
Tucker Carlson: It turns out that I am a Russian agent

Image source: © CC BY-SA 2.0 / Gage Skidmore

Fox News (USA): Everything Tulsi Gabbard said about Ukrainian biolabs is absolutely true

Tucker Carlson sharply criticizes the calls of politicians in the United States to send to prison those who discuss U.S. funding of biological laboratories in Ukraine. In his opinion, Americans have lost the ability to think logically, and anyone who tries to do this is declared an agent of Putin.

We just saw something important. I wish we could have shown you earlier. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky recently gave an interview, which for some reason did not receive proper publicity in America. It makes no sense to say that Zelensky is desperately fighting for his country, the government and even his own life - three weeks ago, the Russian military launched a special operation in Ukraine.

One might think that Zelensky is now thinking only about how to remove the Russians from the Ukrainian land. Therefore, last week Zelensky put forward the idea of neutrality. They say he will agree not to join NATO, and Russia will withdraw troops from Ukraine in exchange.

There is nothing controversial in this idea. It's not that Ukraine is beating the thresholds. NATO officials have long said that they do not want to see Ukraine in the alliance. It is unclear who will benefit from this. So, if we accept the status quo and go the same way as everything went, it's not such a stupid idea if Ukrainians stop dying at the same time, and the country avoids final destruction. Perhaps Zelensky is up to something. He must have thought about it a lot.

Maybe it's time to congratulate him: Zelensky made a wise decision for the good of his country. Perhaps this is a victory for him personally and the whole world. But the majority of the American media will hardly agree with this. Of course: Zelensky started talking about NATO and clearly went too far: this topic is completely closed for the American media. Every day we are told from everywhere that NATO plays a key role for America, but at the same time, paradoxically, it has nothing to do with what is happening in Eastern Europe.

It turns out that all these talks about the expansion of NATO at the expense of Ukraine – and they have been conducted publicly for many years – have nothing to do with the Russian special operation. Not the slightest. That's what they tell us. Putin came to Ukraine because he is bad – and there is nothing more to discuss here. And anyone who thinks otherwise, anyone who is sure that this catastrophe does not have to be brought to an all-out war, is immediately condemned as an instrument of Russian propaganda. So what happens?

It turns out that after admitting that Putin is primarily concerned about the expansion of NATO, Zelensky spoke according to the Russian methodology, at least – this is exactly what is considered in our country. It turns out that the president of Ukraine is an accomplice of Putin. Does that sound crazy? So, a clear mind has not changed you yet, but these are the rules of the game. How do we know? Let's just say we have some experience.

We have repeatedly stated that Ukraine's involvement in NATO is not only contrary to American interests, but will also bring us harm from which we will never recover. And it doesn't seem to have helped Ukraine either. But here's the reaction we heard, and this is just a small sample. We could have continued...

Jonathan Karl, ABC: There is almost a pro-Putin wing in the Republican Party, although it is not numerous on Capitol Hill. On the other hand, the same Tucker Carlson broadcasts Russian propaganda every night. What the hell is going on?

George Will: Well, first of all, before Putin, they fell in love with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. "Let's give America back its greatness" should be understood as "Let America become more like Hungary."

Max Booth, MSNBC: The most popular Republican host in the country, Tucker Carlson– is an unabashed admirer of Putin, and only a few Republicans, for example, Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney, have the courage to contradict them. It's a shame.

Mitt Romney, CNN: How can a citizen of a country that idolizes freedom side with Vladimir Putin, an oppressor and dictator who kills people, imprisons his opponents and opposes America at every opportunity? It's unthinkable for me. This... almost a betrayal.

Wow, almost a betrayal. On Putin's side? Who is on Putin's side? I don't know anyone like that. I know those who want to be on the side of America, but Mitt Romney, who at one time "mowed down" from Vietnam and received as many as four deferrals, says that this is almost a betrayal.

Don't get me wrong: we're not getting to Mitt Romney – he's too easy a target. But it is significant that those people who have been teaching us for the last two years that our country is inherently sinful, that vile racism is flourishing in it, that it was born in lawlessness, are the very people who lecture everyone that something is wrong with you initially, since you live here, – the first to turn around sharply and accuse anyone who wants to save the United States from another senseless war of a lack of patriotism. From a war in which neither they nor their children will participate for anything.

You don't like America very much, the person who considers it racist tells you. How does this happen? We are not sure ourselves, but if you have forgotten, then the same Mitt Romney is marching side by side with people who taught us that America is a hellish chauvinist hole, and at the same time we need to end a full-fledged family consisting of parents and children, because there is no use from it anyway. Here he is in person:

Mitt Romney: We must put an end to violence and brutality so that everyone understands that black lives matter.

