Waveline Magnet Generator
The company "Sea Wave Energy Ltd" promises to reduce the cost of energy production on his wave generator "Waveline Magnet" to an incredibly low level of $0.01/kWh Is 80 times smaller than the accepted rating for this generation method according to the formula LCoE, and the lowest cost for energy from any source known to mankind. But there is a small nuance – for ten years "Sea Wave Energy Ltd" not built and sold one of the full wave power plant.
If you go to the website of another, no less famous in the past, the company "Albatern", developed a promising technology wave generation "WaveNet", we see there is a small plug. As for the technology "Waveline Magnet", its developers after ten years of hard work still collect and analyze test data, so the collected information is not publicly available. But there is advertising publications, which indicate that the system is operating in "the waves", and the harsher elements, as better power generation.
Waveline Magnet Generator
The principle of "Waveline Magnet" is extremely simple: moving the floats are connected by levers which are connected to the generators. The system analyzes the power of the wave and automatically adjusts it to provide maximum efficiency with every movement. The journalists managed to get an interim report from the laboratory of "Centrale Nantes", which indicated that the prototype with a length of 32 m and a weight of 1.8 tons during the test showed peak power of 1.4 kW. It is easy to calculate that the 100-megawatt wave power of advertising "Sea Wave Energy Ltd" must be in the 71 429 times larger than the prototype. With less power to achieve profitability will be difficult, however, how difficult it is to create and assemble this design? And how much it will cost to a potential customer? Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that in General the idea of wave generators have not yet found practical implementation.