
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Russia will block military threats from Japan - TASS interview

Image source: Пресс-служба МИД РФ/ ТАСС

Andrey Rudenko - how Russia's relations with Asian countries are developingRussian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko spoke in an exclusive interview with TASS about the trends in Russia's dialogue with Asian countries, pointed to the very difficult situation on the Korean peninsula and answered the question why it became impossible to discuss a peace treaty with Japan.

— At the moment, you are in charge of the Asian direction at the Russian Foreign Ministry. How would you describe the situation in the region? What do you consider the main challenge? In which areas should we actively develop cooperation with Asian countries?— ​​​​​​ 

Against the background of increasing international turbulence, the main part of Asia is betting on stability and maintaining growth dynamics. It is this region that will largely influence further global political and economic development.

The main challenge for Asia today is to determine the path of its movement. The first option, which is organic for the whole region, is to continue the line of joint development, respectful dialogue on an equal basis, understanding and using the benefits of pan–Eurasian integration, synergy of regional and subregional potentials.

The second option, which is being aggressively imposed by Washington and its allies, is the formation of an alternative vector based on the tasks necessary for the West to contain any centers of independent economic, technological and other growth, including through increased confrontation. It manifests itself in attempts to undermine the system of multilateral cooperation that has developed in Asia, reduce the effectiveness or even destroy the mechanisms of interstate interaction that exist here.

This strategy is aimed at reformatting Asia to serve the interests of one pole. To support such a course, a strong Euro-Atlantic component is being brought to the region in the person of NATO, which has declared its global mandate, and its individual members. New selective designs are being created under the "Indo-Pacific" brand.

Russia is building its line in the region through the goals of joint mutually respectful and mutually beneficial development. This is the main reference point for our bilateral ties and for polycentric platforms with Russian participation.

The correctness of this choice is confirmed by the growing attractiveness and demand among Asian countries for such positively charged, unifying platforms as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Despite the pressure used, the West is not able to stop this process.

As for the areas of cooperation, their range is extremely wide. These are, of course, trade, economic and investment ties with an emphasis on high-tech and digital spheres, joint infrastructure projects. The energy component is especially relevant today: Russia's potential in all areas of the fuel and energy sector, be it atom, oil or gas, is undeniable. Our country also plays a leading role in food security issues, which are acute in many parts of the world today, requiring balanced and active steps at the same time. Of course, Asia with its multi-billion population is no exception in this regard.

Our Asian partners are building close ties with Russia in countering new challenges and threats. This concerns the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, and cross-border crime of all stripes. Asian countries are also interested in us from the point of view of strengthening their defense capabilities. The demand for Russian educational services is not decreasing. We are developing useful projects in the fields of healthcare, combating pandemics, and biosafety both bilaterally and multilaterally, for example, within the framework of a strategic partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Applications for cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union are multiplying in the regional community. The forms and models here can be different – up to the creation of free trade zones.

An equally significant aspect of the dialogue with Asian States is the preservation and strengthening of regional cultural diversity, the protection of national characteristics, the unique traditional way of life and the identity of the peoples living here. I am convinced that the rich spiritual and civilizational palette of Asia (which, as we see, is not perceived by the Western community with its desire to drive everyone into its "procrustean bed") is the key to its harmonious prosperity and successful development, and, therefore, peace and stability in general.

— China is certainly one of Russia's key partners in the Asian region. Given that the West has included both countries in the list of major threats to national security, and Washington is raising the defense budget to deter Moscow and Beijing, how do you assess the level of Russian-Chinese cooperation today?— ​​​​​​

China is indeed one of Russia's closest partner states, not only in Asia, but also on the world stage as a whole. Russian-Chinese cooperation is going through the best period in its history, bilateral relations are defined as a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. They are built on a solid foundation of mutual trust, consideration of political tradition, mutual support in matters affecting each other's fundamental interests. First of all, we are talking about the protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It should be noted that the unprecedented level of interstate cooperation achieved today is the result of the historical choice of our peoples made long before the emergence of the deep crisis that the entire system of international relations is facing today.