Just think, it's just Mitt Romney – he was far from a genius before, he has an eternal life crisis, and he won't lick his wounds in any way after Obama swept him away in the 2012 elections. But no, he's not the only one. Imagine how you would feel if you had a firm in Kenosha, Minneapolis, Atlanta or Louisville, or you were a parishioner of St. John's Church in Washington, D.C., or an employee of the federal court in Portland, Oregon - after all this was burned by Black Lives Matter activists. You've long been used to your leaders not caring about you, but it's hard to accept when they show how fiercely they hate you.

Of course, Mitt Romney humiliates himself and spreads the carpet just to please in Washington. We've seen this, but it's much deeper. It is clear that it is not enough for the people who Mitt Romney wants to like so much, his new owners, that he marches with the BLM, and scolds his critics almost as traitors. Give them more.

They won't rest until the Republicans in the Senate, one and all, start talking like MSNBC host Chris Hayes – and that moment is just around the corner. Yesterday, Sunday, Mitt Romney took another step in this direction. Here's what he wrote to Tulsi Gabbard. Gabbard is a former member of Congress and a Reserve lieutenant colonel. And unlike Mitt Romney, she did serve.

"Tulsi Gabbard repeats the false Russian propaganda. Her treacherous lies could lead to the death of Americans." So, a treacherous lie can lead to death. That is, a man betrayed the country and committed murder, right? What did Tulsi Gabbard do? Called for the violent overthrow of the government? Sworn in to Putin? Did you get a Cyrillic tattoo on your neck? Neither one, nor the other, nor the third.

She admitted that we have problems- that's all. She cited publicly available information and suggested that it was worth doing. Anyway, Mitt Romney, a pathetic consultant in his past life, accuses a career military man with almost twenty years of service of treason. Previously, such words were not scattered. Treason is punishable by death. At first glance, this is absurd, but if you watch a video of Mitt Romney calling a compatriot a traitor and saying that she has blood on her conscience, it will make your head spin. That's what Tulsi Gabbard actually said and why Romney was quick to accuse her of betraying the motherland.

Tulsi Gabbard: Here are the irrefutable facts. There are 25 to 30 biolabs in Ukraine that are funded by the United States. According to the US government, studies of dangerous pathogens are being conducted there. Active hostilities are underway in Ukraine – and even under the most favorable circumstances, the leakage of deadly pathogens cannot be ruled out.

Truly, she hates our country, because she worries that the pathogen may break out of the biolab, and people will suffer. Since this has never happened before, she obviously listened too much to Alex Jones (Alex Jones, an American TV presenter, is considered a fan of conspiracy theories, - Approx. transl.), and also clearly a traitor. Actually, everything Tulsi Gabbard said, as you know, is absolutely true. This is not a Republican issue. And not a question of Democrats. This is a matter of facts, because even in war, the truth is a defense. Sometimes even the only one. So or not? In a free country, you can tell the truth. This is an inalienable right, otherwise it is not a free country.

And since we are talking about the facts, the director of the American threat reduction program, Robert Pope, confirmed that scientists really store pathogens in Ukraine from the Soviet era for research purposes. We were, however, told that they were being destroyed. Or rather, they should have destroyed it, but this did not happen. It would seem that what could go wrong in an active combat zone? But they knew that these pathogens exist and experiments are being conducted on them. Russian Russians did not neutralize them until they came, although they knew that it would all end there, because they only did what they talked about the "Russian invasion". And then Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who oversees this disaster, testified under oath that yes, Ukrainian biological laboratories could be seized and this prospect is frightening.

Over the weekend, Pentagon officials confirmed to CBS News that biolabs are investigating anthrax and other "deadly pathogens."

David Martin: The Pentagon representative I spoke with this morning said that chemical weapons are not imported into Ukraine. At least they don't see any signs of it. The concern is that the Russians may take over one of these biomedical centers, where studies of deadly pathogens like botulism and anthrax are being conducted. If they seize one of these facilities and turn the samples stored there into weapons, they will be able to blame Ukraine and the United States, because America supports a number of studies.

So, we're a little confused, what's all the fuss about? You just heard: CBS and others say that Russia can seize these drugs and use them against Ukrainians and the devil knows who else. And now let's think about it: "Wait a minute. If this is a Soviet–era weapon, then surely the Soviets – that is, the Russian government - have the same. So why would they seize what they already have? It's pointless, but whatever you say."

