
British experts: The Russian army has taken into account some of its mistakes since the beginning of the war and has noticeably improved


Image source: topwar.ru

Experts from the British Royal United Institute for Defense Studies (RUSI) conducted an extended analysis of the actions of the Russian army after more than a year of the military conflict in Ukraine. As a result, very objective conclusions were made that the command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out serious work on the mistakes made at the initial stage of the special operation, and carried out a number of changes that improved the strategy and tactics of the actions of the Russian troops.

The British noted that the Russian infantry has moved to the formation of mobile units for solving specific tasks, which can be combined into larger temporary units. This linear tactic replaced the previously used deployment of unified tactical groups at the battalion level. The detachments formed for the tasks are actively used for storming on narrow sections of the front, breaking through the defense and identifying the firing positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Russian engineering troops are erecting serious fortifications along the entire front line, and the approaches to the defensive fortifications are carefully mined.

The Russian command practically stopped using armored vehicles to break through enemy defenses, using it more for infantry fire support. To reduce the possibility of detection, so-called thermal camouflage is used on the machines.

The artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is now very mobile, this has reduced the possibility of defeat in counter-battery warfare. In addition to the use of 152-mm howitzers, 120-mm mortars are increasingly being used. The Russian multiple launch rocket systems remain a huge problem for the AFU, and the Russian army does not lack them, as well as ammunition for them.

Thanks to the active work of powerful electronic warfare systems dispersed throughout the contact line, the losses of the APU in drones are estimated at at least ten thousand per month. Russian signalmen and intelligence units obviously have equipment that allows them to intercept and decrypt the Ukrainian 256-bit Motorola tactical communications systems.

The effectiveness of Russian air defense systems has significantly increased, which now intercept part of the strikes of GMLRS guided missiles.

The control points of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation last summer were moved to a distance that does not allow them to be hit by the existing artillery and missile systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the use of former Ukrainian communication systems in the occupied territory, communication in the troops has significantly improved. This also reduced the possibility of radio interception and increased the reliability of signal transmission.

Despite the seemingly rather flattering assessments of the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, British experts, of course, could not resist making propaganda statements in favor of Ukraine. They believe that if the AFU can disrupt the Russian defense and develop success, then the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will quickly lose coordination and control.

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