The significant growth of conflict potential in the world, the recent policy of the United States and its allies aimed at destroying the global security system, their focus on restraining the development of our countries have made it obvious to both Russia and our Chinese partners the need to strengthen the strategic link between Moscow and Beijing in every possible way, capable not only of resisting the destructive actions of Washington but also to launch the mobilization of constructive forces of the world community for the formation of new open, fair international relations. The most important work in this context is carried out in the format of a trusting political dialogue between the heads of our states. The past year has been marked by the restoration of full-time work of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. In 2022, the leaders met twice – in February at the Olympic Beijing and in September on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Samarkand. Our leaders continue to actively exchange opinions in a remote format.

The rapidly changing international situation has predetermined the intensity of the work of our ministers: in the past year, Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi held a total of 10 contacts, including face-to-face talks and "reconciliation of hours" by phone. I would like to emphasize that the strengthening of foreign policy coordination between Russia and China, based on the coincidence or proximity of approaches to key global problems, has a stabilizing effect on the entire system of international relations, plays the role of a catalyst in its gradual transition to multipolarity, that is, a more balanced, stable form of organization of interstate interaction.

Summing up the results of 2022 in the field of Russian-Chinese practical cooperation, it can be stated that the West's line of outright blackmail and open threats to undermine the cooperation of our states has not been crowned with success. China, just like us, regarded Western sanctions as an illegitimate tool of non-market competition, a political weapon to deter unwanted countries. The coincidence of the positions of Moscow and Beijing on this fundamental issue allowed us to continue to implement all the previously outlined agreements, jointly form the architecture of bilateral trade and economic relations that is relevant to modern challenges. The trade turnover between Russia and China in value terms from January to November 2022 increased by about a third, significantly exceeding the record figures of the year before last. We are recording an increase in the volume of supplies of energy resources and agricultural products – their stability is the most important factor in ensuring the energy and food security of states against the background of high volatility in the world raw materials and commodity markets. In accordance with the established deadlines, the implementation of major investment projects continues, industrial and technological cooperation is expanding.

Taking into account the growing volumes of bilateral trade and the increase in the transit potential of Russia, in the outgoing year we also focused on the development of transport infrastructure. Of particular importance in this context is the commissioning, for the first time in the history of Russian-Chinese relations, of two cross–border bridge crossings over the Amur River - automobile in the Amur Region and railway in the Jewish Autonomous Region.

We believe it is important, taking into account the development of the epidemic situation, to work with our Chinese partners towards the gradual restoration of air and rail passenger traffic, the opening of ground checkpoints for passengers on the Russian-Chinese state border, and the lifting of restrictions

on mutual trips related to anti-epidemic measures.

In this context, we are interested in the consistent intensification of humanitarian contacts, which play a central role in strengthening mutual understanding between our peoples. At the same time, during the pandemic, bilateral cooperation in the cultural sphere did not stop, a significant part of the events were transferred to an online format. According to the decision of the leaders, in 2022-2023 the parties will implement another major interstate project – Years of cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports. Just recently, a landmark event took place in the Chinese city of Changchun (Jilin Province) – the Third Russian-Chinese Youth Winter Games. The expansion of ties in this area is especially relevant against the background of the widely used practice of politicizing sports competitions today.

In general, the year ended has shown that the potential of Russian-Chinese cooperation is far from being exhausted. We believe that the establishment of new geopolitical realities and the transformation of international relations provide us with additional ways to expand the possibilities of strategic partnership between Russia and China.

— How do you assess the current situation around Taiwan? Has the issue of Moscow's support for Beijing ever been discussed if provocations, in particular from the United States, continue?— Recently, there has been an increase in tension around Taiwan caused by the provocative activity of Washington and its satellites.

