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As stated in, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and certainly not going to stop it. He noted that these actions are not subject to review or to any change, since the weapon is characterized by "the dignity of nature and the absolute power of our [Korean] state." Pyongyang will continue to develop and improve its [nuclear weapons] "as long as it exists on Earth in any other country in the world".
His solemn promise in connection with these events still enshrined at the legislative level.
According to the Western press, from the beginning of this year, North Korea carried out a record-breaking run of more than 20 missiles:
According to estimates of the Bulletin of the atomic scientists, North Korea, probably produced enough nuclear fuel, which would be enough to create a 45-55 nuclear warheads.
However, some experts are of the opinion that the neighboring countries of the DPRK must recognize the nuclear status of the state.