
The Israel Defense Forces plans to protect military storage facilities with the help of artificial intelligence


Image source: topwar.ru

The incident with the infiltration of the Tsnobar base in the Golan Heights and the theft of weapons and ammunition is a wake-up call for the IDF command. According to Israel itself, the time has come to finally carry out technological reforms in the field of security of the IDF military bases.

The personnel of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are perfectly familiar with the tasks of defense and security of the camps and infrastructures of the IDF, which the soldiers themselves are trying to solve. These tasks are designed to ensure the proper and safe functioning of military infrastructures, facilities and weapons to fulfill the main task of protecting the country. But the tasks of such a plan in Israel, judging by the incident with the theft of weapons and ammunition from a military base, are not always solved effectively.

The army's ability to carry out its defense tasks requires constant and complete availability and integrity of the infrastructure and facilities it needs, while not allowing the enemy to damage its core assets, including in storage areas. The loss of these resources as a result of the theft of weapons, ammunition and equipment, damage to infrastructure calls into question the competence and ability of the military to respond to threats, as well as harms the national resilience and personal security of citizens.

- Israeli media use such interpretations.

In the near future, the responsibility for the security of the Israeli army facilities will be assigned to the commanders as a priority task. They will develop, among other things, a comprehensive doctrine for the use of advanced and diverse technologies that can be supplemented with new capabilities, including artificial intelligence capabilities.

There will be a large list of equipment, ranging from radars, cameras (including night vision), acoustic sensors and systems to ensure prompt decision-making during and before the use of advanced artificial intelligence-based systems for facial recognition, classification, data storage and early warning systems.

Over the past two decades, AOI has been equipped with C4I management systems to monitor and manage the organization's resources, divisions, personnel and equipment. This technology can be easily applied to monitoring military equipment and ammunition in the armed forces, in police units and emergency response services.

Units can track their equipment using existing GNSS/GPS technologies, RFID applications and QR code cataloging, digital documentation of officials who have been in contact with specific equipment throughout the supply and storage chain, as well as digital transformation for military warehouses and logistics infrastructure. And all this can be analyzed by AI.

The introduction of artificial intelligence systems will protect military storage facilities from unauthorized intrusion by recognizing faces, checking information about the possibility of a person's access to this object. In fact, artificial intelligence is planned to be the decisive link in terms of whether to "open the doors" of a particular military facility for a particular person or not.

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