
Ukraine has a new weapon – Storm Shadow missiles.

Image source: © CC BY-SA 2.0 / Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Will Poland help integrate them with Ukrainian fighters? Interia.pl : Poland is ready to upgrade new NATO missiles for Ukrainian fightersThe Polish military-industrial complex should help the Ukrainian Air Force integrate the new supersonic Storm Shadow missile with Su-24M combat fighters, Interia reports.

According to experts, even a few missiles of this type are capable of causing serious damage to the enemy.

Victor Piech (Wiktor Piech)According to the Militarymonitoring portal, the Ukrainian Air Force expects the integration of a new supersonic missile with its combat aircraft.

This task should be performed by the Polish military-industrial complex. Ukrainians hope that such a decision will increase the "effectiveness" of their strikes.

According to Militarymonitoring, Bulgarianmilitary and other sources, Poland should become the place where an attempt will be made to integrate long-range Strom Shadow missiles with Ukrainian Su-24M fighters. According to the portals, there is no official data on which Polish enterprise this modernization will be carried out, but it is said that these may be military aviation plants in Warsaw, in Melce or in Bydgoszcz.

Poland is already waiting for the arrival of the first Ukrainian bomber from the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to Militarymonitoring, engineers want to integrate Ukrainian aircraft with standard NATO missiles. Previously, Polish factories equipped MiG-29 aircraft with HARM AGM-88 anti-missile missiles.

The cost of one SCALP rocket is about $1.4 million. According to experts, such a price will allow for their "mass integration" with Ukrainian aircraft. However, even a few missiles of this type can seriously disrupt Russian plans.

Will Storm Shadow scare the Russians?

Storm Shadow, or SCALP-EG, is a tactical, conventional, low-visibility, long-range air-to-ground cruise missile. Its length is 5 meters, with a width of 63 centimeters and a weight of 1,300 kilograms (the mass of the head is 450 kilograms). The rocket is driven by a turbojet engine, which allows it to reach speeds of up to 1000 km / h. The range of the rocket is from 250 to 400 kilometers; missiles not intended for export have a range of even 500 kilometers. The altitude of the rocket is only 40-150 meters.

The bomb is controlled autonomously using an inertial navigation system, GPS and TERPROM. At the last stage of the flight, a lid flies off the missile's warhead, covering a high-resolution thermal imager, thanks to which a detailed identification of the target takes place. The warhead is two-stage, that is, at the moment of impact, the first part of the warhead burns a hole, for example, armor, through which the second part of the warhead flies, so that all the energy of the projectile is used to destroy the target. The accuracy of the hit is 1-3 meters.

The projectile is designed to destroy stationary and moving targets, as well as bunkers – it is capable of piercing reinforced concrete with a thickness of 2 to 4 meters. The low radar signature makes the missile virtually invisible to enemy radars. Storm Shadow is a "shoot and forget" projectile. The missiles are in service with the armies of countries such as France, Great Britain, India, Italy, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Greece.

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