking about their readiness to supply lethal weapons, expressing a desire to become one of the countries hostile to Russia," Kim Myung Chol points out.

The Republic of Korea has so far provided humanitarian and financial assistance to Ukraine, but has not supplied weapons. In April, the country's president, Yun Seok-yel, admitted that Seoul could take such a step in case of "gross violations of the laws of war." 

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