
The cauldron is covered: Ukrainian formations in Lisichansk were surrounded

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости

According to experts, there are now about 9 thousand Kiev-controlled military in this area.

The armed formations of Ukraine (VFU) in Lisichansk have been taken into an operational environment, the People's militia of the LPR said on June 22. According to experts, up to 9 thousand people may be in the ring. And on the eve it became known that the delegations of the military departments of Russia and Turkey discussed in Moscow the issues of the safe exit of merchant ships and the export of grain from Ukrainian ports. Now 70 vessels from 16 states are blocked there. The armed forces of the Russian Federation have opened a humanitarian corridor for their exit, but the Ukrainian authorities are preventing the export of grain.

Lisichansky cauldron

The VFU in Lisichansk have been taken into an operational environment, the official representative of the People's militia of the LPR Ivan Filiponenko said on June 22.

"Several wedges have been driven into the Zolotoye— Gorskoye– Lisichansk section, the supply of units of the armed forces of Ukraine directly between these settlements has been completely interrupted, and thus these pockets of resistance are now completely separate," he said.

He clarified that the VFU no longer has a united front, and several hotbeds may soon be completely surrounded by Russian troops.

— The walls of this boiler are still being formed and compressed, — military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia. — But the encirclement of the Lysychansk group is certainly the heaviest blow to the entire Donetsk front of the enemy. The last frontier where he will be able to hold on is Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Then the urbanized and forested areas end and the steppe begins. There, the Ukrainian formations have nothing to oppose the allied forces.

Photo: Global Look Press/Keystone Press Agency/Alex Chan Tsz Yuk

Image source: iz.ru

According to the expert, from 8 to 9 thousand people will be in the boiler in the area of Lisichansk and Zolotoye.

— It will be a serious defeat, after which the front will collapse, — he is sure. — Ukraine will have to take extra efforts to plug this hole. But there are no signs that Kiev has accumulated reserves. Therefore, the story of Lisichansk and Zolotoy may end in a military catastrophe for our enemy.

On June 22, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the enemy was suffering significant losses in all directions. Ukrainian troops evacuated about 30 wounded and eight killed American and British mercenaries from the territory of the DPR under the cover of night.

— On June 21, as a result of a strike with high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces, up to 500 servicemen of the 59th mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons and military equipment were destroyed, stationed in the workshops of the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant "Ocean", — said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

Abandoned APU checkpoint in Lisichansk

Image Source: Photo: Global Look Press/Keystone Press Agency/Alex Chan Tsz Yuk

And the servicemen of one of the battalions of the 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade, having lost more than 60% of the personnel, voluntarily left their positions and refused to obey the command.

Open corridors

In Moscow on June 21, the delegations of the military departments of Russia and Turkey discussed the issues of the safe exit of Turkish merchant ships and the export of grain from Ukrainian ports. Special attention was paid to the issue of ensuring safe navigation in the Black Sea. The delegations of the two countries emphasized the importance of cooperation in a bilateral format, which made it possible to ensure the exit of civilian vessels from the port of Mariupol, including the Turkish cargo ship Azov Concord.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, now 70 foreign vessels from 16 states remain blocked in six Black Sea ports — Kherson, Nikolaev, Chernomorsk, Ochakov, Odessa and Yuzhny. The Russian military department has repeatedly stated that the threat of shelling and high mine danger created by official Kiev do not allow ships to freely enter the open sea.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have organized two humanitarian corridors for the safe movement of ships in the Black and Azov Seas. In the latter, there is a route for safe navigation from Mariupol.

In the Black Sea, the Russian Armed Forces also provide a humanitarian corridor for ships to leave the ports of Kherson, Nikolaev, Chernomorsk, Ochakov, Odessa and Yuzhny. It is 139 miles long and 3 miles wide. It is open daily from 9 am to 7 pm, all data about its operation is transmitted via open radio channels.

jpg" title="The first foreign vessel Azov Concord under the flag of Malta leaves the port of Mariupol, June 21, 2022">

The first foreign vessel Azov Concord under the flag of Malta leaves the port of Mariupol, June 21, 2022

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Pavel Bednyakov

It is not possible to use it yet. The head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, has repeatedly stated that the Ukrainian authorities in every possible way shy away from interacting with representatives of foreign states and ship-owning companies in resolving the issue of ensuring the safe exit of blocked vessels.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on June 22 that Russia is ready to facilitate the export of grain from Ukraine by foreign vessels.

"For their part, the Russian military has created the necessary conditions for the safe functioning of two maritime humanitarian corridors: in the Black and Azov Seas," Maria Zakharova recalled.

She also added that today "there is an opportunity to use the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk for the export of agricultural products."

Grain export affects the issue of ensuring food security in the world, former UN Deputy Secretary General Sergei Ordzhonikidze told Izvestia.

— There is no famine in the world yet, but even a small shortage of food will immediately be felt, — the expert explained. — Prices will soar, and those who are poorer will have problems with food supply. First of all, it will not affect the countries of the West, but the states of Africa and Asia with developing economies. Russia understands this. Our president has repeatedly said that we do not hinder the export of bread and can assist in this, of course, within the framework of the opportunities that we have. This is a statement of the first person and such words are a state position.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Venyavsky

Image source: iz.ru

Sergei Ordzhonikidze recalled that in order to export grain, it is necessary to clear the water area around the ports, which was mined by Ukrainian troops. According to him, Ukraine has maps of minefields, and only it can provide rapid mine clearance.