The situation was seriously warmed up by the visit to the island in early August 2022 of the Chairman of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Pelosi and the subsequent numerous trips there by American, Japanese and European officials. The situation in the Taiwan Strait is also aggravated by the adoption by the United States of a number of legislative initiatives to strengthen military-political contacts with Taipei, in particular, involving the allocation of $2 billion annually to it in 2023-2027 for security assistance, which includes large-scale purchases of American weapons and military equipment.

In his address to the participants and guests of the X Moscow Conference on International Security on August 16, 2022, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin exhaustively described what was happening as a "carefully planned provocation", as well as the strategy of "the United States to destabilize and chaoticize the situation in the region and the world."

Beijing is well aware that the Russian side has consistently supported China on the issue of Taiwan. We proceed from the fact that there is only one China, the PRC government is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an integral part of it. This approach has been voiced repeatedly at the high and highest political level, including was confirmed in the Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on International Relations Entering a New Era and Global Sustainable Development adopted following the talks between Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on February 4, 2022.

We believe that the Chinese side has the right to take measures necessary to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity in the Taiwan issue. At the same time, we emphasize that relations between the sides of the Taiwan Strait are purely an internal matter of China. As we understand it, China gives priority to peaceful methods of resolving the Taiwan issue.

— Earlier, the media reported that the Japanese Ministry of Defense plans to deploy hypersonic weapons with a range of up to 1 thousand km on the islands of Hokkaido and Kyushu. Is Moscow aware of such plans? How high are the risks of escalation in the Asia-Pacific region and are any steps being taken to reduce them?— We drew attention to the accelerated implementation by the Kishida administration of the course of abandoning the so-called peaceful development of the country declared for many decades and switching to the rails of forced militarization.

Among the concrete steps are the holding of large–scale military exercises near the Russian borders with the involvement of non-regional partners, the adoption of an updated version of doctrinal documents in the field of defense and security with an eye to creating a strike potential, an unprecedented increase in defense spending.

We regularly voice our position on this issue in the public space (the next comment of the official representative was published on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry on December 22, 2022), as well as through diplomatic channels. We consider such activity by Tokyo as a serious challenge to the security of our country and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole. We warn you that if this practice continues, we will be forced to take adequate retaliatory measures in order to block military threats to Russia.

— Against this background, can Moscow and Tokyo still return to discussing a peace treaty? Or have Japan's unfriendly actions permanently closed this possibility?— With the beginning of a special military operation in Ukraine, the administration of Kisida actively joined the Russophobic campaign directed by the West, actually carrying out a complete dismantling of the results of mutually beneficial cooperation accumulated over many years.

Earlier, the Russian side negotiated with Japan on a full-fledged comprehensive treaty on peace, friendship and good-neighborliness that would meet modern realities, which would be designed to determine the main directions for the accelerated development of the entire complex of Russian-Japanese relations. It is quite obvious that it is impossible to discuss the signing of such a document with a state that takes openly unfriendly positions and allows itself direct threats against our country. We do not observe any signs of Tokyo's departure from the anti-Russian course and any attempts to correct the current situation.

— How is our strategic partnership with Mongolia developing?— After the lifting of mutual sanitary and epidemiological restrictions at the beginning of 2022, diverse cooperation with Mongolia, our close neighbor and natural strategic partner in Asia, is dynamically developing.

Thanks to joint efforts, the political dialogue has significantly intensified, including at the highest and highest levels.

The working visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov to Ulaanbaatar on July 5, 2022 was successfully completed. During constructive inter-ministerial consultations and meetings with all top leaders of the country, mutual understanding was reached on the most relevant topics.

It was possible to make significant progress in solving a number of problematic issues on September 7, 2022, following a conversation between President Putin and the Prime Minister of Mongolia, who visited Vladivostok to participate in the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum.

On September 15, 2022, in Samarkand, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO member States, a regular summit of leaders of the promising regional format of Russia-Mongolia-China cooperation took place.

