
By May 9, Roscosmos spoke for the first time about the military program


MOSCOW, May 7 – RIA Novosti. Roscosmos, in a Victory Day video presented to RIA Novosti, openly announced for the first time that its work is far from being limited to the launch of Soyuz and the International Space Station (ISS): the state corporation acts as one of the key segments of the defense industry, the manufacturer of Sarmats, Poplars and Iskanders.

Historically, in the Soviet Union, and then in the Russian Federation, the civilian segment of the rocket and space industry developed in close connection with the military.

Thus, the world's first successfully tested intercontinental ballistic missile R-7, the famous "seven", became the main one for the first launch vehicle that opened the space age to mankind - it was on it that the first satellite and the first spacecraft with a man on board were launched into space.

Moreover, initially the military "seven" still represents the basis of the fleet of Russian launch vehicles - of course, in a modernized form, we are talking about the Soyuz–2 family. All manned launches of the USSR and the Russian Federation today have been carried out precisely on the "Unions" of one or another modification.

Presented on the eve of Victory Day, the 2.5-minute video of Roscosmos emphasizes and develops this connection. The video is divided into two equal parts, telling about the main directions of the work of the state corporation in the civil and military segments, and the defense part of the activities of Roscosmos is publicly and openly reported for the first time.

The first one is represented by the following areas: launches of Russian and foreign satellites into orbit, manned cosmonautics, space tourism, construction and operation of the ISS, development and launch of interplanetary stations, Earth remote sensing services and diversification of production (according to the results of last year, the share of civilian products in Roscosmos reached a psychologically important mark of 50%).

The second, military unit is represented by the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles "Topol-M", "Yars" and the promising "Sarmat", ballistic missiles of submarines "Bulava" and "Sineva", hypersonic missile complex "Dagger", missile systems "Iskander" (both produced jointly with the military Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering), military communication systems, navigation and reconnaissance and ship launchers.

The transition from a civilian to a military unit in the video is also symbolized by the change of the Roscosmos logo, which is transformed into a Red Star.

"You didn't know such a Roscosmos yet. Happy Great Victory Day!" - it is said at the end of the video, and the connection with the holiday is intended to emphasize the footage of the cosmonaut who unfurled the Victory Banner during a spacewalk from the ISS.

And all these shots are shown to the music from the famous series of computer strategies Red Alert, where we are talking about the military confrontation between NATO and the Soviet Union in an alternate reality.

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