
"The Ukrainian army will not be able to blow up the Crimean Bridge. There is no need to be afraid"

Image source: Константин Михальчевский/РИА "Новости"

Ex-GRU officer Khaev said that the APU missiles cannot reach the Crimean Bridge

The National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine and the Office of the Ukrainian President announced their desire to destroy the Crimean Bridge, but at the same time noted that this is impossible. Why - understood "Газета.Ru ".

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Alexey Danilov said in an interview with Ukrainian Radio NV that Kiev is considering the possibility of a strike on the Crimean Bridge, but is not yet able to do so. "If we had such an opportunity, we would have already done it. If such an opportunity arises, we will definitely do it," Danilov said.

Adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Alexey Arestovich, in turn, said that at the moment nothing threatens the Crimean Bridge - Russia protects it from possible missile and bomb attacks.

The press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called such statements "the announcement of a possible terrorist act, which is absolutely unacceptable."

Even before the start of a special military operation in Ukraine - in July 2019 - the former secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, spoke about a possible attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Crimean Bridge. "It can be destroyed within a few minutes by Neptune cruise missiles created in Ukraine," Turchynov claimed in an interview with the online publication LB.ua .

Military expert, retired Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Russian General Staff Alexander Khaev believes that the Neptune and other weapons currently available to the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not dangerous for the Crimean Bridge.

"For this missile with a warhead mass of 150 km and a flight range of 280 km, the bridge was available for launches from Mariupol or Berdyansk. Now such a possibility is completely excluded - the entire coast of the Sea of Azov is controlled by units of the People's Militia of the DPR and Russian servicemen. There is no need to talk about the "Dot-U" either - it hits 120 km. Aviation will not pass either - Russia controls the sky," he told the newspaper.Ru" Alexander Khaev.

The expert clarified that the 4th Air Defense Army and the Air Force are responsible for the air defense of the region, including the bridge over the Kerch Strait, which is an object of high importance. It consists of parts of fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft missile forces, which are armed with the S-300 and S-400 complexes. The Crimean air defense forces are also involved in covering the facility, where four divisions of the S-400 Triumph air defense system are deployed - in Sevastopol (at Cape Fiolent), Yevpatoria, Dzhankoy and Feodosia.

"This cube of the most advanced air defense systems completely covers the sky over the entire peninsula, including over the Crimean Bridge," Khayev summed up.

In addition, a radio engineering regiment from the Southern Military District, the Sunflower over-the-horizon radar and the Voronezh missile attack warning station are involved in improving radar reconnaissance. Other air defense systems, including the Pantsir-S1 missile and cannon complex, are also covering the Crimean Bridge in the immediate vicinity.

"The security of the near zone of the Crimean Bridge is also provided by the new connection of the Rosgvardiya - the 115th separate marine brigade of special purpose. In addition to regular weapons, it is armed with surface and underwater technical means, including coastal observation posts and security complexes. The staff of this unit also provides for a special unit - a detachment of combat swimmers armed with underwater ADS submachine guns, PSS pistols and special watercraft for accelerated movement under water," he told the newspaper.Ru" member of the Board of Military Experts Maxim Begunov.

The expert noted that the marine brigade also has at its disposal four anti-sabotage boats of the 21980 Grachonok project, which are capable of detecting and destroying enemy underwater combat swimmers.

"Thus, the Ukrainian army will not be able to blow up the bridge to Crimea. There is no need to be afraid. Undermining by means of a vessel passing under it is also excluded. Each of them, regardless of their nationality, is subject to inspection, and a breakthrough into or out of the Sea of Azov will be stopped by Raptor patrol speedboats, which are the fastest in the Black Sea Fleet, and guard ships of the coast guard of the border service of the FSB of Russia.

Conclusions were also drawn from the incident that occurred on March 19, 2016, when the Turkish cargo ship "Lira" rammed one bridge support and two piles - there was no pilot on board the vessel. This is impossible now",

- added Runners.

Victor Sokirko

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Comments [9]
26.04.2022 16:04
Почему эксперты ничего не пояснили за возможность налёта Су-24-х на малой высоте?
26.04.2022 18:53
Бояться, конечно, не надо, но расслабляться тем более.
27.04.2022 14:08
Цитата, Efril сообщ. №1
И бомбить чугунием ?
27.04.2022 14:37
Цитата, q
И бомбить чугунием ?
Ну хотябы чугунием. Возможно есть какой-то способ Гарпуны приспособить - у них есть модификация для пуска с самолётов
27.04.2022 16:12
Для моста БЧ в 150-200 кило - это не очень серьезно . Минимально нужны 500-ки и , по возможности , не одна .
А для бомбера прорваться на ПМВ при очень высокой плотности ПВО достаточно проблематичнао .
Да , и сопряжение любого конкретного АСП с носителем - процесс сложный и продолжительный .
27.04.2022 17:43
Цитата, q
Для моста БЧ в 150-200 кило - это не очень серьезно .
Для пропагандистской победы вполне достаточно. Да и для прерывания движения по мосту на некоторое время.
Цитата, q
А для бомбера прорваться на ПМВ при очень высокой плотности ПВО достаточно проблематичнао .
Какая там плотность мы не знаем. Создание плотной ПВО в приграничных областях на севере тоже выглядело логичным с первых дней войны и необходимым с момента отступления сухопутных войск с украинской территории. Но сделано было недостаточно. Аналогичная ситуация с окружённым Мариуполем и вертолётными рейдами ВСУ.
28.04.2022 04:13
Цитата, q
Для пропагандистской победы вполне достаточно. Да и для прерывания движения по мосту на некоторое время.Для пропагандистской победы вполне достаточно. Да и для прерывания движения по мосту на некоторое время.

"Глубокоуважаемый", Вам бы озаботится своими мостами и начинать их взрывать -

Германия намерена вывозить миллионы тонн зерна из Украины по железной дороге

О том, что голод может в таком случае грозить уже самой Украине, немецкий чиновник не говорит ни слова.


+ понравился комментарий к этой статье:
Цитата, q
Ничего не меняется: "Млеко, яйки, брот, шпапс..."
И чернозём вывозят.
28.04.2022 18:35
Цитата, q
Вам бы озаботится своими мостами и начинать их взрывать
За свои как раз и переживаю.
28.04.2022 21:01
Да пусть еб.....т мост может наши перестанут валять дурака итд
Если бы Мариуполь проутюжила Д.А и потом тока вошли посмотрел бы на этих Сталинградцких защитников.Сопли развели ,враги там и больше ни кого
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