
Italy is ready to transfer SAMP-T air defense systems to Ukraine

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

TSAMTO, January 25. Italy has confirmed that it is ready to transfer the SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system to Ukraine in response to Kiev's request for an urgent supply of air defense systems to protect against missile strikes by the Russian Armed Forces.

As the representative of the Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani confirmed to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Italy will send the system to Kiev together with France, but other secret initiatives are currently in the works.

The SAMP-T air defense system, which entered service in Italy in 2013, is designed to combat cruise missiles, airplanes, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as tactical ballistic missiles.

There are only five SAMP-T batteries in the Italian Armed Forces. For this reason, a number of experts express concerns about the weakening of the country's defense capability due to the transfer of one of them to Ukraine. It should be noted that the defense budget for 2023 includes an item on the purchase of a sixth SAM battery for the ground forces and five more for the Air Force, but their production takes time.

Analysts suggested that, taking into account the limited number of SAMP-T complexes, the Skyguard-Aspid complexes in storage will be transferred to the APU. Nevertheless, in an interview on January 22, Defense Minister Guido Grosetto made it clear that the transfer of SAMP-T is underway, saying that it will be part of the sixth package of military assistance sent by Italy to Ukraine. He added that the cost of the first five packages was $1 billion. euro.

The composition of the packages previously sent by the AFU is classified, although, as reported, the Stinger MANPADS, Milan ATGM, mortars, Browning heavy machine guns, MG light machine guns and improvised explosive device countermeasures systems were planned for shipment. M270 multiple launch rocket systems, 155 mm Pzh2000 self-propelled howitzers and automotive equipment were also sent.

As reported by TSAMTO, SAMP/T is a mobile ground-based air defense system using the Aster-30 missile developed by MBDA. The two-stage solid-fuel missile system weighing 450 kg is equipped with an active radar homing head, a 15-kg high-explosive warhead, develops a speed of up to 4.5 M and is capable of hitting targets flying both at low altitude and along an aeroballistic trajectory. The maximum range of destruction of aerodynamic targets is up to 120 km, height – from 50 m to 20 km.

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