
Turkey has become a world leader in the export of medium-altitude and high-altitude UAVs of long flight duration

Image source: topwar.ru

TSAMTO, May 3. Over the past three years, Turkey has become a world leader in exports in the segment of medium-altitude and high-altitude UAVs of long flight duration (MALE and HALE class).

The rapid growth in demand for Turkish drones began after the successful use of the Bayraktar TB2 UAV by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces during the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in September-November 2020. However, the successful use of the Bayraktar TB2 UAV by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was primarily due to the weak air defense system of Armenia. The debunking of the "exceptional effectiveness" of the Bayraktar TB2 took place during Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, where the Turkish UAV became an easy target for Russian air defense systems.

Nevertheless, this did not affect the image of Bayraktar TB2, won during its use in Nagorno-Karabakh, and earlier in Syria and Libya, and export orders for it continue to grow up to the present.

Below is the material on the export supplies of UAVs by Turkey. The assessment of UAV deliveries by customer countries is given in comparison with Turkey's total exports of UAVs and Ankara's military expenditures.

Arms exports of Turkish defense industry enterprisesTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the export of weapons of the country's defense industry enterprises in 2022 reached a record volume and amounted to $ 4.4 billion.

According to Daily Sabah, R. Erdogan announced this on January 9, 2023 at an event in Sakarya province, where the Turkish Armed Forces received six new-generation Firtina self-propelled artillery units.

R. Erdogan noted the significantly increased level of capabilities of the Turkish defense industry, stressing that the country's external dependence in this sector has fallen to 20% from 80% about two decades ago. "Our defense exports, which 20 years ago amounted to only $248 million, broke the record of $4.4 billion in 2022," the Turkish president said.

According to him, the annual budget allocated for R&D in the industry reached $1.5 billion in 2022. compared to $49 million in 2002, when the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power. "Thus, we have made a revolution in the defense industry," the Turkish president said.

According to the Organization of Turkish Defense and Aerospace Manufacturers SaSaD, the total volume of sales of the Turkish defense industry in 2021 reached $ 10.1 billion. At the same time, exports amounted to $3.2 billion, exceeding imports of $2.6 billion by 23%. In the same year, Turkish companies received new orders worth $8.5 billion. 75 thousand people are employed in the industry, $ 1.6 billion is allocated annually for research and development.

Turkey's defense sector currently includes more than 2,000 companies (56 in 2002). The cost volume of projects launched in 2022 amounted to $ 5.5 billion, and the total package of orders of the Turkish defense industry, according to R. Erdogan, currently amounts to more than $ 60 billion, and including tender procedures – $ 75 billion.

General assessment of UAV exports by importing countriesAccording to the Turkish defense analyst Ozgur Eksi, the growth of defense exports in 2022 after a two-year decline during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 is primarily due to unmanned systems.

In the first half of 2022 alone, Turkey signed contracts for the supply of 96 UAVs to various international customers, including Poland (the largest customer), which became the first European buyer of the Baykar-developed Bayraktar TB2 UAV.

According to TSAMTO, at the moment, 23 countries are officially confirmed customers of the Bayraktar TB2, Anka-S and Aksungur UAVs (all MALE class UAVs), including Azerbaijan, Albania, Angola, Algeria, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Ethiopia. The customer of the tactical UAV "Karael-SU" is Saudi Arabia. That is, there are 24 countries in total.

Of these, only five countries signed contracts for the import of MALE-class UAVs before the start of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (September-November 2020). These are Azerbaijan, Qatar, Libya, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. Moreover, Ukraine imports the Bayraktar TB2 UAV up to the present time.

Negotiations on the supply of Turkish MALE class UAVs with five more countries are at an advanced stage: Malaysia, UAE, Portugal, Serbia and Slovakia.

In general, these are 29 customer countries for the import of Turkish UAVs of the MALE class.

