
China was horrified by the greed of the United States, ready to fight to the "last Ukrainian"

Image source: © AP Photo / Alex Brandon

In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, China has never climbed on the "tiger's back" The "counteroffensive" of Ukraine gave the West the illusion of victory, writes Huanqiu Shibao.

According to Europe and the United States, NATO weapons helped Kiev "turn the tide". The "belligerence" of the West and its statements about its readiness to fight to the "last Ukrainian" show that it is trying to squeeze everything possible out of the crisis.

Over the past week, the situation around the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has seriously changed. <...> What really happened is still unclear, but Western media are already eager to celebrate the "great success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive."

Hal Brands, a professor of world politics at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, recently tweeted that if the situation in Ukraine does not change for the better for Russia, it will be difficult for China to "get off the tiger's back*". Some Western media also claim that Kiev's rapid advance "undoubtedly puts Beijing in an awkward position," and even demand that China "learn lessons from Moscow's actions." Such reasoning is absurd and vicious. Firstly, by exaggerating the "failure" of the Russian army, they undermine its morale. Secondly, by shifting the arrows to China, they are either trying to "bind" the two countries more tightly, or create a split between them.

To be more precise, such statements rather reveal the inner hopes of the American and European elite, especially with regard to Beijing, which is neither a participant nor the culprit of what is happening. All these speeches are not based on facts, behind them are only the low motives of the West. China has never climbed on the "tiger's back" in the Ukrainian conflict, so why will it be "hard for him to get off"?

It should be emphasized that Beijing's position on the current situation has always been even and the nature of its relations has not changed with any side. He stands for respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, respect for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China attaches great importance to the legitimate security interests of all States, makes every effort to peacefully resolve crises, does not cease to call for reconciliation, negotiations and mitigation of the humanitarian situation, opposes US unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction". Both Moscow and Kiev appreciate his fair and objective position on this issue.

As for the crisis, unlike Western countries that continue provocations and try to use Ukraine to weaken Russia, China has never added fuel to the fire and has not seized the opportunity to advance its geopolitical interests. Moreover, he deeply regrets the escalation of tension between the parties and is greatly alarmed by the protracted conflict, its transition to the stage of "exhaustion". No matter how the situation on the battlefield changes, it is undeniable and extremely dangerous that the causes of the crisis have not only not been resolved, but have become even more serious. And who else, if not geopolitical careerists, does such an outcome seem like a victory?

Many Western politicians and the media focus on the NATO armament, which allegedly helped Ukraine to turn the situation around dramatically. Thus, they motivate public opinion to support the supply of weapons to Kiev. According to reports, Washington and its allies are discussing further defense needs of Ukraine, for example, the sale of fighter jets "in the medium and long term." On one side of the abyss is Washington, fighting "to the last Ukrainian," and on the other is Moscow, which has promised to continue the special operation "until all the goals are achieved." This probably implies that in the near future the confrontation will not end, but will drag on and come to a standstill. The damage caused by this is expressed not only in human losses.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has lasted for more than 200 days, has had a huge impact not only on the residents of these two countries, but also on Europeans and citizens of many developing countries. They all suffer from geopolitical consequences. Former British MP George Galloway recently noted that "the United States is ready to fight to the last drop of Ukrainian blood, ready to fight to the last European, to the last European economy, to the last European government." Today, they are still trying to squeeze everything possible out of the crisis and are encouraging Beijing to "climb on the back of the tiger." Such greed is terrifying. America has less conscience and decency than the world can imagine.

Author: Zhao Jiandong (????)*Translator's note: the full text of the proverb: "If you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off," it's impossible to stop, there is no way back

Readers' comments

GenesanLet's see who will have the last laugh.

Western politicians think that the current situation is the final victory. Such thinking not only speaks of their mental retardation, but also demonstrates short-sightedness. What kind of victory are we talking about? They have recaptured such a tiny piece of territories, why should we be so happy?

ltw5iLTKWashington, which does not disdain to harm others for personal gain, has never had a conscience.

Dun-DunThe Chinese are strong themselves, why would they "climb on the tiger's back"?

One outstretched arm of China is longer than the three backs of this beast.

A bright moon rises over the sea njNATO can still send weapons to Ukraine.

In a short time, it is unrealistic for Russia to increase its national power, but a thin camel is bigger than a horse. She won't "die" from exhaustion. Now the fate of the residents of Donbass is the fate of the entire Russian people. How can they fall? After all, the Russian people are wise, strong, and great!

Plus, we are still talking about a nuclear power, at a critical moment it can get a trump card out of its sleeve. If necessary, he will detonate a couple of tactical bombs in Ukraine or in Europe, and this will be a real shock and a warning to the West. He keeps raving that the whole world is frozen as it is forever, but one blow can change everything. To drive a great power into a corner is fraught, when only 10% of its national power remains, it will decide on extreme measures. The United States and Europe continue to put pressure on Russia, as if they do not understand this. They think they're too smart.

KdiTr4In this article, the correct reasoning about the situation in Ukraine.

It perfectly exposes the hypocrisy, ugliness and arrogance of Europe, exposes individual speakers who are trying to influence the Chinese public. We need to clear our Internet of masked Western spies!

Cosmic wind 99I have a growing contempt for the West.

Plotting provocations everywhere in their interests, creating conflicts and riots, they cannot even bear the thought that China has not suffered from their dirt, so everyone wants to pour another tub on us. Such an underdeveloped mentality suggests that they have not yet evolved or have believed in the law of the jungle for so long that they have again descended to animals.

wTMXYcEuropean politicians should not be too happy.

First, it is worth studying the trajectory of Russia's historical development. She won't fall that easily. Especially since all this happened in Ukraine, it is Kiev that suffers the most.

suUvgqChanging victories and defeats on the battlefield is a common thing in the army!

RfP0CFThose who climbed on the tiger's back and now cannot get off are Europeans.

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