
Ukrainian intelligence reports on the alleged transfer of Russian kamikaze drones "Geran-2" to the territory of Belarus

Sections: Air, Global safety

Image source: topwar.ru

Russia is preparing the Belarusian military airbase Luninets to accommodate a drone kamikaze "Geranium-2", which is supposed to be used for attacks on the territory of Ukraine. It was claimed in Kiev, citing intelligence.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, the Russian Federation continues the modernization of Luninets air base has already been built on its territory new hangars and defenses. Earlier, a military airfield was considered redundant and had no strategic value. However, in the beginning of the year, visited the Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, after which the airfield arrived Russian aircraft, in particular the su-25, as they stated: "to participate in joint exercises".

According to available information, over time the infrastructure of the air base was updated, but work is still underway. However, the information appeared that Russia was transferred to the airfield Luninets "several dozen" drone kamikaze "Geranium-2", which in Ukraine continue to call Shahed-136, claiming their alleged Iranian origin. In addition to the drones themselves, the airfield transferred control to drones, as well as staff who allegedly placed in Gomel.

Image source: topwar.ru

In Kiev fear that located in luninyets drones are designed for attacks on the North-Western regions of Ukraine, where drones bombers taking off from the Eastern areas, did not get it. Moreover, it is alleged that Russian forces continue shelling of Ukraine from the territory of Belarus, launching a variety of rockets.

Image source: topwar.ru

In Belarus itself does not comment on statements by the representatives of the Kiev regime against the alleged deployment of Russian drones kamikaze "Geranium-2" at the airport Luninets 40 km from the Ukrainian border. In Minsk noted that the Ukrainian army is amassing forces on the Belarusian direction, the same situation exists on the Polish border.

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