
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed the destruction of the Ukrainian drone "Fury" by the air defense system "Strela"

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Виталий Тимкив

The Russian military during a special operation to protect the Donbass destroyed the Ukrainian drone "Fury" with the help of the anti-aircraft missile defense system "Strela-10". Footage of the liquidation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was shown on June 9 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Ukrainian UAV managed to shoot down during the march of airborne troops units. To detect a target in the sky and identify it as an enemy reconnaissance drone, and subsequently destroy it, the coordinated actions of the air defense combat team helped. The anti-aircraft gunners did not allow the drone to reconnoiter the area and adjust the artillery fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

Earlier in the day, the Russian Ministry of Defense published footage of the combat work of the calculations of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) "Hurricane" of the Western Military District when performing tasks to destroy the positions of the Armed Forces.

The day before, Izvestia correspondent Stanislav Grigoriev showed how the artillery of the Russian army continues to hit enemy positions during Russia's special operation to protect Donbass, noting the work of artillery calculations of the Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

On the same day, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presented a video of the destruction of a tank unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with high-precision 152-mm ammunition "Krasnopol", the work on the target was carried out by the calculation of 2S19 "Msta-S".

The special operation of the Russian Federation to protect the population of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics continues in the Donbass, the beginning of which was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24.

The situation in the region significantly worsened in mid-February due to shelling by the Ukrainian military. The authorities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics announced the evacuation of residents to Russia and appealed to Moscow for help. On February 21, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree recognizing the independence of the DPR and LPR.

For more relevant videos and details about the situation in Donbass, watch the Izvestia TV channel.

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Comments [2]
10.06.2022 18:42
Цитата, q
Российские военные во время спецоперации по защите Донбасса уничтожили украинский беспилотник «Фурия» с помощью зенитно-ракетного комплекса ПВО «Стрела-10»
Наверное это первая информация с начала проведения спецоперации о эффективном применении ЗРК "Стела-10", да и военной хронике Стрелы пару раз показали в репортажах о подразделениях ВДВ.
13.06.2022 10:53
США воюют совсем по другому против наших БЛА (самолетом ДРЛО). Оператор с напарником при включении связи с Орланом на все время полета торчат в планшетах у ВСУшников с координатами и характеристиками бла, забавная легко 100%цель для их арты с управляемым по спутнику снарядом. Просится УАЗ или НИВУ для постоянного передвижения операторов. Сто тысячной ценой УАС за неделю истратят на ловлю опереторов, в полете снаряды не могут резко менять местоположение.
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