
Designer Chukavin: the microwave rifle significantly increases the stealth of a sniper - TASS Interview

Image source: Концерн "Калашников"

Events in Russia and the world. Analytical publications. Materials of press conferences. Video and photo reportsThe new Chukavin sniper rifle (microwave) of the Kalashnikov concern is predicted to be the heiress of the legendary Dragunov rifle (SVD), which has been in service with the Russian army for 60 years.

The weapon is already being mass-produced and has managed to work in the zone of a special military operation (SVO). The creator of the rifle, Andrei Chukavin, in an interview with TASS, spoke about how the design of the new weapon will increase the safety of the sniper, why anthropometric factors caused the need for its appearance, as well as the possibility of creating more compact modifications of the microwave.

— Andrey Yuryevich, first of all, let me congratulate you and in your person the entire team of the Kalashnikov Design and Technology Center (KTC) on the 90th anniversary of its foundation.- thanks. 

— What kind of work is being carried out at the KTC today?— The main work carried out by the KTC today is the modernization of the standard AK—12 assault rifle, its various variants and versions.

This work continues. At the same time, the grenade-cannon direction is developing, work is underway on machine guns and sniper rifles. In addition, new versions of civilian weapons are being developed according to the type of combat samples.

REFERENCE KTC "Kalashnikov" traces its history back to April 1933, when by order of the director of the Izhevsk Armory and Steelmaking Plants No. 125 dated 04/28/1933, the weapons workshop No. 85 and the Bureau of New Designs (BNK) were organized. The staff of the bureau had to master the production of automatic rifles being developed in the country, the manufacture of which in March 1930 was entrusted to the Izhevsk plant. In 1938, the bureau was reorganized into the Department of the Chief Designer (OGK). Having taken part in the release of the first experimental batch of Simonov automatic rifles (ABC) at the end of 1934, by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the team had already helped the weapons company to master new models of small-gun weapons as soon as possible, as well as to improve it from the experience of combat use. After the war, the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant was entrusted with the production of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Later, a Kalashnikov machine gun and a Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD) were added to them. In addition, the plant began to produce high-precision weapons for shooting athletes, and successful solutions became the basis for the development of many samples of sports, hunting and combat weapons. In total, during the existence of the special design department, more than 400 samples of small arms, sports and hunting weapons have been developed, and more than 80% of them were produced and are being mass-produced.

— How did the work on the microwave begin? How many prototypes were created during the development of the rifle?— We started working on the rifle in 2016 with the creation of a hunting carbine in caliber .

308 Win. (7.62x51 mm). The idea was to develop a new layout of weapons. It was easier to make a carbine, so they started making it. Then, in 2018, at one of the meetings, we showed this carbine to the military, and they expressed a desire to try out combat weapons created according to this scheme. The experimental design work (R&D) "Reaper" was opened to create weapons in the domestic caliber of 7.62 x 54 mm. So the intensive work on the microwave began.

Then there were preliminary tests, and then there were state tests. And now we are engaged in the development of mass production. In addition, work is underway in parallel on a rifle in two more calibers — .308 Win. and .338 LM.

— Is it possible to call the creation of combat weapons based on civilian hunting samples typical?- no.

But I must say that we made the microwave as a lightweight assault rifle even before the appearance of the technical specifications of the Ministry of Defense. It had a short barrel, there were no various components. In fact, it was still a hunting carbine, which was slowly turning into an assault rifle. And only after the department formulated the terms of reference, we began to make a sniper rifle, which received the GRAU 6B14 index.

— The microwave is already being used by Russian servicemen during a special operation. What kind of feedback do you get from them?— We made a batch of microwave in 2022, sent it to the SVO zone and have received the first positive responses so far.

— How do you see the further improvement of the microwave?— The work continues.

If we talk about the development of mass production, then a lot of work has already been done. As part of the technological development, we have somewhat simplified the design. Of course, we increase the reliability of individual components and mechanisms. At the same time, some may change in the process — and this is absolutely normal.

— It turns out that the improvement of the microwave is rather a continuous process?- of course.

When there is a production in the volume of serial production, and not experimental batches, technologists impose completely different requirements. We are working closely with them and improving the design, even now that we have started manufacturing parts. In some ways we improve it, in some ways we simplify it.

— Can you give examples?— For example, the forearm.

We made it out of three parts, and now it's a monolithic part. Thanks to our technologists who suggested that they are ready to do this. CNC machines (numerically controlled — approx. TASS) this is allowed.

— The microwave is called the successor of the Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD), which surpasses its predecessor in a number of characteristics, for example, accuracy of shooting. What design features make it possible to achieve such indicators? — I would not take a swing at the fact that the microwave is going to replace the Dragunov rifle.

SVD is a simple and reliable design that has been worked out for years and will be used for a long time. Each subsequent sample, which is adopted and delivered to the troops, should be at least slightly better than the previous one. The microwave surpasses the old rifle primarily in ergonomics. You need to understand that the cartridge has remained the same, so it is not necessary to say that the penetration or firing range has changed. Accuracy is also determined to a greater extent by the quality of cartridges, however, this parameter has been improved by 25-30%. And even such results required enormous efforts.

