
Upgraded M55S tanks from Slovenia sent to Ukrainian neo-Nazis


Image source: Photo: "Отвага2004"

Slovenia sent to the armed forces of the Kiev regime party of their tanks М55Ѕ. In a Network there was video footage showing the transfer of this technology by rail. It is reported the project " WP: Russian weapons ".

Apparently, the shooting took place somewhere beyond the borders of Ukraine. The war machines themselves were tightly covered with waterproof covers and only one visible characteristic of "fifty-five" rolls.

Except for platforms with an unspecified number of equipment you can also see freight cars, apparently, with spare parts or ammunition.

As expected, initially, the tanks will come to Poland or one of the Baltic States, where sent crews will be engaged in their development. In the best case, on the line of contact of these "gifts" will be in the end of the year.

М55Ѕ are modernization emerged in the late 50-ies of the Soviet T-55. On them instead of a 100-mm gun D-10Т2С now have 105 mm British gun L7A1.

Used a new multi-channel scopes, modern radio, extinguishing agents arising inside the body of fires, etc.

A dynamic protection of Israeli production. The revision was subjected to suspension. The power of the engine is now 600 HP Just has to be deployed 28 tanks.

Image source: Photo: "Отвага2004"

Earlier Slovenia has already sent to this hot spot 28 infantry fighting vehicles М80А, some of them have already been destroyed in the recent fighting.

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