
The US suspects the military use of mutant mosquitoes

Image source: Cadu Rolim/Keystone Press Agency/Global Look Press

Mysterious experiments with insects – and above all with mosquitoes – are being conducted right now under the auspices of the Pentagon. Despite the fact that the research task is stated as the most noble – the fight against diseases, pests and increasing yields – these works aroused suspicions among European scientists. We can even talk about the development of new biological weapons.Paraguay's President Mario Abdo Benitez has arrived in Florida.

This southern US state was chosen by Benitez not by chance – the head of the South American republic, as the local press writes, "shows interest in the experiment conducted by the British bio-company Oxitec on the Florida Keys islands with mosquitoes carrying such dangerous diseases as dengue fever and Zika."

There are hotbeds of these diseases in Paraguay, and many biologists believe that, not least, the viruses mentioned above got here just from Florida. The British claim that the genetically modified mosquitoes released by them, on the contrary, serve the good cause of eradicating their harmful counterparts. According to Paraguayan press sources, the country's officials are exploring the possibilities of eliminating disease foci with the help of advanced biotechnologies.

A couple of years ago, scientists from Oxitec, as part of an experiment in Florida, released 750 million mutant mosquitoes into nature, "programmed to solve special narrowly focused tasks." Now it is planned to increase their population by another two billion.

How so, who allowed the British to do something dangerous on the sovereign territory of the United States? Yes, the US government allowed it. With the filing of the Pentagon, at the insistence of employees of one of its divisions, called Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This unit is responsible for a whole gamut of the most diverse technologies of the war of the future.

However, the Paraguayan media usually presents DARPA as a "multilateral scientific organization engaged in promising developments in the field of genetic modification of objects", whose specialists live exclusively in the interests of science. They selflessly lay their lives on its altar for the sake of breeding insects, which are obliged not to harm a person, but to bring him exclusively benefit. And the project with an insane number of mosquitoes, called Insect Allies, is all about the same thing.

Genetically modified Aedes aegypti (yellow–horned mosquito) are carriers of a whole bunch of fevers – yellow, dengue, Zika, etc. Mosquitoes should (according to the officially announced goal) self-destruct, thereby protecting a person from this infection.

GMO mosquitoes are designed to exterminate their own kind without shedding blood. Neither his own, nor even more human. Modified male insects will save us from the use of chemicals (poisons, repellents, etc.) and reduce the population of their species.

How? According to scientists, the mating of such males with females will lead to the birth of exclusively female mosquitoes. This is in case the individual even has time to develop to the actual mosquito – experts from DARPA are 99 percent sure that all this genetically modified wildebeest will die at the larval stage.

The strategy of this kind of gender–based violence was not chosen by chance - only females bite, as we remember from school textbooks of zoology. They also carry various infections from person to person in this way. When all mosquitoes become women, they will not be able (due to the total disappearance of male mosquitoes) to reproduce offspring and, therefore, completely self-destruct, scientists insist.

Seven years ago, information about another "insect" DARPA project leaked to the European press. It was dedicated to the noble task of destroying bad insects (that is, agricultural pests) by good ones. Technologies developed by specialists working for peaceful agriculture under the wing of the military have proclaimed the rejection of insecticides, pesticides and other chemicals that kill insects and harm plants. According to the declarations of scientists, "this will improve everything that is grown, protect the human body from the accumulation of poisons and ensure its prolongation of life."

Other insects were suggested to destroy harmful insects. The bugs that were called to act on the side of man were genetically modified by loading them with viruses, safe for good spider moths. But bringing death to the bad. From the "right" insects, they actually made a vehicle, imperceptibly to the outside eye, without problems, interference and the expenditure of expensive hydrocarbon fuel delivering the right cargo to the right point.

Useful insects can also be used to transport viruses, whose task is the genetic modification of plants in the fields where the "carriers" will be sent. Deliverers, pollinating plants, leave their "payload" on their flowers, which will have to correct errors in the codes laid down by nature, so that humanity should get wheat without a grain scoop, grapes without phylloxera and apples without wormholes.

This is theoretical, but what can be in practice?

European scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Captivity (Germany) and the University of Montpellier (France), together with lawyers from the University of Freiburg (Germany), presented an article "Agricultural research or a new biological weapons system?" (Agricultural research, or a new bioweapon system?) in the journal Science. In the text, they expressed not only interest in the research conducted overseas, but also concern about them.

"The program of agricultural research in the field of genetic modification of insects is so revolutionary that it can bring not only positive, but also negative results. Military use of genetically modified creatures cannot be ruled out either. No one guarantees that insects will not become biological weapons," they said softly, but with persistent apprehension. – Insect transporters can be loaded not only with useful viruses, but also with those that will ensure the non-germination of the seed grain. That is, they will leave the territory without a crop. And then very difficult times will come for the victim country. It is possible that she will have to buy grain on the world market at exorbitant prices and on bonded terms."

In America, European scientists were quick to reassure that such a thing simply could not happen. So, Wayne Curtis, the head of a group from the University of Pennsylvania (one of four teams working on Insect Allies in competition mode), said that "with the help of bacteria capable of performing the task, it will be possible to solve any problem: to fight not only pests, but also drought, the consequences of excessive rains and other phenomena.

"Viruses will be prescribed like pills and medicines," Spanish El Pais quotes an American specialist in the article Alerta por un programa militar para propagar virus con insectos ("Warning about a military program for the spread of viruses with the help of insects").

In conclusion, it remains to recall this, the Spanish edition mentioned above emphasizes:

The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxicological Weapons and on Their Destruction (BTWC) was adopted on April 10, 1972. On March 26, 1975, the 22 States that acceded to it submitted their instruments of ratification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, thus marking the entry into force of the Convention. Currently, the BTWC terms are signed by authorized representatives of 163 countries of the world.

The signatory States have committed themselves not to develop, produce or accumulate biological weapons. The United States ratified the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972. But ... the Protocol of 2001, which provides for mutual control mechanisms, was not signed. Therefore, it is not possible to check whether the United States is complying with the Convention.DARPA, and indeed the Pentagon units responsible for the latest chemical and biological developments, have a very dubious reputation.

It is enough to recall the sacramental biolabs deployed by the United States throughout the post-Soviet space, and especially in Ukraine. The discussion of versions that even American specialists in combat viruses and toxic substances could be behind the development of the coronavirus does not stop. In this context, the work of getting rid of mosquitoes looks far from harmless. This means that the president of Paraguay definitely has something to think about during his visit to America.

Vladimir Dobrynin

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