It should be noted that, according to Baykar, as of the end of January 2023, the number of countries that ordered the most popular UAVs on the market, Bayraktar TB2, increased to 28. At the same time, Baykar does not list all customers. Perhaps they also mean the countries with which negotiations are underway. As of April 2023, orders for the supply of Bayraktar TB2 UAVs to 20 countries have been officially confirmed (plus negotiations are at an advanced stage for 4 countries – the UAE, Portugal, Serbia and Slovakia).

Representatives of the Turkish defense industry report that potential buyers of Turkish-made drones may also be Burkina Faso (perhaps a contract with this country has already been concluded), Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nigeria and Uruguay.

In general, these are already 38 countries that have signed contracts, are negotiating or have shown increased interest in Turkish MALE class UAVs. This is a huge market and Turkey's promotion of national UAVs can be considered a huge success.

Baykar company can currently produce up to 200 UAVs per year at its facilities and aims to increase this figure to 500 units. In 2022, the company signed export contracts worth $ 1.18 billion, which is 99.3% of the total volume of contracts concluded in 2022 (that is, in 2022, the company worked exclusively on exports).

The Bayraktar TB2 UAV is currently the main export product of the Turkish defense industry. According to the company, as of September 2022, Baykar has produced more than 400 Bayraktar TB2 UAVs.

It should be noted that foreign defense analysts have recently started calling Bayraktar TB2 "a tool for promoting Turkey's commercial and geopolitical interests."

As mentioned above, the special operation in Ukraine confirmed that Bayraktar TB2 is effective in conducting operations against partisan formations in the absence of air defense systems. In conventional warfare, despite their striking capabilities, UAVs are quickly hit by air defense systems. According to the latest information, since the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, Russian air defense systems have shot down about 90 Bayraktar TB2 UAVs.

Nevertheless, the demand for Turkish UAVs continues to grow. This applies to countries from many regions of the world. In particular, many African States are increasingly acquiring Turkish UAVs for use in operations against armed gangs.

Buyers, including quite poor countries, are attracted by the possibility of obtaining a reconnaissance and strike air platform without the need to allocate large financial resources for the supply of equipment and time to train operators.

Defense spendingAccording to budget documents, Turkey's defense spending in the period 2023-2025 will increase sharply and amount to about 2% of GDP.

As the Daily Sabah newspaper reported on October 21, 2022, the draft budget for 2023 provides for defense spending in the amount of 1.74% of GDP (it is expected that this figure in real terms will eventually decrease to 1.63% of GDP due to high inflation), and then the defense budget will reach the level of 2% GDP over a two-year period (2024-2025).

According to the budget powers, Turkey will allocate 268.6 billion rubles for defense in 2023. Turkish lira ($14.4 billion), 327.5 billion Turkish lira – in 2024 and 378.1 billion . Turkish lira – in 2025.

The amount allocated in 2023 for R&D in the expenditure part of the budget will amount to a record amount of 4.289 billion. Turkish lira. Currently, more than 760 projects in the defense industry are being implemented in Turkey, the total value of which exceeds $ 70 billion.

Of the total defense expenditures of $268.6 billion. Turkish lira in 2023 f.g. about 254.5 billion. Turkish lira will be allocated directly "for defense". The amount of funding for a secret item of military spending, not included in the general classification, will amount to 8.2 billion. Turkish lira. In addition, 4,289 billion. Turkish liras will be allocated for R&D, 597 million Turkish liras for "foreign military assistance", 1 billion. Turkish lira – for "civil defense".

The publication notes that the last decade has been marked by "Turkey's intensive efforts to ensure self-sufficiency in the defense industry."

Turkey's position in the export segment of medium-altitude and high-altitude UAVs of long flight durationAccording to TSAMTO, in the upcoming 4-year period (2023-2026), the volume of export sales of new medium-altitude and high-altitude UAVs of long flight duration will amount to at least 355 units in the amount of $ 12.688 billion if the delivery schedules are fulfilled under current contracts, stated intentions and ongoing tenders.

In this category, medium-altitude and high-altitude UAVs of long flight duration of the MALE (Medium-AltitudeLong-Endurance) and HALE (High-AltitudeLong-Endurance) classes according to the Western classification are taken into account.

