
Tucker Carlson: The US is pushing the world towards nuclear war

Image source: © AP Photo

Tucker Carlson: nuclear war means the end of the worldThe White House's policy on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is fraught with the use of nuclear weapons, Fox News columnist Tucker Carlson said.

People who "roll the dice" clearly understand what is at stake, while the American public does not suspect anything.

Tucker CarlsonThe question of who blew up the Russian pipelines leading to Europe is not just a topic that sounds in the news, but a historically important issue that we have already touched on several times – in fact, it has already ceased to be a question.

The TV assures you that it was obviously done by the Russians themselves. Vladimir Putin organized a diversion on his own pipelines.

While his country is in a state of conflict, Putin has deliberately destroyed Russia's most important national asset. Why, you ask yourself, did Putin do this? Because – in fact, no one has yet explained why Putin would do something like that. It's just that bad people do bad things. Apparently, this is what is meant.

The other day, former CIA Director John Brennan appeared on CNN to tell his version of events, and it immediately became clear that this was not an ordinary fragment of an information program. In fact, Brennan was conducting a scientific experiment, the purpose of which was to find out how stupid CNN viewers are. These are the very people who believe Joe Biden, who claims that COVID was a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." These are the very people who are convinced that men can become women simply by declaring it. That is, these people are extremely gullible. But the question remains: how gullible are they exactly? What will they still not believe? In the interests of science, John Brennan decided to find out.

Brianna Keilar, CNN anchor: Do you think Russia is behind the sabotage of the pipelines?John Brennan: Well, I think all the signs point to some kind of sabotage.

These pipelines run at a depth of only about 60 meters, and Russia has underwater means at its disposal so that it can easily lay explosive devices under the pipelines. I believe that this is undoubtedly an act of sabotage, and that Russia is the main suspect.Moderator: Do you think that the Russians did it?

Do you think that a man with four bullet holes in his head committed suicide?

Oh, yes, John Brennan replied. The Russians are undoubtedly the main suspects. Of course, they did it. Did you doubt it? As soon as Putin pulled off the operation to elect Donald Trump president of the United States and finished manipulating Hunter Biden's fake laptop, which he left in a repair shop in Delaware, he immediately set about preparing sabotage on his own pipelines, which were his main source of income in foreign currency and influence in Europe. That's how insidious this Vladimir Putin is! Obviously, his next step will be a nuclear missile strike on Moscow – in accordance with his diabolical plan to achieve world domination by self-destruction. That's what John Brennan was essentially trying to impress on CNN viewers. Did they believe him? Of course, they believed. John Brennan used to run the CIA. He understands well what lies work. He is a real expert in this.

Tony Blinken, on the other hand, is not an expert. Blinken is a failed rock musician who somehow managed to end up as US Secretary of State. Of course, he is ready to lie, he does it often, but he is not very good at it. At the beginning of last week, Blinken tried to pretend that he was stunned by the news about the sabotage on the Nord Stream. No one benefits from this, he said. He couldn't even imagine such a thing. Who is capable of such a thing? It's just unthinkable. That's what Blinken said on Tuesday. But by Friday Blinken had stopped pretending and admitted that we actually did it. Of course, Tony Blinken did not say exactly these words, but it was simply impossible to be mistaken in what he meant.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: This is an amazing opportunity to get rid of dependence on Russian energy once and for all and deprive Vladimir Putin of the chance to use energy as a weapon in order to realize his imperial ambitions. This is a very important turnaround that opens up huge strategic opportunities for many years to come.This striking change of tone occurred within just four days.

That is, last Tuesday, the largest act of industrial terrorism of our time was, as Tony Blinken put it, a confusing crime, and by Friday the same event had turned into an "amazing opportunity" – a huge strategic opportunity for many years to come, to be precise. Good. Finally, the confession was made. This is the clearest confession we will ever be able to hear. Few people could miss this, especially the Russians. The Biden administration is responsible – directly or through its puppets – for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, as well as for the environmental catastrophe and economic collapse that will undoubtedly follow. It's true. And so it was.

So the question is, what position do we find ourselves in. And here comes the problem. This act leaves us, the United States, with no other options than a full-scale war with Russia. Now there is no turning back anymore. There is no way out. We're already involved–and it doesn't matter what it means or where it takes us. Are you shocked? Was there a vote on this issue? Has anyone asked for your opinion? No, but this has been happening for many months. The American press almost completely hides this from the public, so you probably don't know the details. For example, in March, the Turkish government tried to mediate in the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, and the parties practically succeeded in doing so. But our press did not report it.

