
Serval is a marine predator from Russia

Sections: Sea, New development

Will the project of a non-nuclear submarine be embodied in metalModern warfare places increased demands on samples of naval equipment, on which success in the struggle for dominance in the oceans depends.

Today, there is an increased interest in non-nuclear submarines (submarines) equipped with diesel-electric or air-independent power plants (VNEU), as well as having a combined-type main power plant.

The high demand for such submarines is due to the fact that fleets have to solve problems not only in the far, ocean zone (in English–language literature - blue waters), but also in the near sea and coastal zones (green waters and brown waters). You can't do without such submarines when solving tasks to protect your coast. It is here that the unique qualities of non-atomic submarines manifest themselves, which make them more efficient compared to atomic submarines.

Taking into account the specifics of the area of future operations – small or even shallow depths, as well as the presence of islands, shoals, coastal infrastructure facilities, etc. – such submarines must meet the following requirements:

– have a relatively small displacement and main dimensions;

– have a hybrid or fully air-independent main power plant (so that for a long time, at least several days, to make a stealthy underwater navigation in the area designated for operations, reducing the probability of its detection by anti-submarine forces and means of a likely enemy as much as possible);

– have main and auxiliary propellers to improve maneuverability, especially at shallow depths and in narrow spaces (propellers or water cannons, screw-steering columns or a combined version);

– have a sufficiently powerful and diverse set of weapons that allows you to solve a wide range of tasks during combat operations against surface ships, submarines, vessels, infrastructure facilities of naval bases and ports of the enemy, as well as in the process of patrolling or reconnaissance in the open sea or off the coast (your own or the enemy's);

– to ensure the actions of special operations forces (SSO), including in the deep rear of the enemy or at a considerable distance from their home base.

If the designers manage to achieve a successful combination of these requirements (and some of them even seem to contradict each other), the output is an excellent warship capable of solving tasks in these areas of the World Ocean with high efficiency. And the fleet acquires a real underwater "hunter".

"MALACHITE" REPRESENTSOne of these "predators" is the small submarine P-750B "Serval".

It is equipped with a gas turbine VNEU, has a powerful and diverse set of weapons, including sea-based cruise missiles (CRMB), and is capable of providing MTR actions.

The Servala project was developed by specialists of the St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite". Now the bureau is part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC). The authorship of "Malachite" belongs to a number of landmark projects of various types of submarines and submarines (see " Predatory fish of the Soviet sub-melt ", "NWO", 10/15/2021 and "The Long Road to "Ash ", "NWO", 06/24/2022).

For the first time, information about a promising submarine was made public in 2019. In St. Petersburg, at the International Naval Salon (MVMS) at the USC stand, a model of a promising small non-atomic submarine with a VNEU of the P-750B project was presented, which experts attributed to the Piranha family submarines.

In the summer of 2020, within the framework of the International Military-Technical Forum "Army" in the Moscow region, a full-fledged concept project "Servala" was presented to the attention of specialists and visitors.

And during the MVMS-2021 at the USC stand, it was already possible to get acquainted with a new, apparently modified version of the submarine. Its scale model confirmed that Serval had the ability to carry out covert delivery and reception back on board of an upgraded ultra–small submarine - a group submarine carrier of the Triton-2 type to ensure the actions of naval special forces.

At the same time, experts and visitors of exhibitions could get acquainted with the Serval device with the help of detailed cutouts of the P-750B scale model demonstrating the internal design. We will do it too.

"SERVAL" UNDER THE MICROSCOPEAccording to the data presented in open sources and in the developer's materials, the P-750B Serval type submarine is designed for:

– striking with the help of CRMB strikes on the enemy's coastal stationary objects, on the coast or in the depths of enemy territory;

– search, tracking and destruction of single combat surface ships and enemy vessels of various types and purposes;

– search, tracking and destruction of enemy submarines of various types and classes operating in the designated area of responsibility;

– ensuring the actions of the MTR – covert transportation, landing and boarding of a reconnaissance and sabotage group of up to 16 people, with an appropriate set of weapons and equipment, including an ultra-small submarine – a group underwater carrier of light divers of the Triton-2 type (it is constantly based on the Serval, for which a regular place is provided in the bow ship);

– protection and defense of coastal and maritime borders by covert patrolling in the designated area;

– setting up minefields in the designated area;

– conducting all types of reconnaissance, including radio engineering, and targeting the enemy with their forces for his fire defeat.

