
The DPRK has improved the analogue of the Russian RCC "Uranus" by installing an infrared seeker


Image source: topwar.ru

Despite the collapse of the USSR and the curtailment of large-scale military-technical cooperation with Moscow, Pyongyang is trying to follow in the wake of Russian design thought, duplicating many novelties developed by the domestic defense industry.

In particular, the efforts of North Korean specialists created the Venera-3 anti-ship missile, an analogue of the X-35 Uranus. Like its Russian "progenitor", it uses a radar homing head. However, Chinese observers found footage of the combat use of ships of the DPRK Navy, which depicted the Venus-3 with an additional infrared seeker installed, which should come into action when interference from the enemy's electronic warfare equipment appears for self-targeting. The new equipment is located in the front of the control panel and looks like a small "hump" with an optical sensor at the output.

Image source: topwar.ru

It is quite possible that the thermal imaging stuffing for North Korean missiles was purchased in Ukraine: previously, the West repeatedly recorded the transfer of technology and military equipment from the North to the DPRK. At the same time, in recent years, the Kiev regime has repeatedly demonstrated its developments in a number of infrared GPS.

It is noteworthy that so far the thermal imaging guidance system has not been found on the Russian "Uranus". There was information that the domestic defense industry was ready to install it if a foreign customer wished it. At the same time, it does not appear on the Rosoboronexport website among the types of RCC control systems.

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