
KAI will supply FA-50 aircraft to the Malaysian Air Force

Image source: Фото: wojsko-polskie.pl

TSAMTO, February 27. On February 24, the South Korean company Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced the signing of a contract with the Malaysian Defense Ministry for the supply of 18 FA-50 light combat aircraft for the country's Air Force.

The cost of the order was 1.2 trillion. won ($920 million). Delivery of the first aircraft is scheduled for 2026.

The purchase was implemented following a tender for the supply of training / light combat aircraft (FLIT / LCA - Fighter Lead–in Trainer / Light Combat Aircraft). The deal was concluded after several months of negotiations between the Malaysian Defense Ministry and several foreign companies.

The aircraft will be delivered in an improved version of the FA-50 Block.20. According to KAI, the aircraft will have an in-flight refueling function and an expanded set of weapons in accordance with customer requirements. FA-50 Block.20 will be able to carry the Sniper ATP container targeting system, GBU-38 JDAM 500-pound UAB, GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided UAB and AGM-65 Mavrik air-to-ground UR.

As reported by TSAMTO, the Ministry of Defense of Malaysia announced the launch of a tender for the supply of 18 training / light combat aircraft (FLIT / LCA) for the country's Air Force on June 22, 2021. Currently, the Malaysian Air Force uses two variants of the BAE Systems Hawk UBS as FLIT/LCA aircraft, as well as several MB-339 TCB. These aircraft need to be replaced within 10 years.

The acquisition of new aircraft is carried out within the framework of the long-term Air Force reform program until 2055, which bears the designation CAP55 (Capability 55). This document provides for a two-stage purchase of 36 FLIT /LCA aircraft. At the first stage, the Air Force Command submitted a request for financing the supply of 18 aircraft, including 8 training and 10 light combat. Another 18 units are planned to be purchased at the second stage within the framework of the 13th Malaysian Plan (2026-2030). As stated, 36 aircraft will form one training and two combat squadrons.

By October 6, 2021, six companies had submitted their proposals to the Malaysian Ministry of Defense. By mid-2022, the FA-50 Block was considered the main contenders.20 companies KAI and LCA "Tejas" Indian HAL.

The inspection team of the Malaysian Armed Forces visited the Republic of Korea in October last year, assessing the capabilities of the aircraft and all aspects of its maintenance, operation, training of flight and technical personnel.

Malaysia has become the sixth foreign country and the fourth country in the Southeast Asian region to operate T-50 family aircraft. Malaysia will also become the second country after Poland to operate the FA-50 Block aircraft.20.

A total of 68 South Korean aircraft (KT-1, T-50 and FA-50) were delivered to the Southeast Asian market, and the total number of aircraft exported (or contracted) by the Republic of Korea is 240 units. Aircraft of the T-50 line were delivered (or ordered) by the Armed Forces of Indonesia (22 units), Iraq (24 units), the Philippines (12 units), Thailand (14 units), Poland (48 units). The KT-1 line was supplied to the Armed Forces of Indonesia (20 units), Turkey (40 units), Peru (20 units) and Senegal (4 units).

KAI intends to further expand the export of its aircraft, considering Australia, the United States, the Middle East and Africa as potential buyers.

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