
The United States has published data on the number of nuclear warheads under the treaty of the Strategic Arms Treaty and calls on Russia to do so


Image source: topwar.ru

Despite the fact that Moscow announced the suspension of Russia's participation in the Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, Washington is trying to show that it does not recognize the unilateral termination of Russia's participation in it.

It is to this that the recently published data on the number of American nuclear missiles can be attributed. According to the Arab TV channel Al Jazeera, the United States announced that it has 1,419 deployed nuclear warheads in its arsenal and called on Russia to release its data.

The US State Department said it would release the information as part of its obligations under the START Treaty, although no one asked it to do so. Thus, the United States wants Moscow to forget about its temporary withdrawal from the Treaty and continue to cooperate with those who supply billions of dollars worth of weapons for the war with Russia.

The new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the United States and Russia entered into force in 2011 and was extended for another five years in 2021.

In February of this year, amid a sharp deterioration in relations between Moscow and Washington due to the Ukrainian conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he was suspending Russia's participation in this agreement. Washington also said that this decision has no legal force and called on Moscow to comply with its obligations under the START Treaty.

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