
The Ukrainian side published photos of the affected BMPT "Terminator"


Image source: topwar.ru

Russian troops are actively using the Terminator BMPT in the battles near Kremennaya – one of the most tense sections of the front. Under this settlement, the enemy created a bridgehead, from which for months he tried to break through the defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

"Terminators" are used here in the forests to knock out the enemy's attacking and defending battle formations with dense rapid-fire fire. BMPT operate in conjunction with tanks, providing mutual cover.

BMPT, working together with tanks, eliminate the main drawback of MBT today – low rate of fire. A barrage of fire and shrapnel does not allow the enemy to stick out his head, interferes with his maneuvering and prevents him from firing

- the Algerian press, which monitors the conflict, says, whose troops are armed with BMPT-72.

Image source: topwar.ru

The photos published by the Ukrainian side show the OBT with minesweepers and the BMPT that has been damaged. If we discard the possibility of fabrication, which is often resorted to by the Kiev regime, then we can assume that the footage was taken from a reconnaissance drone or a kamikaze drone. At the same time, it is unclear what shock means the enemy used. The nature of the damage is also unknown. On Ukrainian resources, it is said only about the destruction of the car in the forests near Kremennaya.

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Comments [2]
10.02.2023 09:59
10.02.2023 11:30
Цитата, beka1. сообщ. №1
Главное то, что с экипажем? В какой ситуации был подбит? Чем? Есть видео про эту машину, в момент поражения она не двигалась, не стреляла, не крутила башней. Прилёт был явно из ПТРК или гранатомёта, т.к. был виден дымный след. Стреляли спереди слева под острым углом, попали в левый птур, он сдетонировал. После взрыва не случилось детонации б.к. внутри машины, пожара тоже небыло. Экипаж из машины не выпрыгивал.
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