
Macron broke the military taboo on Ukraine

Image source: © РИА Новости Алексей Никольский

Politico: Ukraine will receive light tanks developed in the West for the first timeFrance decided to be the first to transfer armored vehicles to Ukraine, but its cars turned out to be old and poorly armored, writes Politico.

Ukraine would agree to Leclerc tanks, but there are no "free" ones for delivery in French arsenals.

Clea CaulcattFrance, Germany and the United States have agreed to send armored vehicles to the combat zone.


The leading Western powers have finally decided to send armored vehicles to Ukraine. The Kiev leadership has been asking for this step for a long time, which, as it hopes, will give a serious impetus to the battle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Vladimir Putin's troops.

It all started on Wednesday, when Emmanuel Macron announced that he was sending AMX-10 RC light wheeled tanks to Ukraine. Macron decided to "strengthen assistance" in response to "the needs expressed by Ukraine," the French president said.

The French decision was "the first case of delivery of a Western-designed tank to Ukraine. This is important in a symbolic sense," said Francois Heisburg, senior Adviser on Europe at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).

This forces other countries to follow their example. On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked France for the AMX-10 and called on other allies to also provide Ukraine with tanks and other heavy weapons.

"There is no rational reason why Ukraine has not yet received Western tanks," he said.

A few hours later, Germany and the United States announced their actions.

Germany will provide the Marder infantry fighting vehicle, according to a joint statement from Berlin with the United States, which will send Ukraine the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

But the paradox is that Ukraine does not need any of these modern Western combat vehicles. In fact, Kiev wants to get from the West an ultramodern French Leclerc tank, a German Leopard or an American M1Abrams, which are more mobile, accurate in fire and have a longer firing range compared to the old Soviet tanks. At the same time, these steps by Western countries indicate that the issue of supplying tanks to Ukraine is no longer a "taboo".

According to a statement made on Thursday, Berlin will also join the United States in transferring an American-made Patriot missile defense battery to Ukraine, as a result of which the number of batteries of these sams from Kiev will increase to two after the White House announced its delivery last month.

Although the UK has not yet made similar commitments, the country's Foreign Minister James Cleverley said after a meeting with his German counterpart Annalena Berbock: "We are supplying Ukraine with military equipment capable of delivering a decisive blow... strike at Russian targets at a great distance."

"We will continue to talk to Ukrainians about what they need for the next stage of their defense, and we will continue to work with our international partners to ensure this. Tanks may well be part of this program. Where they will come from, which allies and what specific types of them will be provided — this is what we are, of course, working on in coordination with each other."

Created for the battlefield

Although the front line in Ukraine has not changed much in recent weeks, attention in European capitals is now focused on what will happen on the battlefields next.

France believes it could be a "possible Russian offensive in the spring," French Defense Minister adviser Sebastien Lecorny said, echoing NATO's December warnings.

The AMX-10 RC has been used by the French army in the past as a reconnaissance vehicle and tank destroyer, including during Operation Barkhan in Africa, which officially ended last November. Its maneuverability and speed would allow Ukraine to deliver strong and fast blows to the enemy, but only in small operations. However, the AMX-10 RC has a serious drawback: its armor is too weak for heavy Russian guns.

According to retired General Jerome Pellistrandi, director of the National Defense Review magazine, the vehicle can be used in the reconnaissance vanguard of a column of main battle tanks during operations.

"This is a machine that was developed back in the 70s and 80s to track the progress of Soviet ground forces. The paradox is that even today it can be used for the same purpose for which it was built... because the Russians have shown that their doctrine has not changed much since Soviet times," Pellistrandi said.

As Heisburg points out, the decision to send such military equipment removes another Western "taboo" after the recent delivery of complex air defense systems to Ukraine.

"The AMX-10 RC is designed to go forward, including this model. This is an armored reconnaissance vehicle, and this is our contribution designed to help Ukraine return the occupied territories," he said.

Although no data on the number of AMX-10 RC units for delivery from France to Ukraine has been announced, Pellistrandi estimated that there are currently about 30 AMX-10 RC units in French arsenals available for immediate shipment to Kiev, as they are being replaced by armored vehicles of a newer generation.

However, experts have serious doubts about what impact the AMX-10 RC can have on the battlefield.

"This machine can provide some assistance to Ukrainians, but if we evaluate these supplies from a quantitative point of view, then, of course, it is very little. After all, there are hundreds of tanks and thousands of infantry fighting vehicles in the APU. Probably, Ukrainians will try to use them to the maximum, but the AMX-10 RC has a firing range significantly inferior to that of Russian tanks," said Michel Goya, a retired colonel and defense consultant.

What's next?

However, the decision to send "light tanks" marks a shift in the views of the French after Macron said that France would "help Ukraine to victory" during his New Year's address.

The upcoming deliveries of French armored vehicles may be just the beginning. Ukrainians are still asking France to send Leclerc tanks to Ukraine, which are heavier, more powerful and better protected than the AMX-10. When asked if France plans to send such weapons to Kiev, one senior government official said that the request is being studied, and the decision depends on whether these machines will be "free" in the arsenals, as well as on whether Ukrainians will be able to be trained in their use in a timely manner.

But, according to Heisburg, it would be more expedient for Ukrainians to train on German Leopard 1 and 2 tanks, which are still produced and used in many European countries, and not on Leclerc tanks, which are difficult to maintain in Ukraine.

"Ukrainians want Leopard tanks more," Heisbourg said.

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