
Where will Russian military bases be located in Belarus?

Image source: МО РФ

The special military operation in Ukraine, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on February 24, served as a trigger that launched the process of dropping the disguises that had long concealed the bestial grins of "our Western partners."

It is noteworthy that the closest neighbors of Russia and Belarus showed the most vicious character. From the jackal yapping from the cold sea and the howling of the "hyena of Europe" full of hatred from the western side, sometimes the ears are laid, but, as they say, there is a silver lining. Having stopped hiding its true identity, the collective West does not hide its true attitude towards us, and its real goals.

For the Anglo–Saxons, we Slavs (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Slovaks, former Yugoslavs and even Poles) are second-class people from third world countries (remember whose ideology is this?). We exist in order for their "golden billion" to live without denying themselves anything at our expense, so that no one could even doubt the correctness of the world order established by them and the unconditionality of the Anglo-Saxon hegemony.

This is where all the targets for the United States, Great Britain and their vassals in relation to the Slavs come from. And if they managed to "stall" most of the above–mentioned peoples, then there is a problem with Russia and Belarus. And all means and methods are used to solve this problem, in all spheres of life.

A little digression into history. Do you know what date the Anglo-Saxons themselves consider the beginning of the "cold war" against the USSR? No, not on March 5, 1946, when former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered the famous "Fulton speech" in the United States. It is better to call this date the beginning of the rewriting of history and the results of the Second World War than the beginning of the "cold" confrontation. In this speech, Churchill said that after the Second World War, it was America that became the main world leader, the light of democracy, while the Soviet Union, through socialist rhetoric, is trying to achieve totalitarian control over other states, blocking half of Europe with an iron curtain. But the "allies" unleashed the "cold war" against the USSR earlier. This is confirmed by documented facts. In 2011, the US government authorized the issue of the medal "For Victory in the Cold War". The reverse side of the American medal shows the dates: "September 2, 1945 — December 26, 1991". That is, for them, the date of the end of the Second World War is the date of the beginning of a new, already "cold" war!

By the way, this is not the only medal for the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the UK, there is a similar, but less well-known award, which is awarded to British soldiers and officers. The inscription "Cold War. 1945-1991" and three flags are depicted: in the center – the Soviet one, squeezed from above and below by the British and American flags. On the back is a fortress wall with a grinning bear. The bear is aggressive and holds a rocket in its paws. A lion attacks him from the left, and an eagle from above. Everything is symbolic and obvious.

Secretly launching an undeclared war against yesterday's allies is very American, and British, too.

For Great Britain, whose imperial ambitions go back centuries, and for its derivative, the United States, this approach is absolutely logical. The presence of another state in the world with military and economic potentials comparable to their capabilities, and even more so superior, has always been regarded by the Anglo-Saxons as a threat to their own existence. Of course, the existence in the world order that suits only their countries, the rest does not count.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the nostalgia experienced by the United States and Britain for the nineties of the last century. The collapse of the USSR made America the strongest power in the world in terms of economy, diplomacy, military power and geopolitics. For the American establishment, the unipolar world has become not only a necessary condition for life, but also formed in him a conviction in the exclusivity of the United States, the belief that they can set their own rules for the whole world, dictate them to other countries and change them when they want.

It is obvious that the rise of Russia, the rapid development of China and other states, the return of the rivalry of the great powers have once again formed in the minds of the Anglo-Saxon elites a threat to the existence of a unipolar world and the preservation of US control over the military-political and financial-economic order created by them.

The natural reaction of the United States and its closest allies to unfavorable trends was the organization of a change of regimes that did not suit the West during the "Arab Spring". In fact, a number of Arab states and their leaders have been publicly punished for refusing to comply with US demands – as a warning to others.

After the Munich speech delivered by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the security conference in February 2007, the Anglo–Saxons began to implement tough measures already against Russia - to return it to the place that they had determined for it.

Further events – the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict of 2008, the unconstitutional coup in Ukraine in 2014, an attempt of a similar coup in Belarus in August 2020, a wave of protest actions by Navalny's "supporters" in Russia in 2021, a special military operation in Ukraine in 2022 – these are all reasons created by the United States to solve specific tasks in their own interests.

One of them was to subjugate the European Union, whose leaders began to talk about the need to transform the European community into an independent world force. And the Americans succeeded, which was confirmed by the successive summits of the European Union and NATO.

Almost without any objections, Europe again recognized the dominant role of the United States, and agreed to support the Anglo-Saxons in their activities to strengthen the confrontation with Russia. The European Union and a number of international organizations created to ensure international security (for example, the UN and the OSCE), as well as the NATO military bloc, have actually become a set of tools for the United States.

Another task that the United States set itself was to significantly weaken Russia, and if successful, to destroy its statehood. As we can see, this task is being solved at the moment. But Ukraine is just one of the chessboards on which the United States is playing another game.

The simplest analysis of the military-political situation in the Eastern European region suggests that the Americans consider the Baltic States, Poland and Belarus as the same chessboards. It is obvious that the failed blitzkrieg in Belarus after the presidential elections in no way embarrassed the leaders of the collective West. Otherwise, why does the militarization of the Baltic and Polish territories continue?

