
In Spain, a new GMOS tracked mortar was introduced


Image source: topwar.ru

The Spanish company Tess Defense has developed a new Guardian Mortar System (GMOS) firing system equipped with a mortar turret and located on a VAC tracked chassis, which was created on the basis of the Ascod armored vehicle.

As noted in the publication Infodefensa, the main caliber of GMOS is a 120 mm mortar, supplemented by a remote-controlled Aspis turret with a 7.62 mm machine gun. The gun is powered from the breech using a robotic automatic projectile feeding system. The mortar has an advantage over its analogues offered on the world market due to the large elevation and declination angles – from minus 5 to 85 degrees.

Image source: topwar.ru

The GMOS firing range reaches up to 10 km. At the same time, it is possible to conduct multiple rocket launchers from one system due to the simultaneous MRSI strike technology. The machine is equipped with a ballistic firing calculator and a coordinate aiming system.

The VAC chassis used by GMOS is being developed to replace the American M113 armored vehicles. The Spanish Defense Ministry plans to invest almost 2 billion euros in the acquisition of a new base.

The VAC platform should become the main one in the Spanish army along with the VCR 8x8 Dragon base. They will have a lot in common – combat modules from Escribano, a transmission from Sapa, communications equipment and a battlefield management system from Indra.

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