Actually, the main wish when creating a microwave was to be able to fix a modern optical sight on the upper base so that it did not need to be disconnected during maintenance. Because every setting of the sight at least a little, but knocks down the point of impact. Changes in the ergonomics of the weapon have matured by themselves, this is a folding stock with adjustment of its length, as well as the height of the cheek and the back of the head — and amortized. In addition, the butt itself should be adjusted in length, because now another generation has grown up, for whom the butt of the SVD is too short — the people just got taller. But this requirement is dictated not only by the anthropometric data of the shooter, because when used in winter conditions or with a bulletproof vest on, the ability to quickly adjust the butt along the length also has a positive effect on ergonomics.

Among other things, there have never been bipods on the SVD, because, strictly speaking, there is nowhere to fix them there. The microwave has detachable folding bipods that are adjustable in height. They are not rigidly connected to the trunk, which has a positive effect on accuracy and accuracy. A mechanism such as a low-noise firing device (PMS) is also installed on the microwave. It used to be called a silencer, but that's not quite true. When firing standard 7.62 mm rifle cartridges, it only muffles the sound of the shot and extinguishes the flames and sparks.

— What advantages does it give?— PMS significantly increases the stealth of the sniper.

Firstly, if you shoot without it, even with a flame extinguisher, a small tongue of muzzle flame is still visible, especially in the dark. And the low-noise shooting device allows you to completely drown out this flame, and in the dark it will not be visible at all that a shot is taking place. Secondly, it muffles and "blurs" the characteristic sound of a sniper rifle shot, not allowing you to determine the exact position of the sniper's position and the type of weapon from which the shooting is being conducted. After all, when a sniper enters the battle, it is heard, as a result, mines, shells, machine gun bursts fly in his direction. 

— At what ranges does the microwave allow you to perform tasks?— The effective firing range is exactly the same as that of the SVD, which uses the same cartridge and has the same barrel length.

You can shoot up to a kilometer with confidence, and at long ranges this cartridge does not allow you to confidently hit targets.

— How would it be possible to increase the range of the rifle? Maybe increase the length of the barrel?— Then the mass will increase.

In addition, it will be very difficult to operate such a rifle. It's not for nothing that now, especially in the West, assault versions of rifles with a shortened barrel are appearing, allowing them to be used in urban conditions. However, this reduces the initial velocity of the bullet and reduces armor penetration. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a compromise solution.

— Are there any plans to create the same compact versions of the rifle?— It is already necessary to ask the Ministry of Defense about this.

If there is a need for such modernization, we can carry it out, including by shortening the trunk. However, I repeat, it will be necessary to look for a compromise solution between the initial velocity of the bullet and armor penetration. It should also be remembered that a shorter barrel will reduce the effective range of damage.

— Does the microwave have direct competitors abroad?— The fact is that all foreign competitors use a different cartridge — 7.62 x 51 mm.

We have our own cartridge 7.62x54 mm, adopted by the Russian army. But the whole world is going in one direction: a long Picatinny rail, on which you can place an optical sight and a nozzle for shooting at night, bipods, silencers for low-noise shooting. In terms of ergonomics, in addition to butt adjustments, it is possible to control the fuse and press the button of the magazine compartment without taking your hand off the handle — all this, by the way, is also available in the microwave. Moreover, the safety switch on our rifle is two-sided, which allows you to control it with one hand movement from the left and right. On the SVD, it was one-sided, it was required to take your hand off the handle in order to move it to the desired position.

— While the mass production of microwave is just being mastered, what production volumes can we talk about?— Mastering the serial production of a rifle is a very time—consuming process.

By the end of 2023, we will be able to make several dozen times more rifles than in 2022. And next year we will be able to release as much as the Russian Defense Ministry requests. With mastered production, it is much easier to increase output volumes.

— Mastering the production and improvement of microwave is your main activity now?— From 2016-2018, we began to produce civilian versions of the microwave with a shortened barrel in small series in two calibers — 7.62x54 mm and .

308 Win. After mastering the production of a combat sample at the weapons production in large quantities next year, I hope we will continue to produce it in large quantities.


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Comments [1]
29.04.2023 23:33
Цитата, q
Собственно, главным пожеланием при создании СВЧ было получить возможность закрепить современный оптический прицел на верхней базе, чтобы при обслуживании его не нужно было отсоединять. Потому что каждая постановка прицела хоть немного, но сбивает точку попадания. Изменения эргономики оружия назрели сами собой, это складывающийся приклад с регулировкой его длины, а также высоты щеки и затылка — причем амортизированного. Кроме того, приклад сам должен регулироваться по длине, поскольку сейчас уже выросло другое поколение, для которых приклад СВД коротковат

Собственно говоря комплект для модернизации СВД позволяющий установку прицелов на верхней базе, крепление для сошек и установка регулируемого приклада делает производство СВЧ не особо нужным делом.

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