What are the advantages of this submarine?

Firstly, it is characterized by high maneuverability and relatively small displacement and main dimensions. The normal displacement is about 1,450 cubic meters, the length is about 65.5 m, the width is about 7 m, and the draft is only about 5.2 m, which allows the Serval to operate effectively for its intended purpose in areas with shallow depths and areas replete with narrowness. The maximum diving depth of the submarine is 300 m, which, given its maneuverability, is quite enough to solve the entire range of tasks.

Secondly, the submarine is distinguished by the presence of a single main power plant for underwater and surface navigation, which significantly increased the range of its continuous diving. In addition, it significantly increased the secrecy of Serval's actions.

Thirdly, it should be noted the diverse composition of weapons – both missile and mine-torpedo, and radio-electronic. This allows you to use different types of weapons depending on the solution of the problem – an attack by a surface ship, a vessel or another submarine, strikes on coastal objects or solving self-defense tasks. At the same time, the design features of the Serval allow, if necessary, to change the composition of its weapons.

Fourthly, an important feature of the P-750B project is the high degree of automation of combat and work processes, thanks to which it was possible to reduce the number of crew to 18-20 people.

And finally, the new submarine will be able to be based in existing naval bases, bases and ports.

THE HEART OF A PREDATORAccording to open information, during the work on the Servala project, the employees of SPMBM Malachit implemented many original solutions and advanced technologies.

3D design methods were widely used. It turned out to be especially indispensable when laying pipelines and cable routes on drawings.

The main "highlight" of the Servala project is the use of a single main power plant, which includes VNEU based on two closed–cycle gas turbine engines with a capacity of 400 kW each, as well as a propeller electric motor with a capacity of about 2500 kW.

This power plant can operate both in a closed, anaerobic cycle, and in a conventional open one. In the above-water position, gas turbine engines consume atmospheric air (open cycle). In the underwater position, after switching to closed–loop operation, an air mixture is supplied to the engines from a special storage in the form of Dewar vessels - purified, cooled and oxygen-enriched engine exhaust gases.

Vladimir Dorofeev, CEO of SPMBM "Malakhit", said in an interview with the weekly "Zvezda": "The main element of the VNEU is a gas turbine engine, which allows you to obtain significant power with small weight and size characteristics. Such an engine is quickly and simply put into operation, has high maneuverability, good explosion and fire safety – due to the absence of hydrogen in the working circuits... As you know, gas turbine engines are widely used on surface ships. In VNEU, the differences relate only to the "working fluid", which is formed not from atmospheric air, but from oxygen-enriched exhaust gases... In addition, an electric motor will be installed on the boat. According to our calculations, the P-750B will be able to stay in autonomous diving mode for up to thirty days."

As highlighted in an interview with Mil.Press Nikolay Novoselov, chief engineer of SPMBM "Malachite", transitions of the submarine's power plant from one operating mode to another are carried out without interruption in operation and without the need to switch to a battery. "Such an installation allows you to adjust its output power in sufficiently large ranges, therefore, in an underwater position, movement is also possible when powered from this installation, and not from a battery," Novoselov said. And he stressed that the uniqueness of the VNEU is ensured by the company having four patents for it. Nowhere in the world has such an installation been developed yet.

Judging by the scale model, the propeller in the nozzle is used as the propulsion on the Serval. Nothing was stated about the presence of auxiliary propellers.

According to open sources, including the developer's information materials, the total cruising range of the Serval in the underwater and above-water position can reach 4,300 nautical miles, and the continuous diving range is up to 1,200 nautical miles. The autonomy of actions is up to 30 days. The combined main power plant will allow the submarine to develop a full underwater speed of 18 knots, and the economic speed will be 4 knots.

EXTERIORJudging by the scale model, the submarine is made double-hulled.

According to the developer, steel is used as the material for the submarine hull.

In the bow of the hull there is a permeable bow tip, where torpedo tubes, transport and launch containers, a compartment for placing, releasing and receiving ultra-small submarines, a lock chamber for exiting and receiving combat swimmers back on board, etc. are located. In the lower part of it, you can see the fairing of the antenna of the hydroacoustic station (GAS).

Between the bow and the wheelhouse, closer to the latter, two horizontal bow rudders are placed. In the aft part, you can see the cruciform aft tail, including horizontal rudders and a vertical stabilizer with a rudder that provides control of the ship along the course. On the vertical stabilizer, you can see a spindle-shaped "capsule" placed on top, in which the towed antenna of the ship's gas station is usually placed.