Cooperation in the military and military-technical spheres is increasing. Mongolian servicemen traditionally took part in the Vostok-2022 command and staff exercises, Army International Games and other events on the territory of Russia. On August 1-10, 2022, the annual bilateral exercises "Selenga" were held in the west of Mongolia. We have consistently increased the effectiveness of interdepartmental coordination on security issues.

We note the positive dynamics of the development of cross-border and interregional cooperation, cultural, educational and humanitarian exchanges. Transport links are being gradually restored.

Cooperation in the practical sphere is deepening. The possibilities of implementing major joint projects in the energy, transport, infrastructure and educational fields are being worked out through the relevant departments and business circles.

Specific agreements on further steps to expand our cooperation were recorded in the final protocol of the 24th meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Mongolian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation held in Moscow on November 15.

We see that the West, which is called the "third neighbor" in Mongolia, is making concentrated efforts aimed at undermining Mongolia's traditional friendship and cooperation with Russia. We are confident that the Mongolian partners have enough wisdom to circumvent the traps set by our enemies and ensure healthy, constructive development of ties with Russia that meets the fundamental interests of the peoples

two countries.

— What are the results of 2022 in the sphere of bilateral cooperation of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Korea and the DPRK?— First of all, I would like to note that in the maelstrom of a complex, rapidly changing international situation, Russia remains interested in developing stable, mutually beneficial relations with both states of the Korean peninsula.

If we talk about our cooperation with the Republic of Korea, then, as you know, in the face of powerful pressure from Washington, seeking to tear the Republic of Korea away from our country, in March 2022, the South Korean leadership was forced to join the anti-Russian sanctions of the "collective West" in connection with the crisis in Ukraine. At the same time, we also see the desire to pursue a balanced, pragmatic course in the Russian direction to prevent a sharp curtailment of ties with Russia, to find ways to minimize the damage from Western restrictions for bilateral cooperation. For their part, they are configured similarly.

The DPRK has become one of the countries that firmly supported, including on the UN platform, the decision of the Russian Federation to conduct a special military operation in Ukraine, as well as the entry into Russia of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. We appreciate this support and, of course, take it into account in promoting the course for the comprehensive development of traditional friendship and cooperation relations set at the meeting of the leaders of Russia and the DPRK in April 2019 in Vladivostok. The proximity of our countries' approaches to most pressing international problems, the high level of political dialogue and mutual understanding create good prerequisites for this.

— Last year was marked by a serious aggravation of the situation on the Korean peninsula: the United States and the Republic of Korea conducted large-scale military exercises almost without interruption, and the DPRK carried out a record number of missile launches. What do you think needs to be done to break the deadlock in the settlement process?— All parties interested in the Korean settlement should realize that it is no longer possible to return to the "diplomacy of summits" of the 2018-2019 model, when the DPRK made proactive and unresponsive gestures of goodwill to the counterparts of its opponents.

In February 2019, in Hanoi, the United States missed a chance to conclude a deal that was quite profitable for them – the dismantling of key facilities of the DPRK's nuclear potential in Nenbyon in exchange for the partial lifting of international sanctions against the civilian sector of its economy. As a result, due to Washington's excessive appetites, Pyongyang finally became disillusioned with the negotiating logic, which at a certain stage allowed linking measures for unilateral disarmament of North Korea with the removal of obstacles to its normal economic development.

Therefore, now, in order to return to a constructive agenda, the United States and its allies need, first, to abandon the idea of further sanctions and force pressure on North Korea, which has demonstrated its ineffectiveness, as a way to solve the problems of the Korean peninsula. Secondly, to send a signal to the DPRK about readiness for dialogue with a constructive agenda: about detente, confidence-building measures and principles of peaceful coexistence, building a multilateral system of peace and arms control in Northeast Asia. Within the framework of such an agenda, the legitimate concerns of all countries in the region will be resolved by providing legal and physical security guarantees. By the way, the relevant ideas are reflected in joint Russian-Chinese diplomatic initiatives, including the action plan for a comprehensive settlement of the problems of the Korean peninsula.

Anastasia Bobyleva talked 

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