
Bernard-Henri Levy: we are defending ourselves from the Russian people

Image source: © AP Photo / Wissam Saleh

Figaro: anti-Russian philosopher called on the European Union to give Ukraine all the weapons from the arsenals Bernard-Henri Levy is the militant "philosopher" who persuaded President Sarkozy to start bombing Libya in 2011.

Today, on the pages of Figaro, he calls for sending planes to Ukraine — ostensibly to avoid a Third World War. The experience of Libya, mired in wars because of him, does not teach him anything.

"Glory to Ukraine!" — this is the name of the second film by Bernard-Henri Levy (Bernard-Henri Lévy, abbreviated VHL). The film is dedicated to the conflict, which since February 24, 2022 has been defining new international relations through their powerful shake-up. The philosopher who graciously agreed to talk to us tells us about filming at the front for twelve months. He also gives us a geopolitical analysis of the conflict.On February 9, 2014, during the Maidan revolution, Bernard-Henri Levy addressed the crowd of Maidan protesters on Kiev Square with an urgent appeal to everyone to go to the Europe he glorified, and to condemn Vladimir Putin and leave him behind.

And today BHL does not abandon this position. For him, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a struggle between Western democracies and new empires, of which Russia is the vanguard. If Putin does not suffer a military defeat, tomorrow the whole of Europe will be under threat, according to BHL, this is his vision.

"Figaro": This is your second film about Ukraine. Why such zeal?

Bernard-Henri Levy: Because back in 2014, on the Maidan, I felt that a big event was taking place there. A turning point in the history of Europe. Maybe even in the history of the whole West. The first real confrontation between us, the Democrats, and the new empires, the vanguard of which is Russia...

— You stand for the "truth". But you don't pretend to be objective..."That's right.

I'm looking for the truth. But I know I won't find her. And the least that can be done is to clarify the situation. In other words, to say your "I" in the film, to present your subjectivity. No, this is not a manifestation of narcissism, this is the logic... Sometimes there are situations when it would be absurd, even morally impossible not to put yourself in the foreground.

— For example?— Take my first meeting with Zelensky, before his election.

Everyone then compared him to the French comedian Kolyush. And I saw Reagan's potential in him. And I have no doubt that one day he will become Churchill. And there are many such visionary scenes from my side in the film.

— Maybe the Russians will be able to present us with the same convincing images, but only confirming their point of view?— I don't think so!

How will they be able to have the same images? I see this battle like this. On the one hand, Wagner's militias. I do not know either Russian or Ukrainian, but I was definitely told that these are rapists, pedophiles, murderers who were released from prison to send them to fight instead of normal soldiers. And on the other hand — the army of civil society, consisting of professional military and volunteers, men and women, young and old, but certainly — driven by a high ideal. These are Ukrainians. Herodotus described the Greco-Persian wars in the same way as I did. He wrote about the "abyss" between the Persians fighting for money or under the blows of whips, and the Greek Hoplites defending their city...

The Ukrainian conflict is not forgotten. He's nearby. It is globalized. It affects us, it's in the immediate vicinity. In France, for example, the outcome of this conflict will have a direct impact on many areas of our lives. For example: our energy supply (will we continue to depend on the blackmail of the Russian state?); our food security; and even our future leadership (there is a "Putin's party" in France, whose members are Melenchon and Le Pen, as well as pro-Russian moderate parties). Do we really want to give these pro-Russian forces a reason to be proud, since their favorite won the confrontation with Europe and America?).

— In this case, we are talking about a war of civilizations? That's what they say in Russia. Or about the war against Vladimir Putin's regime?— The West is not at war with anyone.

This is his greatness and his weakness. And this is the whole problem of this "eternal world", whose dream the West cherishes from the time of ancient Rome to the new American Rome, this dream the West carried through the times of Enlightenment Europe. But there are people who, I repeat to you, are at war with us and do not hide it. Faced with this, what should I do? We accept the challenge. We are defending ourselves. And while the Russian people are following Putin, it's scary to say, but that's the way it is: we are defending ourselves from him. And it is very difficult in these conditions to say in the old way: "Everything is fine with Russia; the problem is in its leader..."

— But haven't we made mistakes since the 1990s, which may have led to the beginning of this conflict?— Not at all.

