
Sergey Chemezov: Western suppliers in the face of Russia have lost a large market

Image source: Фото: Кирилл Каллиников / РИА Новости

TSAMTO, June 2. Western suppliers represented by Russia have lost a large market. This was stated by the head of Rostec State Corporation Sergey Chemezov in an interview with the Turkish Anadolu agency.

Below, the main theses of S. Chemezov's interview are given in the statement of the Rostec press service.

"I won't hide it, there are difficult moments. We are not closing ourselves off from international cooperation, but at the current level of hypocrisy, it will be difficult, almost impossible, for supporters of the sanctions policy to gain our trust," Chemezov stressed.

According to him, "Russia has become another country in a long list of countries "objectionable" to the architects of sanctions. There is a well-planned war on the abolition of the Russian financial sector, industry, citizens, culture and sports."

However, this war, according to S. Chemezov, did not start today. "Over the years, we have seen the search for pretexts for more and more new sanctions, restrictions, openly hostile actions. The current restrictions are truly unprecedented. Such actions are far from common sense and justice. If you look globally, what do they lead to? To the destruction of the principles of free trade, undermining trust, discrediting Western economic and political institutions," the head of the State Corporation believes.

Today it has affected Russia, tomorrow it may affect any of the countries that occupy an independent position in world politics, S. Chemezov is sure.

"In the current conditions, Russia and Turkey are more similar than you think. Turkey has become the only country from the NATO bloc that has been heavily criticized in connection with the S-400 supply contract, but it is far from the only Alliance country that has Russian air defense systems. They tried to deprive you of protective systems in a "partner-like" way, and they are trying to exclude Russia from international business processes and limit technical development," the head of Rostec noted.

Today, Russia is so hated by the West that they are even ready to give up their unshakable principles of economic pragmatism, S. Chemezov believes.

"Partnerships that were beneficial not only to Russia, but also to its partners abroad are being destroyed. This situation has led to the fact that Russia today produces a lot by itself. We independently replace a large number of goods that we previously imported. This affected, among other things, components for the automotive industry, aircraft construction, electronics, and other areas," the head of the State Corporation said.

According to S. Chemezov, almost 40% of the total volume of the state defense order lies at Rostec enterprises. "I won't hide it, there are difficult moments. But we regard these difficulties as temporary and necessary for full technological sovereignty," he said.

Western suppliers have lost a large market

Chemezov also touched upon the package of Western sanctions imposed on the Russian aviation industry. In particular, we are talking about the decision of Airbus and Boeing to stop the supply and maintenance of their aircraft in Russia.

"I think in the future this gap will become more painful for Western manufacturers than for Russia. We are aware of situations when expensive products already ready for us have remained in warehouses due to sanctions, and the only way for it now is for disposal," he said.

Western suppliers represented by Russia have lost a large market, S. Chemezov stressed.

"For the long term, if not forever, they have lost the opportunity to supply their products and are suffering significant losses due to the decisions of their authorities. At the same time, nothing fatal has happened for Russia. Yes, it's difficult for us now. But we'll manage. This is a big window of opportunity for us," the head of the State Corporation stressed.

S. Chemezov expressed confidence that Russia will find mechanisms that will allow the operation of foreign-made aircraft, which are now in the fleets of Russian airlines.

He drew attention to the fact that Russian carriers today operate about 150 "Superjets". "This year it is planned to deliver another 20 aircraft, and from 2024 the UAC intends to consistently deliver at least 20 liners of this brand annually. Add to this the MS-21, Tu-214, Il-114. All these planes are in a high state of readiness. In the future, by 2025 it is planned to put on the market more than 110 liners of different types, by 2030 – more than 500," said the head of Rostec.

He noted that we are talking about aircraft where the key components will be Russian–made - the corresponding work is being carried out intensively today.

"I am sure that we will cope with all the challenges. As an example, I will give an innovative composite wing for the MS-21. After the ban on the supply of foreign materials for its production, we were able to quickly switch to Russian analogues. Now a wing made entirely of Russian composites is being installed on new airliners. We will continue to move step by step towards the creation of high–tech components and assemblies in Russia," S. Chemezov added.

I consider sanctions as a reward

The head of the State Corporation also commented on Western sanctions against the Russian financial sector.

He recalled that Rostec had long since begun to abandon the dollar and switched to more flexible settlements in rubles and national currencies.

Such a system at first seemed like a forced measure. However, as time has shown, such a business policy was strategically correct, the head of the State Corporation continued.

"We can say that Russia has become the flagship in the rejection of the monopoly of the dollar and Western payment systems. Now many countries have followed our example and have begun an active transition to settlements in national currencies for the purposes of their financial security," Chemezov said.

He said that there are countries with which Russia has a very long tradition of cooperation and mutual trust, and the partnership with them will certainly be strengthened. "We know the value of the word – this is our fundamental difference from the West, where today they tell you one thing, and tomorrow they can act completely differently. We have no more illusions about partnership with Western countries. We are not closing ourselves off from international cooperation, but at the current level of hypocrisy, it will be difficult, almost impossible, for supporters of the sanctions policy to gain our trust," Chemezov said.

He also commented on the possibility of the State Corporation acquiring assets of Western industrial companies that left Russia in order to expand its portfolio.

If these actions contribute to solving the priority requests of the state, Rostec will consider such opportunities, the head of the State Corporation said.

S. Chemezov noted that he perceives the personal sanctions of the West philosophically – as a personal reward.

"I have been under personal sanctions since 2014. I take it philosophically – as a personal reward. For me, this is evidence that I am not working in vain, and Rostec is successfully solving the tasks of the state," he added.

Source: Rostec Group, Anadolu Agency

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