
Rostec has developed a vacuum 3D printer with a robot manipulator


The Progress Research Institute of Technology under the management of RT-Capital of Rostec State Corporation has developed a vacuum electron beam 3D printer with an all-angle robot manipulator. The equipment allows you to "grow" heavy-duty parts made of titanium and heat-resistant steel for the aviation and space industry.

The main feature of the printer is an all–angle robot manipulator. It allows you to create products of complex design and various shapes in vacuum conditions. This is an ideal medium for obtaining alloys with increased strength.

As a material, the printer uses a special wire made of heat-resistant steels, titanium and aluminum alloys. The material is fed into a working vacuum chamber in which the part is "grown" using electron beam fusion. This is the most effective method of joining metals in vacuum conditions.

"Products manufactured in vacuum have increased strength characteristics. For example, the tensile strength of stainless steel increases to 16%. In addition, the technology of electron beam melting printing makes it possible to produce parts of almost any complexity, including products with a size of only 0.2 mm. The new printer is designed for scientific research, as well as testing new technological solutions for the aviation and space industry. We plan to produce the first prototype of a vacuum 3D printer this year," said Rostec Deputy General Director Alexander Nazarov.

The project is being implemented by Progress Research Institute (managed by RT-Capital of Rostec State Corporation) together with Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU).

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