According to the TSAMTO, in the past 4-year period (2019-2022), about 300 new UAVs worth $8.436 billion were exported or produced under license in this category. All the devices were newly built.

At the moment (March 2023), the portfolio of orders for the supply of new UAVs in this category for the period 2023-2026 has increased in quantitative terms by 18.33% compared to the period 2019-2022. According to the cost parameter, the growth is 50.40%.

In 2019-2022, the average demand for modern medium-altitude and strategic UAVs on the world market was 75 units per year. In the next 4-year period (2023-2026), the annual demand is currently estimated at 89 units.

Turkey took the first place in the rating in terms of the quantitative parameter with the Bayraktar TB2, Anka-S and Aksungur UAVs (403 units worth $ 3.7 billion). In the first 4-year period, 191 units worth $ 1.304 billion were exported, the order portfolio for the period 2023-2026. as of the end of 2022, 212 UAVs with an estimated total value of $ 2.396 billion were delivered.

In the segment of tactical UAVs, Turkey is implementing a large-scale program with Saudi Arabia, which provided Ankara with the 5th place in the ranking of exporters of tactical UAVs by quantitative parameter.

The fifth place with the supply of the Karayel-SU tactical UAV to the market is occupied by Turkey (46 units worth 199.5 million dollars). In 2019-2022, 16 UAVs worth 69.4 million dollars were exported, the order portfolio for the period 2023-2026 currently amounts to 30 UAVs worth 130.1 million dollars.

Thanks to the export revenues of Baykar, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Savunma Teknolojileri Muhendislik ve Ticaret A.S. and others receive resources for the development of platforms such as the advanced combat UAV MIUS and Bayraktar TB3, improvements to the platforms Akinci, Aksungur, Anka and others.Characteristics of Turkish UAVs exported

Bayraktar TB2 UAV

The Bayraktar TB2 UAV is designed for reconnaissance, as well as hitting ground targets using guided munitions.

The wingspan of the single–engine vehicle is 12 m, the length is 6.5 m. The UAV with a maximum take-off weight of 650 kg is equipped with one internal combustion engine with a capacity of 100 hp, can carry two high-precision ammunition MAM-L weighing 21.5 kg and two MAM-C weighing 7 kg on four underwing suspension nodes, allowing to hit targets at ranges from 2 to 8 km. The duration of the UAV flight is up to 27 hours, the payload weight is up to 55 kg, the range in the line of sight is up to 150 km, the maximum speed is about 220 km / h. Bayraktar TB2 is equipped with an avionics kit that provides taxiing, takeoff, flight and landing in autonomous mode.

The Bayraktar TB2S (SIHA) version has a slightly modified design to accommodate the SATCOM antenna used for satellite communications, allowing the UAV to operate in a wider area and at a longer range.

UAV "Anka"The wingspan of the Anka UAV is 17.5 m, length is 8.6 m, height is 3.25 m, maximum take–off weight is 1700 kg, payload weight is 350 kg, practical ceiling is 30 thousand feet (9144 m). The UAV is equipped with a 155 hp heavy fuel engine and develops a cruising speed of 110-135 nodes.

The maximum duration of the flight is about 30 hours, the range is up to 250 km.

The UAV of the Anka family of the MALE class is designed for reconnaissance, detection, identification and destruction of targets in the daytime and at night in difficult weather conditions. The device can be equipped with an EO/IR payload, a synthetic aperture radar, secure communications, an automatic take-off and landing system, small-sized MAM-L and MAM-C ammunition.

The prototype of the Anka UAV developed by TAI made its first flight on October 30, 2010. The tests were completed in January 2013. The contract for the serial production of 10 UAVs of the Anka-S armed version was signed in October 2013.

The first two UAVs were transferred to the Turkish Armed Forces in February 2018, the delivery of all 10 UAVs was completed in 2019. From the previously developed Anka A/B, the Anka-S version differs in the presence of a secure communication system, including a satellite communication system, equipped with a CATS (Common Aperture Targeting System) aiming system and the possibility of using small-sized ammunition.

