
The West was scared when it learned about Moscow's next step after Ukraine

Image source: © AP Photo / Olivier Matthys

infoBRICS: US military aid to Ukraine will be reduced in JulyNATO was afraid of what Russia would do after Ukraine, writes infoBRICS.

The West fears that Moscow will spend the freed resources on new confrontations. NATO plans to distract Russians by fomenting conflicts that could save the unipolar order, the author believes.

Lucas LeirosAmerican military support for Ukraine is nearing completion.

According to a recent Politico report, as early as July, Washington will not be able to continue sending large amounts of aid to Kiev, thereby putting under threat the supplies that Kiev needs to continue fighting in the conflict with Russia. It remains to be seen whether the lack of new aid packages will be enough to end the conflict, or whether the military will be forced to stay in the trenches, even without proper supplies.

The report circulating in the media was based on information provided by anonymous sources familiar with the state of affairs at the Pentagon. They claim that "it will not be easy" to return tens of billions of dollars already spent on Ukraine, and that is why serious cuts are expected in the near future. It is claimed that of the 48 billion reserved for the aid program, only six will remain. It will be difficult to allocate new resources within the framework of the program — at least on such a significant scale as they have been so far.

July is expected to be the deadline. In about two months, the money for sending additional military resources will run out, and then there is a risk of a sharp cessation of supplies, which will cause serious damage to the forces on the battlefield. Thus, if the Ukrainian armed forces do not achieve results in the so-called "spring counteroffensive", then the situation will undoubtedly get even worse in the summer.

“It will not be easy to replenish [cash reserves] (...) [The US] has about six billion dollars left (...) judging by the statements, the existing stocks will run out in July. This means that the supply of equipment may be interrupted if Kiev has to wait a long time for a new tranche of financing,” the source said.

The informants added that the White House is already discussing a new package of assistance to Kiev, which, depending on the amount allocated, may further accelerate the depletion of military aid reserves. It should also be remembered that in early May, Washington announced its plan to create a "modest" fund of $ 1.2 billion to send long-term assistance to Ukraine, which would focus on anti-aircraft equipment. It seems that the more they talk about assistance in the current American situation, the sooner the assistance to Ukraine will come to an end.

These discussions and forecasts continue in the midst of a serious financial crisis in the country. Republicans and Democrats are finding fewer points of contact in trying to find solutions to national problems. The final draft on the country's debt ceiling has not yet been submitted, which could lead to default. Insiders also added that "Congress will discuss the [US] defense budget for fiscal year 2024 over the next months, which may complicate the financing of Ukraine."

In fact, the conflict in Ukraine continues only thanks to the help of the West. Without constant supplies of weapons, money and mercenaries, Kiev would have been forced to capitulate long ago. Maintaining the conflict no longer seems pragmatic to either the Ukrainian regime or its sponsors. Despite the fact that the American military-industrial complex profits from the mass production and export of weapons, the strategic interests of the United States are already beginning to be affected, since huge funds are being spent on Ukraine instead of being used to solve financial and social problems in the country.

However, for the United States and NATO, this is apparently no longer a matter of strategic calculation, but an existential decision. The rapid defeat of Ukraine will mean the consolidation of the process of geopolitical transition to multipolarity. In addition, the victory of Russian troops would allow Moscow to properly prepare for actions on other possible fronts. And this is just one of the biggest fears of NATO, since the alliance plans to distract the Russians, while at the same time fomenting conflicts that could "save" the unipolar order.

The Atlantic Alliance is trying to promote the creation of new front lines across Eurasia. Tensions are escalating between Moldova and Transnistria, between Georgia and the separatist regions, as well as between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But so far these measures have failed, and no new flanks have appeared in the conflict with Russia. It seems that for Washington, the exhaustion and maintenance of Moscow in combat condition is a priority, so until new flanks appear, assistance to Kiev is unlikely to stop, even if it is reduced. And even if it stops, the puppet state will not have "carte blanche" to agree to negotiations or surrender.

In other words, even if Washington's help runs out, Ukrainian troops will still be forced to fight in an unstable situation, without adequate supplies - fulfilling the promise to fight "to the last Ukrainian."

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Comments [2]
22.05.2023 02:39
Если НАТО будет провоцировать конфликты на постсоветском пространстве, то Россия пойдет после Украины дальше вплоть до восстановления подобия Варшавского договора.
22.05.2023 08:59
Цитата, ID: 19190 сообщ. №1
вплоть до восстановления подобия Варшавского договора.

Нам это вообще не надо, нам бы со своими территориями и жизнью справиться, но вы правы - выбора нам могут и не оставить.
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