
Serbia announced plans to combine the Chinese FK-3 air defense systems and the Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense systems into one network


Image source: topwar.ru

Serbia has confirmed receipt of the FK-3 anti-aircraft missile systems delivered by military transport planes of the PLA Air Force to Belgrade. The official display of the new SAMs will take place at the end of the month.

On April 30, 2022, an arms exhibition will be held at the Batajnica airfield near Belgrade, where Serbia will officially present the FK-3 anti-aircraft missile systems purchased from China (the export version of the HQ-22). As explained by the President of the country Alexander Vucic, the Serbian military plans to combine Chinese air defense systems into one network with the Russian ZRPC "Pantsir-S1".

I invited all citizens of Serbia to the Batajnica airfield on April 30 to see our most powerful air defense systems and the combined FK-3 and Pantsiri. Therefore, we will be able to simultaneously hit drones, helicopters, and airplanes from a long distance

Vucic said.

Earlier, the Serbian press reported that on April 30, a presentation of new weapons received by Serbia recently is planned in Batajnica. Visitors of the exhibition will be shown the Chinese FK-3 air defense system, the Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense system and the Serbian PASARS air defense systems. In addition, other military equipment, including helicopters and fighter jets, will be demonstrated.

On April 10, resources tracking aviation routes reported that military transport planes Y-20 of the PLA Air Force were spotted in Turkish airspace, from where they proceeded to Serbia and landed at Belgrade airport. As it later became known, in this way China delivered to Serbia the FK-3 anti-aircraft missile system purchased back in 2020, which is an export version of the Chinese medium-range air defense system of the latest generation HQ-22. In total, the Serbs purchased three FK-3 batteries.

Unlike the basic HQ-22 system, which has a damage radius of up to 150-170 km and a damage height of 50 m to 27 km, the export version of the FK-3 has a damage zone of up to 100 km in range, the altitude parameters of the damage are the same.

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