
Russian troops destroyed the workshops of the Motor Sich plant in Zaporozhye

Image source: © РИА Новости / Пресс-служба Минобороны РФ

MOSCOW, May 25/ Radio Sputnik. The official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov said at a morning briefing that Russian troops destroyed the workshops of the Motor Sich plant in Zaporozhye, which produced aircraft engines, with high-precision missiles.

"High–precision long-range air and sea-based missiles in the city of Zaporozhye destroyed the production workshops of the Motor Sich plant, which produced aircraft engines for combat aviation of the air forces of Ukraine, including unmanned aerial vehicles," he said.

Konashenkov added that a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter was shot down by Russian air defense systems in the Mykolaiv region.

"11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were also shot down in the air in the areas of Zmeiny Island, the settlements of Glubokoe, Pershotravnevoye, Bolshye Prkhody of the Kharkiv region, Verkhnetoretskoye, Stavki, Terny, including one Bayraktar TB2 in the Shandrigolovo area of the Donetsk People's Republic," a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Earlier, Sputnik radio cited a message from the Russian Defense Ministry that the West was in a hurry to export grain from Ukraine.

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Comments [1]
26.05.2022 17:17
Я всё ждал когда же наши "бахнут" по Мотор Сич чтобы обнулить все претензии на завод со стороны китайцев.
Случилось, правильно сделали!
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