UAV "Anka-S"The Anka-S UAV is a medium–altitude UAV of long flight duration (MALE class), which can be used at any time of the day for reconnaissance, detection and destruction of targets.

The device is equipped with a PD-170 engine manufactured by TUSAS TEI with a capacity of 170 hp, can be in the air at altitudes up to 30 thousand feet for up to 24 hours, carry a payload weighing up to 200 kg. The maximum flight speed of the UAV is 217 km/h.

The Anka-S variant is equipped with a modified fairing with a Viasat VR-18C satellite communications antenna, which provides secure communication beyond the line of sight. The armament of the UAV can be eight 2.75-inch guided CIRIT missiles developed by Turkish Roketsan or 4 MAM-L missiles.

The Anka UAV made its first flight on October 30, 2010 and was adopted by the Turkish Armed Forces in 2017.

UAV "Aksungur"The Aksungur UAV (MALE class) was developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries using the developments obtained within the framework of the Anka UAV project, which is in service with the Turkish Armed Forces.

The UAV has significantly better characteristics and can be used for information gathering, surveillance, reconnaissance, maritime patrol and strikes at any time of the day and in difficult weather conditions.

The device with a high-positioned wing is made according to a double-girder scheme, equipped with a retractable tricycle landing gear, two PD170 diesel engines developed by Tusas Engine Industries (TEI) with a capacity of 170 hp each, driving two pulling three-bladed propellers.

The maximum take–off weight of the device is 3300 kg, wingspan is 24.2 m, length is 12.5 m, payload weight is more than 750 kg, maximum flight altitude is 12 thousand m, maximum speed is 180 km/h.

TEBER-81 (MK-81 with laser guidance), TEBER-82 (MK-82 with laser guidance), MAM-L and MAM-C ammunition, small diameter bombs, Cirit guided missiles can be placed on three suspension points located under each wing (load capacity 500, 300 and 150 kg)., LUMTAS anti-tank missiles, other guided weapons.

According to the company, the device can stay in the air for up to 50 hours. The duration of the patrol with a payload of 750 kg at an altitude of up to 7500 m is about 12 hours. The range of application in the direct radio visibility zone is up to 250 km, but can be increased when equipped with an additional satellite communication system.

UAV "Akinci"According to Baykar, the maximum take–off weight of the Akinci UAV is 5,500 kg, wingspan is 20 m, height is 4.1 m, length is 12.2 m. The device can perform tasks at altitudes up to 40,000 feet (12192 m) within 24 hours.

The UAV is equipped with an automatic flight control system and autopilot with triple redundancy, six computers with artificial intelligence elements, which will allow you to collect information and fly in the absence of a GPS signal.

According to the information of the Executive Committee of the Turkish Defense Industry (SSB), the Akinci can carry an internal and external payload weighing up to 450 kg and 900 kg, respectively. The UAV received specially developed equipment, including an active antenna array radar with electronic scanning from Aselsan, an electronic warfare system and satellite communication systems. The UAV can also carry a wide range of weapons on an external suspension, including the MAM-L, MAM-C, Bozok precision-guided munitions developed by Rocketan, CIRIT and L-UMTAS guided missiles, MK-81, MK-82, MK-83 aerial bombs. It is planned to integrate other weapons on board, including the SOM-A cruise missile with a range of 250 km and guided missiles Gokdogan and Bozdogan of the air-to-air class.

The joint venture Black Sea Shield, created by Ukrspetsexport Group and Baykar, participates in the development. It is assumed that it will supply engines of the AI-450 family of the Ukrainian GP "Ivchenko-Progress".

According to the Daily Sabah newspaper, in January 2022, the Turkish company Baykar signed the first export contract for the supply of a medium-altitude reconnaissance and strike UAV of long flight duration (MALE class) "Akinci".

The customer of the UAV and the cost of the sale are not disclosed. As planned, within the framework of the agreement, the company will supply UAVs and corresponding ground systems in 2023.

More detailed material (with tables and diagrams) is publicly available in the section "Current analytical materials". In full (for subscribers), the material will be published in the monthly magazine "World Arms Trade" No. 7, 2023.

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