
The Director General of the Zaporozhye NPP was convicted of working for the SBU and sent to the territory controlled by Kiev


Image source: topwar.ru

The Director-General of the Zaporizhzhya NPP Igor Murashov worked for the security service and was transferred to Kiev information of interest to the Ukrainian intelligence services. After identifying these facts Murashova expelled into the territory controlled by Kiev.

CEO ZNPP Murashov admitted that he worked for the security service, passing interest to Kiev information through various messengers. Basic information that interested the Ukrainian security forces, according to the Murashova, this state nuclear power station after the shooting.

Communicate with the SBU through messengers, the essence of communication was the fact that I give information about the current state of Affairs at the nuclear plant

he said.

Also Murashov admitted that banned the station staff to write an appeal to the UN and the IAEA to cease attacks waged APU, as that would "hurt the national interests of Ukraine." While well aware of what they can bring. According to him, the main attack on the station was applied on the other side of the Dnieper, from the areas of settlement and the Nikopol Manganese, controlled Kiev, but did not directly acknowledged that it was a APU.

All these injuries could lead to emergency situations, the most likely option of the attacks was carried out by the Dnieper river, the Ukraine from cities Nikopol Manganese and

he added.

The illegal activities of the Director General of ZNPP identified by Russian security forces and expelled him to the territory controlled by Ukraine for "carrying out activities aimed at discrediting the authorities of the Russian Federation".

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