Image source: topwar.ru
The active use of artillery by both sides of the conflict in Ukraine has led to a significant increase in the distance between the opposing forces. In these conditions, an extended "gray zone" is formed in front of the front lines, on the territory of which fighting is conducted by small groups, the main tactics of which are lightning raids and anti-sabotage raids.
One of these "raids" was carried out by the DPR fighters, using an RPG-7 grenade launcher converted for long-range fire as a means of striking enemy positions. The military, in order to disguise movement, advance on foot. The group consists of four people – the actual calculation of the RPG-7 (from a grenade launcher and his assistant) and two shooters providing cover.
The increased range of the RPG-7 (up to 3.5 km) is achieved due to a small modification of the shot by dismantling the self-destruct device installed on it. The launcher is mounted on a homemade tripod, the fire is carried out by a canopy, the grenade is triggered when it comes into contact with the target. After delivering a series of blows, the group collapses, leaving the tripod in place, so that, apparently, later return to the firing position in case of its preservation.