Compact drone Hera
Unlike its heavier and "lifting" counterparts, the Hera quadcopter drone fits in a regular backpack, but it can carry up to 15 kg of cargo.
The manufacturer of the UAV is the California—based company Realtime Robotics. The drone is equipped mainly with a carbon body and four folding rotors, which allows you to carry it in a backpack — the dimensions of the device are 55 x 34 x 22 cm. At the same time, its weight — 15 kg — corresponds to the weight of the payload it carries, which is 2.5 times more than that of folding drones similar to it in size.

Compact drone Hera
The payload is four cameras mounted on a suspension or a set of visual and thermal sensors or lidar. Since Hera has a retractable landing gear, this allows for circular shooting without "clogging" the frames with unnecessary objects. Thanks to a powerful battery (44.4 V/29400 mAh), Hera can stay in the air without a load for almost an hour. With a load of up to 2.5 kg, this indicator is reduced to 45 minutes. Realtime Robotics is already accepting pre-orders. The basic version of the drone will cost $ 24,900, delivery will begin in August this year.

Compact drone Hera
Alexander Ageev