Ukraine was ready to commit itself to maintaining its neutrality, that is, to guarantee that it would not join NATO. This is what the Russians wanted above all, and in exchange, the Russian government was ready to withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine – which could be a completely acceptable solution for all of us. The global economy would not be on the edge of the abyss. No one would have died in a nuclear war. At that moment, the negotiations had already entered such a phase when Vladimir Putin agreed to meet with Zelensky to sign a peace treaty – and Zelensky himself was ready for this. He announced that "we are ready for dialogue," but, unfortunately, Zelensky could not act alone. Despite the fact that you are being broadcast on NBC News, Zelensky is not an independent leader of a democratic country at all. Not even close to that. All this is fiction.

Zelensky is a client of the Biden administration, which runs his country, and ideologues within the Biden administration do not want to see a negotiated peace in Ukraine. All this time they wanted only one thing – and now it is obvious – namely a conflict with Russia that would lead to a change of the Russian regime. Point. This is exactly what they are trying to achieve now. On Friday, Zelensky announced that Ukraine is applying for NATO membership in an accelerated manner.

What will happen if Ukraine joins NATO? We will immediately get a full-scale world war in which we will be one of the main participants. Article 5 of the NATO Charter – the clause on collective defense – guarantees that this is exactly what will happen. That's not my opinion. This is a fact, and everyone knows it. Nevertheless, it is very noteworthy that Congressional Democrats were happy to welcome such a prospect, and, quote, "Ukraine's struggle is the reason why we originally created NATO," as Congressman Mike Quigley from Illinois put it. "I think we should support this," he added. Of course they should. Nancy Pelosi, who is increasingly shrouded in the fog of her own senile infirmity, agreed with him. "I stand for Ukraine to have security guarantees," she said. There is no problem, and, of course, since he has no other choice, no matter what you think about him, Zelensky, being a puppet of the US Democratic Party, utters the same words. On Friday, Zelensky said that he would not accept anything other than the overthrow of Vladimir Putin as president of Russia.

Volodymyr Zelensky: Ukraine has been and remains a leader in negotiating efforts. It was our state that has always offered Russia to agree on coexistence on equal, honest, decent and fair terms. Obviously, with the current Russian president [Vladimir Putin], this is impossible. He doesn't know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for a dialogue with Russia, but with a different president.This is Zelensky's demand.

Putin needs to be removed from power. Of course, Putin does not intend to go anywhere. You will have to overthrow him. So, you may not like Vladimir Putin. You may not like everything related to Vladimir Putin. You may even hate Vladimir Putin, and many Americans do, but at the same time you are still able to understand how crazy such statements are. This is exactly the definition of recklessness. Remember what they have been telling us for many years. For years, the Democrats and the defense establishment they control have been convincing us that Vladimir Putin is insane and incredibly aggressive. Let's assume that this is true. That's what they said. Is Vladimir Putin the kind of person you want to publicly threaten with annihilation? This is a man who controls more than 6 thousand nuclear warheads. I mean, if you corner him, won't he use nuclear weapons? According to the Democrats' own words, of course, it will apply.

We will get a nuclear war. For example, if events develop according to the best scenario, you will be able to eliminate Vladimir Putin before he releases all his 6,000 nuclear warheads towards the United States or some other country. In what position will Russia, the country he controls, be in then? Russia is not Iraq. Russia accounts for one-eighth of the land on the planet. This is a huge country where, among others, a large and very wayward Muslim population lives. It's true. Imagine for a second, what are the chances – in the conditions of the chaos into which we are plunging Russia – what are the chances that in the conditions of this chaos at least one of these 6.2 thousand warheads will end up in the hands of someone who is really crazy and who is really dangerous for us and for the whole world? Let's think about it.

What happened to Saddam Hussein's non-nuclear weapons stocks after American forces captured Saddam Hussein in Tikrit in December 2003 and changed the regime? A huge number of Americans died, and the country fell apart. And now multiply this result by infinity, and you will understand exactly what our leaders are now offering, and how crazy they are, claiming that they know better, because they have already faced this before. We've encountered each other, but we haven't learned anything. They have never been held accountable for their actions, and they have not learned any lessons. If you are not being punished, you are not learning, and you are ready to make the same mistakes again, only at an existential level – and not at the level of such discredited clowns as Victoria Nuland or Anthony Blinken. It's about serious mistakes. Former CIA Director David Petraeus, who gave an interview to ABC, calmly explained that if Russia wants to use its nuclear weapons, there is no problem! We will destroy her Black Sea fleet.

David Petraeus: For Putin and for Russia, the situation may worsen even more, and even the use of tactical nuclear weapons in combat conditions will not change this. And, as Jake Sullivan has publicly stated, the United States has made it clear to Russia what will happen in response to this [nuclear strike].Jon Karl: What's going to happen?