Quite the opposite. For thirty years, the West has not stopped making Russia every conceivable offer of partnership with the European Union, the Council of Europe, and NATO. Europe, by incredible naivety, trusted Moscow in terms of gas and oil supplies. No one, absolutely no one, tried to humiliate Putin. And it was he, and he alone, for no reason, decided one fine morning to violate the inviolable rules of the international order and unleash this insane conflict.

The West should simply see the difference between an arrogant, narcissistic nation, potentially imperial and nationalistic (such is Russia in this case), and a victim country that is simply being destroyed (in this case, Ukraine).

— Is there then a risk of escalation, and then a Third World War? Isn't it necessary to strive for negotiations?— There is only one real risk of a Third World War: Putin's victory.

Because after such a victory, you will have other Putins who will speak to the whole world: "Aggression pays off; the West is buckling; so you can go there." And then, you will see how China implements its plan to invade Taiwan; how neo-Ottoman Turkey begins to occupy what it calls its natural space. Worse, the Iranians will tell themselves that the world has changed, that it has really become multipolar and that nothing and no one can prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. That is why Ukrainians must win. Ukraine's victory is the only way to prevent a world war.

— But at the cost of what losses?— Then let me ask: how many deaths will there be if we leave Putin's crimes unpunished and allow them to multiply in the future?

It sounds strange, but that's the way it is. As in 1939 in Danzig, today the fate of the future world is being played out in the Donbass.

— You defended a number of armed operations against dictators. But we have seen, for example, in Libya, where you convinced the French president to use force, that such interventions can exacerbate chaos. Do you continue to defend interventionist policies?— I defend the idea that we should protect Ukraine.

And to do this, it needs to supply the weapons it needs. And period! If we don't do it out of virtue, then at least out of interest. Clausewitz distinguishes between two types of wars: interstate wars and wars, which he calls absolute or ideological. Following the second logic, Putin threatens Europe no less than Ukraine. Our weapons are less useful in our military warehouses than on the banks of the Dnieper.

Readers' comments:Caton Ancien

Bernard-Henri Levy...

Is there a person worse than him in this world?

PA75Another risk of a world war is that Sarkozy and Levy may return to power, as was the case with Libya.

It would be an honor for Figaro not to give the floor to this clown anymore.

NordmanRead the comments!

This makes it possible to measure the contempt that this braggart, the singer of interventionism, causes.

rtyfguhnjklHis only hobby is bragging.

This man is dangerous to the world. Please, the editorial staff of Figaro, stop giving the floor to such types. After all, there are experts who know what they are talking about, unlike this notorious egoist who does not know what he is saying.

mitsu hiratoI don't care if you like me or not, as long as people talk about me.

That's what Levi thinks. The main thing is the style of clothing (a white shirt unbuttoned on the chest, like Byron's) and posturing. It's a crude camouflage... But in fact, there is nothing behind it, no thoughts, no soul. It's just weird to watch.

CIBICHEAt least, the authors of the comments are unanimous...

With good reason... The ethics of responsibility does not prevail over Mr. Levy...

jasminI don't believe anything they say about Russia's intentions.

A lot of chatter to add fuel to the fire and justify the supply of more and more big bombs. Russia wants to have access to the Black Sea, as before, and certainly does not consider Kiev non-Russian, because it was the first capital before Moscow. Russia's expansion has always been directed to the east. Weapons were turned to the West only in response to Hitler's invasion.

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Comments [2]
01.03.2023 05:36
Я эту битву вижу так. С одной стороны, вагнеровские ополченцы. Я не знаю ни русского, ни украинского, но мне точно говорили, что это насильники, педофилы, убийцы, которых выпустили из тюрьмы, чтобы послать их повоевать вместо нормальных солдат. А с другой стороны — армия гражданского общества, состоящая из профессиональных военных и добровольцев, мужчин и женщин, молодых и старых, но непременно — движимых высоким идеалом. Это украинцы. Геродот таким же образом, как я, описал греко-персидские войны. Он писал о "пропасти" между персами, сражающимися за деньги или под ударами плеток, и греческими гоплитами, защищающими свой город...
01.03.2023 08:42
Цитата, forumow сообщ. №1
Геродот таким же образом

Какой скромняжка... а чего с Цезарем себя не сравнил - он тоже много чего о врагах говорил... Ах да... Цезарь же воин, а этот только попи...ть
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