By the way, note that the reporter admitted that there are dangerous pathogens in Ukraine. They are investigating botulism and anthrax. So every reasonable person should be wary, because there is a conflict going on – and, by the way, why did we finance this in Ukraine at all? But this is a secondary issue. Maybe we'll figure it out when the conflict is over, but Tulsi Gabbard spoke only about the risk that innocent people will die, because these pathogens really exist.

She did not blame Russia for this. She didn't blame anyone at all. She just said it was. Unprotected biological weapons in a war zone is a bad idea. Isn't that right? Is this really treason? People have lost the ability to think logically. The country's leadership does not think beyond the next tweet. Who looks into tomorrow, next month or 20 years ahead? No one, and anyone who tries is an agent of Putin.

MSNBC host: Now let's move on to Russian disinformation, which was immediately picked up and let's spread the American right-wing media. This week, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirmed that biological research is being conducted in Ukraine, but critics felt that Tucker Carlson with Fox News took her words out of context.

Michael Schuman, The Atlantic: As you can see, the Chinese government openly repeats Russian propaganda about allegedly American biological laboratories in Ukraine.

Joe Scarborough: About biolabs in Ukraine - this is Russian disinformation. Trump-lovers and other right-wingers are actually ringing Russian propaganda for days on end.

"Supposedly biolabs." Well, well. The US government has confirmed their existence under oath and is concerned that their contents – which they have not been able to secure - may fall into the wrong hands, but it's still Putin's propaganda, and the "rightists" are to blame.

So we're taking Nuland's words out of context. Okay, what's the right context? We asked. No one answered us. And what about Robert Pope's words – are they also taken out of context? It's crazy. There is a problem. Before looking for the culprit, maybe it's better to think about how to solve it? But no. And those who talk about it should be shut up as soon as possible – if necessary by force, even by prison. And now we're going to do a rare thing. We will show you an excerpt from the ABC TV show "Vzglyad", where the Ministry of Justice demanded that an investigation be initiated against our program and Tulsi Gabbard.

Alyssa Farah: What Tucker Carlson from Fox News is calling about every night, what Tulsi Gabbard is spreading – in fact, all this helps Putin avoid punishment for criminal actions against innocent Ukrainians.

Ana Navarro: The Ministry of Justice has created a task force against the oligarchs. I think it is necessary to take a closer look at Russian propagandists on Putin's salary. That is, if you are an agent of a foreign dictator, you need to figure it out. I remember Tulsi Gabbard. I don't even want to talk about it, so I think to myself: "Who is she anyway?. How can you repeat so many times refuted Russian lies?

Whoopi Goldberg: They used to put people in jail for this.

What, really? Have you been put in jail? Um. When was that? And who exactly? Karyn Elaine Johnson, aka Goldberg, didn't tell us. She expressed herself as vaguely as possible, because it sounds much more threatening – maybe someone will shut up. To be honest, I don't want to remember this show. This is generally brain death, but today we will make an exception, because the "View" is far from alone. So many people are talking. When you hear it for the first time, you don't believe your ears, but over time it sounds more familiar. After three weeks of conflict, this is already, consider it, an urgent need.

Keith Olbermann has always been at the forefront. He also watched the "Look". He has nothing much to do, and he tweeted: "There is a war going on, and they are Russian agents. There is a reason to detain them. The court is a sign of goodwill and patience on the part of democracy."

So we are at war with Russia. We must send you to the Gulag for the sake of freedom. Because democracy does not tolerate disagreement on the part of citizens who dream of a better fate for their country. These people are supposed to be thrown into prison under military laws. That's what he said. And no one was outraged. The same message of Washington is heard from every iron. When was the last time? There is a reason to be nervous.

Senator Rob Portman from Ohio, who, fortunately, is leaving his post, said that the country has not been so united since September 11. Well, he's right about one thing. There is definitely a rare unity in Congress. Nine of Portman's last ten tweets are about Ukraine. And not a word about the fact that people are getting poorer every day. Go to the gas station and take a look. Last night on Amazon, a jar of organic peanut paste cost $15. And this is just one example. The store where peanut butter has always been the cheapest sells it for $15. And so everywhere!

And what about the epidemic of deaths from fentanyl, which killed 100,000 people last year alone? No, Rob Portman doesn't care about her. He is concerned about Ukraine, and his concern is shared by Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and, of course, Liz Cheney. They have complete unity, but what is curious is that since now is such a unifying moment, why is their first impulse to condemn their compatriots, call them traitors and throw them into prison? So-so unity.

They don't care about Ukraine, as they once did about George Floyd. They used his death for political purposes, and now they are using the tragedy in Ukraine in the same way. Dark forces have awakened in the USA. To make wise decisions, you need to think rationally and be far-sighted and calm, and they are the complete opposite.

Tucker Carlson

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