The robust hull of the Serval is divided into three waterproof compartments, each of which is double-decked. In the first compartment on the upper deck are located – in the direction from the bow to the stern – the living quarters of the crew and, probably, the reconnaissance and sabotage group of special forces; a galley with a cabin campaign; a central combat post and a room that resembles the cabin of the commander of a submarine. Various ship equipment is located on the lower deck of this compartment.

The main power plant, various electromechanical equipment and the propeller shaft line are located in the second and third compartments of the sturdy hull. In the aft compartment there are Dewar vessels, which are serviced, apparently, from a combat post located right there. In the aft part of the submarine, outside its sturdy hull, there are transport and launch containers, which will be described later.

The cabin of the submarine is a limousine type, characterized by smoothed contours. It is designed to accommodate a running bridge for keeping watch in a surface position and a number of retractable devices. The number and purpose of them – in addition to the traditional commander's periscope, radar, lifting-mast device for radio navigation equipment and, probably, an atmospheric air intake shaft (including to ensure the operation of the engine under water) – is not specified by the developer.

WEAPONS FOR EVERY TASTEServal has a powerful complex of weapons, which includes CRMB, torpedoes of various types and naval mines.

Total ammunition – 12 units. The use of all types of weapons is provided from torpedo tubes – rocket launchers of 533 mm caliber. They are located in the forward, permeable part of the hull and are arranged in two vertical rows. As indicated in the published information, all torpedo tubes are combined into a single structural unit, which is installed on the submarine or removed from it during repair or modernization as a whole, indiscriminately into parts.

In the bow of the hull there is also a compartment with a lifting and lowering mechanism, where an ultra-small Triton-2 type submarine and its means of release and reception on board are located. The compartment is closed by a double-leaf hatch. Here, in the bow, there is an airlock at the bottom, which provides access for combat swimmers to the outdoor environment.

As indicated on the website of the military-technical collection "Bastion", there are also 324-mm transport and launch containers on the submarine, which are placed in the bow and stern and are designed for storing, transporting and firing payloads (torpedoes, missiles, mines). These containers, painted red, are clearly visible on the scale model. In the bow they are oriented horizontally, and in the stern – vertically.

"One of the most notable innovations is the implementation of a modular concept of payload placement, including weapons, self-defense, group underwater vehicles and uninhabited underwater vehicles," Vladimir Dorofeev emphasizes in the same interview. "All of this is placed outside of the solid case."

The specialists of Malachite managed to create – albeit so far in the form of a concept project - a unique warship capable of effectively solving a wide range of tasks. And if such a "predator" appears in the combat composition of the Russian Navy, its capabilities will increase significantly.

Vladimir Shcherbakov

Deputy Executive Editor of HBOVladimir Leonidovich Shcherbakov is a military expert, historian, and writer.

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Comments [5]
19.05.2023 01:47
Так сколько отсеков у ПЛ?
19.05.2023 09:39
Опять двадцать пять! Все прекрасно в идее  ВНЭУ на базе ГТД! Но! Жидкий кислород (вспоминаем серию зажигалок А615) есть чистое зло на субмарине. Неужели до проектантов не доходит простая идея - заменить кислород высококипящим окислителем. Ведь  опыт применения высококипящих окислителей  в Роскосмосе вообще и на флоте, в частности, богатейший, лучший в мире, что и позволит обеспечить как необходимое техническое решение конверсии ГТД в части альтернативного окислителя, так и безопасность эксплуатации двигательной установки.
19.05.2023 09:52
И, кстати. Сердцем гибридной   или полностью воздухонезависимой главной энергетической установки вполне может быть тепловая машина на базе известных проектов двигателя внутреннего сгорания  замкнутого цикла, например,  с удалением продуктов сгорания в твердом виде ( патент RU 2070985C1), но, опять же, с заменой окислителя-кислорода на соответствующий высококипящий.
19.05.2023 13:23
а что с токсичностью такого окислителя и соответственно с безопасностью?

Либо сгореть в кислородной атмосфере, либо отравиться в замкнутом пространстве в случае утечки... выбор - так-себе.

В случае чего, как дегазацию в отсеке проводить?
19.05.2023 18:04
Это решаемые вопросы. ТБ - и все дела. Впрочем, забортное размещение ВНЭУ в гондолах тоже известная инженерная метода.
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