
Rosoboronexport's portfolio of orders for helicopters is $3 billion

Image source: © Юрий Смитюк/ТАСС

The head of the special exporter company, Alexander Mikheev, said that negotiations are underway for the supply of 120 more cars

MOSCOW, May 20. /tass/. More than 200 helicopters worth over $3 billion are in Rosoboronexport's order portfolio, and negotiations are underway for the supply of another 120 vehicles. This was stated to journalists at the Helirasha-2022 exhibition by the head of the special exporting company, Alexander Mikheev.

"Rosoboronexport's order portfolio includes over 200 helicopters of various modifications worth more than $3 billion," Mikheev said.

According to the head of Rosoboronexport, it means the delivery of helicopters to 24 countries by 2025 under "firm" contracts. "Negotiations are currently underway for the supply of more than 120 helicopters totaling more than $4 billion," he added.

As Mikheev noted, this year it is planned to supply foreign customers with helicopter equipment worth over $ 1 billion.

The head of the company also added that Rosoboronexport has fully fulfilled the plan for the supply of military products for 2021, including the delivery of more than 50 helicopters worth over $ 1.2 billion. "By the end of 2021, Rosoboronexport has fully fulfilled the plan for the supply of military products (PVN). Among other defense products, more than 50 helicopters of various purposes were exported for a total amount of over $ 1.2 billion," he said.

In 2022, deliveries are also going smoothly, Mikheev noted. "This year, compared to the same period in 2021, we are slightly ahead in terms of the volume of PVN exported," Mikheev said.

Mikheev said that the company's order portfolio is estimated at more than $50 billion. According to him, combat and transport aircraft, helicopters and aircraft engines account for more than 50% of Rosoboronexport's order portfolio.

"Aviation has always been a significant segment in export deliveries through military-technical cooperation and accounts for more than 50% of Rosoboronexport's order portfolio. These are combat and transport aircraft, helicopter equipment and aircraft engines," he said.

Calculations in national currencies

Mikheev is confident that settlements in the field of military-technical cooperation of Russia and partner countries will be converted into national currencies in the near future.

"I have no doubt that in the near future we will be able to resolve all issues with the routing of payments, transportation, transfer payments to national currencies, and prevent the imbalance of the military-technical cooperation system," he said.

Mikheev noted that as a result of this work, Russia's military-technical cooperation with foreign countries will move to a qualitatively new level, which will ensure the loading of enterprises of the domestic defense industry and cooperation of defense industries with partner countries.

Western pressure

Mikheev said that Russian partners in military-technical cooperation continue to work with the Russian Federation, despite the unprecedented pressure exerted on them by the collective West.

"Despite unprecedented pressure on them from the collective West, they see Russia as a reliable partner in ensuring their own security and continue to work with us," Mikheev said.

Russia, according to him, despite all the difficulties with the implementation of mutual settlements and the disruption of logistics chains, continues to fulfill contractual obligations, simultaneously solving the problems that have arisen.

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