
Wings were clipped: Kiev lost six planes in two days

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости

Why did experts call the strengthening of the front by Ukrainian defense units a gesture of desperation

In two days, the Russian Aerospace Forces and air defense units destroyed six Ukrainian combat aircraft. On the Day of Russia, three Su-25s were shot down, which were used by the APU. A day earlier, two MiG-29s and one Su-25 were hit. Other armed formations of Ukraine have also suffered heavy losses since the beginning of the special military operation. According to experts, this is evidenced by the fact that from June 12, employees of the country's territorial defense will be involved in performing tasks in combat areas. Poorly trained theroborona formations will not be able to change the course of the special operation and will quickly burn out at the front, experts interviewed by Izvestia believe.

Three stormtroopers per day

On June 12, the armed forces of the Russian Federation continued to strike at objects of the military and transport infrastructure of Ukraine.

— High—precision long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles in the Chortkov area of the Ternopil region destroyed a large warehouse of anti-tank missile systems, portable anti-aircraft missile systems and artillery shells for weapons systems supplied to the Kiev regime from the United States and European countries, - said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

Tor anti-aircraft missile system and Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti

According to the military department, during the day, air-based missiles hit two control points, 15 areas of concentration of AFU troops, a Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile launcher, an air control radar station, a radar for detecting and tracking targets of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system and two batteries of multiple launch rocket systems.

Planes and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit three control points and 25 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment. In total, as a result of the strikes, more than 150 nationalists, six tanks, five field artillery guns and ten cars were destroyed.

Fighter aircraft and air defense systems shot down three Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force over the Kharkiv region and the territory of the DPR. In total, six APU aircraft were destroyed in two days: on June 11, two MiG-29s and one Su-25 were shot down.

In addition, Russian air defense destroyed eight unmanned aerial vehicles over the territory of the LPR, the DPR and the Kharkiv region. Bayraktar TB-2 was shot down, as well as two Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles and three Uragan MLRS rockets.

Rocket troops and artillery hit 248 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 21 control points, as well as 37 firing artillery positions, the Defense Ministry reported.

The wreckage of the downed Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti

As a result of these strikes, more than 320 nationalists, five armored vehicles, six field artillery and mortars, 15 special vehicles and five ammunition and fuel depots were destroyed.

— In total, 201 aircraft, 130 helicopters, 1,188 unmanned aerial vehicles, 338 anti—aircraft missile systems, 3,514 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 508 multiple rocket launchers, 1,870 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 3,570 military vehicles have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation, - Igor Konashenkov reported.

Theroborona is being sent to the front

On June 11, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed an order according to which employees of the territorial defense of Ukraine can be involved in performing tasks in combat areas. Prior to that, such formations could operate only within the region or community assigned to them. After the order is issued, they can be sent to anywhere in the country, including the zone, including not only the combat zone, but also the settlements liberated by Russia.

Zelensky's decision says that the personnel units of the armed formations of Ukraine are suffering heavy losses, but the defense ministry will not replace them, military expert Dmitry Boltenkov is sure.

"It's a gesture of desperation," he told Izvestia. — Unprepared, civilian people joined the theroborona. They were trained in military affairs for only a few days, which, of course, is not enough in modern conditions. They are not good with weapons, do not know the basics of tactics. The defense units, once at the front, will be quickly ground by our artillery and aviation. But it seems that Kiev has no other solution, they are really going to fight to the last Ukrainian.

The Ka-52 attack helicopter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carries out an air strike on the strongholds of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to Dmitry Boltenkov, the current situation resembles the spring of 1945, when Germany threw hastily assembled Volkssturm formations to the front.

— All these units were quickly destroyed by the Soviet troops, — the expert reminded. — They were given modern anti—tank weapons in the form of "Faustpatrons" for that time, but at the same time the rifles could have been from the time of the First World War - they got to Germany from the warehouses of France, Belgium and other countries. It soon became clear that "Faustpatrons" in the hands of untrained people do not give the expected effect. As a result, the use of the Volkssturm turned into great losses for Germany. The same fate awaits the Ukrainian territorial defense. There will be little sense from such soldiers. They will not last long, especially since they will plug holes on the front line.

Sending defense units to the front could also cause serious friction between Kiev and the regional authorities, the expert added.

— In the same Odessa, they are unlikely to be happy that they will have to send the Terbatov soldiers to the front, — he believes. — The local authorities will immediately have a question: "What should we do, with whom to defend the city, if Russia lands troops?"

Fiery roads

The Russian Defense Ministry told about the servicemen who showed courage and dedication during the fighting.

The motorized rifle squad of Senior Sergeant Yuri Lobanov was ensuring the safe movement of a convoy with ammunition for the Hurricane MLRS when it was attacked by Ukrainian nationalists. They opened heavy machine gun and mortar fire on the column. At that moment, Yuri was at the end of the column. Having assessed the situation, he moved to the flank, attacking the militants. Thanks to this, the cars were able to get out from under the fire and continue moving.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Ivan Rodionov

Image source: iz.ru

During the battle, Yuri Lobanov's infantry fighting vehicle was damaged and could not move on. The senior sergeant did not lose his head, reported to the command about the attack and took up a circular defense, repelling the offensive of the nationalists. Thanks to the high professionalism of Yuri Lobanov, the enemy was unable to capture Russian servicemen and infantry fighting vehicles. When reinforcements arrived, the nationalists were forced to retreat.

— Senior Sergeant Yuri Lobanov was awarded the Suvorov Medal for the courage shown in carrying out the task, — the Ministry of Defense reported.

Major Maxim Chorny was responsible for the protection of equipment heading to the area of contact with the enemy. During the movement, Russian servicemen discovered a group of Ukrainian nationalists, and a battle ensued. Thanks to the skillful actions of Maxim Cherny, the technique was saved. Arriving at the destination, the major reported to the command the coordinates of the enemy group. This information allowed the artillery to destroy the accumulation of equipment and enemy manpower.

The platoon of the guard of Senior Lieutenant Rafail Askerov defended the settlement liberated from the Ukrainian nationalists. Several roadblocks were deployed at the entrance to the village. Askerov was serving on one of them and stopped a civilian car with five passengers in it. While checking the documents, Raphael noticed one of them had tattoos with fascist symbols and ordered everyone to be detained. Later, they found a smartphone with video footage of the areas of the positions. The detainees were transferred to the headquarters for further investigation.

During the attempt to break through the defense of the settlement, Raphael's subordinates restrained the militants' attacks for two days. During the battle, Senior Lieutenant Askerov received a severe hand wound, but continued to lead his subordinates. Thanks to his bold and decisive actions, all attempts of the nationalists to seize the settlement were stopped. For the courage and heroism shown during a special military operation, Rafail Askerov was awarded the Order of Courage, the Ministry of Defense reported.

Bogdan Stepovoy

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