Within the framework of the NATO OVS operation "Enhanced Forward Presence", "defensive" multinational battalion tactical groups of NATO (MBTG) under the command of the USA – in Poland (10.5 thousand), Canada – in Latvia (1.7 thousand), Germany – in Lithuania (4 thousand) have long been deployed in all EU countries adjacent to Belarus. with regular weapons and equipment of those units that form these groups. And this is not counting the American troops stationed in these countries as part of the US Operation Atlantic Resolve.

The buildup of the strike group (and you can't call it otherwise) in Eastern Europe has been going on permanently, we can say, since 1999, when, with the admission of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to the North Atlantic Alliance, all agreements with Western leaders "on non-expansion of NATO to the east", reached by the leadership of the USSR, and then Russia, were violated.

At the moment, the process has been accelerated. According to the Command of the US Air Force in Europe, on April 5, a squadron of American F/A-18C "Hornet" fighter-bombers arrived at the air base in the Polish city of Lask. Fighters from the 2nd Marine Corps Air Wing were transferred to Poland from the continental United States from Beaufort Air Base (South Carolina). KC-130J "Hercules" tanker planes also arrived there.

Taking advantage of the Ukrainian crisis, the Anglo-Saxons now no longer bother to link themselves to any "operation" in order to justify the increasing transfer of troops to the borders of the Union State of Russia and Belarus. As already mentioned, the masks have been dropped. It seems that now everyone understands the reason why Russia did not receive any, especially written, guarantees of its security in January of this year. No one was ever going to provide them. The issue was resolved back in September 1945 (this has already been written).

What security guarantees can there be for an object selected for destruction? The United States does not give guarantees even to its vassals. In this context, the recent statement made in an interview with the German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" by the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Jaroslaw Kaczynski is of interest.

"If the Americans asked us to deploy atomic weapons in Poland, we would be open to it. This would significantly strengthen Moscow's deterrence," Yaroslav Kaczynski believes. In addition, he called for the creation of a new NATO command center in Poland. "We would like to have a large NATO operational command headquarters in Poland, such as in Brunsum (the Netherlands), where NATO joint operations are planned and conducted from. This would be a clear signal to Moscow that the leadership level of NATO is now in the east," he said.

It is difficult to name such demarches in any other way, except as a manifestation of the "Stockholm syndrome" among representatives of the Polish top leadership.

At the same time, these frank statements can be regarded as a "confirmation of the vassal oath" and an expression of Warsaw's readiness (as well as Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn) to support absolutely any initiatives of NATO and the United States concerning the militarization of Poland (the Baltic states), regardless of the opinion of its people. There is no question of any worries about the preservation of sovereignty. In the Western information field, this is called "strengthening the eastern flank of NATO", in contrast to the potentially possible deployment of Russian bases on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This topic is called "hidden occupation" by the Western media. By the way, they also called all operational training activities on the Belarusian territory with the participation of the Russian part of the regional grouping of troops of Belarus and Russia.

But, again, there is no silver lining. Now Russia and Belarus no longer care what Western politicians and the same media say. Now, in addition to the special operation in Ukraine, it is necessary to pay special attention to strengthening the western borders of the Union State, opposite which the Anglo-Saxons are forming an armored fist from their satellites (or do you think that the Americans and the British will be in the front ranks and ranks?).

At first glance, the procedure for covering the "Belarusian balcony" of the united state has been worked out, that is, there is a single regional grouping of troops of Belarus and Russia. There are plans for its application and operation. More than once in the course of many joint exercises, all the elements of its application have been worked out. Yes, it's all there. There is only no certainty that under the current realities, when the need arises, the grouping will have time to deploy – the advanced units of the "invasion army" of NATO are located a few kilometers from the state border of the Republic of Belarus.

Therefore, the issue of the deployment of Russian bases on the territory of Belarus automatically moves from the category of "potentially possible" to the category of "necessary". The presence of three or four battalion tactical groups of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in the western and north-western regions of Belarus seems to be quite an adequate response. Of course, provided that the combat potential of the Russian MBTG will ensure that, together with the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, the tasks of repelling the offensive of groups of NATO troops in these areas are carried out. That is, MBTGS should be "diverse" and equipped with those weapons that are not available or not enough in the Belarusian army. This means that Russian military formations must have S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, Iskander operational and tactical missile systems, the latest types of MLRS (for example, Tornado), anti-tank and other combat systems.

It is noteworthy that the complexity of the situation developing around the Union State at the same time provides ample opportunities. For example, the system of transferring troops, equipment and cargo from Russia to Belarus and back is organized and effectively functioning. In other words, the shortest possible time will pass from the adoption of a political decision to the appearance of the MBTG in Belarus. And it is better that this happens as soon as possible. Because the already mentioned Kaczynski, in his interview with Radio Plus on April 8, again proposed to conduct a NATO peacekeeping operation on the territory of Ukraine. Let me remind you that as recently as March 24, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, after Kaczynski first voiced this idea on March 15, spoke emotionally about "crazy Poles".

"Do you understand that this is the Third World War? And do you think that we will remain white and fluffy on the sidelines?" — the Belarusian leader asked rhetorical questions.

What else can you say about Kaczynski? – A village without a fool is not a village, as people say. But we know that the Anglo-Saxons use any excuse, especially those that they create themselves.

Vladimir Vuyachich

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