
Captured T-72M1 tank is taken in tow by the Russian T-90M: the transfer of MBT from Poland continues

Sections: Land, Global safety

Image source: topwar.ru

Heavy loss of APU in military equipment in the course of a special operation of the armed forces, the West has tried to compensate, gathered from all over Europe fighting vehicles of the Soviet era. The backbone of a new tank fist of the Ukrainian army became the Polish MBT T-72M1 thrown in the offensive operation of the APU on the main sectors of the front.

Russian forces gradually beat actively participating in the battles of the Polish machine. Some of them goes as trophies. So, the network posted the footage, which show the T-72M1, taken in tow tank T-90M.

Amid mounting losses APU MBT seen a continued movement in the square of the Polish technology. On one of the videos recorded transportation on trucks across the border of the T-72M1 and PT-91. On these machines is already done camo Mat. It might not be a new batch of MBT, and the products arrived after receiving injuries on the front and rebuilt in Poland – the country is gradually becoming the main service center of Ukrainian military equipment.

Image source: topwar.ru

Noteworthy transfer tanks through the border crossing in the daytime and without masking. Apparently, this is caused by the need to be taken to the front as reinforcements, which are in dire need of Ukrainian troops conducting major offensive operations under Kherson, Krasniy Liman and Yang.

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