
Not a flying dozen: Putin told about the "Bayraktars" destroyed in Ukraine

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Министерство обороны РФ

Trying to slow down the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces, Kiev prepared a provocation using chemicals

Russian air defenses have destroyed dozens of enemy drones over Ukraine, "they are cracking them like nuts," Russian President Vladimir Putin said on June 4. Over the past day alone, according to the Ministry of Defense, 17 drones were shot down, including two Bayraktar-TB2 reconnaissance and strike aircraft. The Russian offensive in Donbass is successfully developing: Ukrainian formations are retreating from Severodonetsk, battles have unfolded for the city of Svyatogorsk. There the nationalists burned the wooden hermitage of the Holy Dormition Monastery of Svyatogorsk. At the same time, the AFU launched a massive attack with multiple rocket launchers on the center of Donetsk.

Affected areas

Vladimir Putin in an interview with the TV channel "Russia 1" He spoke about foreign arms supplies for Ukrainian formations and how successfully the Russian army neutralizes enemy drones. "Our air defense systems are cracking like nuts, dozens of them have been destroyed," the president said.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 17 drones have been destroyed in the last 24 hours alone. "Including in the Kamenka area of the Mykolaiv region, two Bayraktar-TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by Russian air defense systems," the military department said. In addition, a military transport aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force delivering weapons and ammunition was shot down near Odessa, the Defense Ministry added.

Russian troops continue active actions to liberate the territory of the DPR and LPR.

— The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having suffered critical losses during the battles for Severodonetsk, are retreating in the direction of Lisichansk, — said on Saturday the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev.

By order of the Kiev authorities, a consolidated tactical group of the surviving personnel of the 79th separate airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 117th and 118th separate battalions of the 111th Territorial Defense Brigade mined containers with saltpeter and nitric acid at the Severodonetsk Azot enterprise, the total volume of which exceeds 100 tons. By creating a zone of chemical contamination, they want to delay the offensive of units of the Russian Armed Forces, the general said.

— In Severodonetsk, Ukrainian units, after the surrender of residential areas, took refuge in an industrial zone, and the situation there is no less complicated than it was in Mariupol, — military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia. — The company has huge stocks of dangerous chemicals. We have to use artillery and aviation very carefully. This makes it difficult to quickly dislodge the nationalists from their positions. The Ukrainians themselves, having lost hope of holding the city, do not hesitate to use their means and actively fire at it.

The expert noted that responsibility for any incident due to the detonation of chemicals or Ukrainian shells hitting them will automatically be assigned to Russia, including in the Western media. This is already a proven scenario. On June 4, Kiev cynically accused our army of shelling the center of Donetsk with multiple rocket launchers and destroying the church of the Moscow Patriarchate near Svyatogorsk. This is a conscious information policy of Ukraine and its allies, summed up Vladislav Shurygin.

Photo: TASS/Alexander River

Image source: iz.ru

On the evening of June 4, the center of Donetsk came under fire. Several dozen rockets exploded there. The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported preliminary information about 10 wounded civilians, destruction and burning cars. At the same time, the press service of the People's Militia of the DPR stated that since the beginning of the special operation, 226 settlements of the republic have already been liberated, fighting for the city of Svyatogorsk has begun.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that during the retreat from Svyatogorsk of the 79th airborne assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian nationalists set fire to the wooden hermitage of All Saints of the Russian Holy Dormition Monastery of Svyatogorsk.

A burst of incendiary ammunition was fired into the wooden walls of the dome space from a large-caliber machine gun mounted on a Ukrainian armored car "Kozak". After the arson, the Ukrainian nationalists left at high speed in a southerly direction, towards the settlement of Sidorovo controlled by the Ukrainian troops, the Defense Ministry said.

As a result of arson, the wooden skete built in 2009 on the site of the All-Holy Church, which was blown up in 1947, completely burned down.

The briefing is over

On June 4, the Russian armed forces continued to strike at the objects of the military and transport infrastructure of Ukraine.

— High-precision air-launched missiles struck the center of artillery training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the settlement of Stetskovka, Sumy region. There, the foreign instructors who arrived carried out practical training of Ukrainian servicemen in the operation and fire control of 155-millimeter M777 howitzers," said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

M777 howitzers

Image Source: Photo: Global Look Press/Keystone Press Agency/Staff Sgt. Royce Dorman

In addition, as a result of missile strikes, 27 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, two control points, six warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons, ammunition and fuel, as well as a deployment point of foreign mercenaries in the Odessa region were destroyed.

Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aircraft hit 54 areas of concentration of troops of the AFU equipment. In total, aviation destroyed more than 400 nationalists, 20 tanks and armored vehicles, four installations of BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, nine artillery pieces and 29 vehicles for various purposes, the Defense Ministry reported.

Rocket troops and artillery hit 33 control points, 131 firing positions of artillery units and 542 areas of concentration of troops during the day.

— In total, since the beginning of the special <military operation>, 187 aircraft, 129 helicopters, 1104 unmanned aerial vehicles, 328 anti—aircraft missile systems, 3406 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 466 multiple rocket launchers, 1769 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 3405 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed, - he listed Igor Konashenkov.

Award list

The Ministry of Defense told about the soldiers and officers who performed feats during the <military operation> and presented for awards.

The mortar platoon of Senior Sergeant Ivan Saxonov carried out tasks to capture a strategically important airfield controlled by Ukrainian nationalists. During the battle, Ivan, despite the continuous enemy fire, destroyed a group of infantry and a mortar battery. The courage, courage and bravery of the senior sergeant contributed to the surrender of the enemy, the Defense Ministry said.

The battalion-tactical group of Sergeant Eduard Oorzhak liberated the settlement from the armed formations of Ukrainian radicals. Nationalists organized echeloned defense near the village. During the offensive on their positions, Eduard destroyed two strongholds, an infantry fighting vehicle and more than 15 nationalists.

Photo: RIA Novosti

Image source: iz.ru

Thanks to the bold and decisive actions of Sergeant Eduard Oorzhak, it was possible to create a gap in the enemy's defense and liberate the settlement, the defense ministry said.

The unit of Senior Lieutenant Mirlan Dzhumagaliev carried out additional reconnaissance of the area during the offensive against the well-fortified positions of the nationalists near the town of Krasny Liman. Moving forward, Mirlan found five long-term enemy firing points. Having assessed the situation, he promptly transmitted their coordinates to the higher headquarters, after which he secretly located himself on the ground and began to adjust artillery fire.

The decisive actions of Mirlan Dzhumagaliev made it possible to destroy enemy firing points without losses, along with personnel and ammunition.

Anton Lavrov

Andrey Fedorov

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Comments [2]
06.06.2022 08:37
Путину  понарассказали или  наврали и ... он повторил. Вот и все   что для  победы  надо. А фрон  застыл и даже ЛДНР никак  не освободить. Про всю Украину  уже  никто не заикается
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