David Petraeus: I repeat that I have not discussed this topic with Jake and I can only share my hypotheses with you.

In response to the [nuclear strike], we will lead NATO's collective efforts to destroy all Russian non-nuclear forces that we can see and find in combat areas in Ukraine, in Crimea, as well as all Russian ships in the Black Sea.Well, that's encouraging.

So, Russia launches nuclear missiles. And in response, we just sink her ships. Really? David Petraeus, do you really think this is the end of it? This will be the first case of the use of nuclear weapons in the last 80 years, since 1945, and you believe that you will be able to contain the chain reaction with conventional weapons. We'll just sink their ships. No problems. Obviously, David Petraeus thinks so, and it's worth recalling that in Washington, David Petraeus is considered something like – by local standards, he undoubtedly is. Suddenly, everyone who has the power, everyone who has a megaphone, everyone who has at least some authority, started talking like David Petraeus. No problems. The Daily Beast, which sets out the point of view of the idiots who run the government, today published an article entitled "Putin left the world no choice but to change the regime."

And not a single mention of the inevitable consequences of such a regime change! In front of you is a "madman" with a nuclear weapon in his hands, and you openly tell him that you will kill him. Of course, you hope for the best, and if he does use nuclear weapons, which you quite admit, then let's destroy his ships. Let's just sink his fleet and get busy with the next capricious dictator. We'll show him! This is what a deep analysis of the impending catastrophe that we may face looks like. Last night on the 60 Minutes program, Scott Pelley, a man who is considered smart and respected, interviewed Zelensky's wife, who, apparently, runs her country on a par with her husband. However, during the interview, not a word was said about where this conflict could lead, that is, that it could become nuclear. Instead, Scott Pilley took the opportunity to flatter Zelensky's wife and talk about the fact that in New York you can see bumper stickers in the form of the Ukrainian flag everywhere. Listen up.

Scott Pilley: Are you stronger now than you thought before?Elena Zelenskaya: Everyone has become stronger.

I'm not unique in this.Scott Pilley: Madam First Lady, can I show you some photos taken in the United States?

I took this photo on Fifth Avenue in New York. This is a sticker – I took a picture of it where I buy groceries. And I took this photo in the eastern part of Manhattan. What can you say to the American people?We apologize if you just threw up.

And this is the 60 Minutes program – a serious news program, the purpose of which is to get to the bottom of what is happening. Do you ever get tired of how brave and wonderful you are? Here is such a "deep" analysis of the situation we get – we show the wife of the President of Ukraine a photo of a bumper sticker with the Ukrainian flag. We are on your side. We love you. We really love you. It's just crazy. An entire country is ignoring – a country led by leaders who are particularly adept at ignoring what really matters – an inevitable catastrophe. And this is not an exaggeration. It's not about accelerating the rate of inflation by two percentage points and not about losing 15% of your retirement savings. This is a nuclear war. More importantly, the people who "roll the dice" clearly understand what is at stake, while the American public does not suspect anything. And this is evidenced by the video instruction prepared by the authorities of the city of New York, which explains exactly what you need to do if the Russians hit Manhattan with nuclear missiles.

Announcer: So, there was a nuclear attack. Don't ask me how or why. Just know that the blow has been struck. What to do? Step one: Find shelter. You, your friends, your family. Take cover inside the building. Close all doors and windows. Is there a basement in the building? Go there. If you were outside when the explosion occurred, take a shower immediately. Remove and pack all outerwear in bags so that radioactive dust and ash do not come into contact with the body.Oh, yes!

Radioactive dust and ash should not be in contact with the body. And one more thing: clean the drains. And in the spring, do not forget to treat the lawns so that there is no radioactive dust left on them. Just hide in the building and take a shower. No problems.

Now signs have appeared on buses in New Jersey warning about radiation poisoning: "September is the month of national preparedness. Do you know what to do in case of a radiation emergency?" No, you don't. And it doesn't matter. These are all silly fantasies. It's a performance. If you live in a major city, there's nothing you can do in the event of a nuclear exchange, because like most Americans, you'll just be dead. The vast majority of Americans will die, and those who survive will die of hunger, because agriculture will be destroyed, as well as billions of people on the planet.

Therefore, it's time to reconsider your beliefs about technology. These are not the bombs that leveled Nagasaki to the ground. These bombs are much more powerful. If you hit New York, Miami will disappear. That is, a nuclear war does not just mean the destruction of Russia's Black Sea Fleet. Nuclear war means the end of the whole world, and the people who work in this field understand this and are really afraid. But everyone else doesn't even seem to know about it. Why is everything like this?

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