— But Kiev does not want to do this and even hinders it, — the expert noted. — The reason for refusal is ridiculous: we, they say, will clear mines, and the Russians will immediately land troops. But Russian troops can also reach Nikolaev and Odessa by land, which is much easier. For some reason, this does not fit into the head of Ukrainian politicians.

Downed MiGs

On June 22, the Armed forces of the Russian Federation continued to strike at the objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

Planes and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 151 areas of concentration of troops, five ammunition depots and the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system during the day.

Rocket troops and artillery hit 253 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and six ammunition depots. The fuel terminal in Mykolaiv, from which the APU was supplied with fuel, was also destroyed.

As part of the counter-battery struggle, 13 MLRS platoons and ten platoons of barrel artillery in firing positions were hit. AN American-made AN-TPQ artillery reconnaissance station was destroyed near the village of Nikolskoye in the DPR.

Combat operation of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) "Hurricane"

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In total, more than 620 nationalists, 24 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, as well as 27 special vehicles were destroyed during the day as a result of air strikes, missile troops and artillery, the military department reported.

On June 22, Russian air defense units shot down Su-25 and MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, 16 unmanned aerial vehicles, three Tochka-U ballistic missiles and 14 multiple rocket launchers.

— In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 211 aircraft, 132 helicopters, 1308 unmanned aerial vehicles, 349 anti—aircraft missile systems, 3733 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 594 multiple rocket launchers, 2081 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 3801 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed, - Igor listed Konashenkov.

Mined roadsides

The VFU continues to use civilian infrastructure for military purposes, Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation, said on June 22.

In Kramatorsk (DPR), a strong point with ammunition and weapons depots is equipped in an apartment building on Parkovaya Street. Residents are forcibly held in their apartments. In schools No. 4 and No. 25, the nationalists placed firing positions and sniper points, while the evacuation of the local population from nearby residential buildings was not carried out.

In the Dacha of the Odessa region, in the House of Culture and Gymnasium No. 2, nationalists equipped a strong point, and armored vehicles and MLRS were placed on the territory. In Lisichansk (LNR), barracks, firing positions and an armament depot are equipped on the territory of the dairy. Armored vehicles and artillery pieces of Western production are located nearby.

— In Avdiivka (DPR), specialists of the Center for Information and Psychological Operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted another provocation to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of allegedly destroying civilian infrastructure facilities. To do this, the nationalists blew up the building of secondary school No. 6 and distributed fabricated photo and video materials in the Ukrainian and Western media, — said the head of the NCSU of the Russian Federation.

Photo: Global Look Press/Keystone Press Agency/Rick Mave

Image source: iz.ru

In Slavyansk, Kramatorsk district, militants of Ukrainian armed formations mined the roadsides along Heroes of Labor Street, adjacent to the M-03 highway. At the same time, the local population was deliberately not notified.

— We warn the world community and international organizations in advance about this inhumane provocation prepared by the Ukrainian authorities, as a result of which civilians may suffer, and the Kiev regime will accuse Russian servicemen of indiscriminate strikes, according to a proven scenario, — Mikhail Mizintsev said.

Saved comrades

The Defense Ministry on Wednesday told about the servicemen who showed courage and dedication in the battles.

The group of Corporal Denis Sanigarov was liberating a strategically important airfield from armed formations of Ukrainian nationalists. Denis landed from a Mi-8 helicopter and immediately engaged in battle with superior enemy forces. Having dislodged the militants from their positions, Denis's platoon deployed a command post, and the corporal himself provided stable radio communication with the command under enemy mortar fire.

The enemy repeatedly tried to destroy the control point. When repelling these attacks, Denis personally destroyed up to ten nationalists.

— The bold and decisive actions of Corporal Sanigarov allowed the command to coordinate the actions of the landing, — noted in the Ministry of Defense.

Trucks of the logistics column of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the movement to the zone of a special military operation

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti

Sergeant Roman Novikov traveled more than ten times as part of automobile convoys to areas located near the line of contact, personally delivering more than 70 tons of cargo to the front line.

Novikov's column was carrying ammunition and food to Russian troops when the nationalists opened mortar fire on them. As a result of the rupture, the car moving ahead of Roman caught fire. Undeterred, the sergeant carried four wounded servicemen into his car and left the place of the shelling. Thanks to his bold and decisive actions, his colleagues were promptly taken to the battalion's medical center, where they received the necessary medical care.

A group of paratroopers, which included foreman Sergei Vasiliev, was advancing on the positions of Ukrainian nationalists. During the attack, Sergei discovered the machine-gun crew of the enemy's control panel, secretly got close to the equipped firing point and destroyed it by throwing a RGD-5 grenade.

Thanks to the actions of Sergeant Sergei Vasiliev, up to five nationalists were destroyed, and the paratroopers' unit managed to advance without losses, the military department noted.

Bogdan Stepovoy

Andrey Fedorov

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