
Pakistan Air Force received Chinese J-10CE fighters


The original was taken from a colleague of imp_navigator in Pakistan has officially accepted J-10CE fighters into the Air Force

On March 11, during an official ceremony with the participation of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, the first six Chinese-made J-10C fighters were accepted into the Pakistan Air Force. The aircraft participating in the ceremony were armed with PL-10 and PL-15, as far as can be seen. Judging by the information that appeared, the contract for the purchase of 25 fighters was signed on June 25, 2021, and the exact name of this export modification of the J-10C is J-10CE. However, Pakistanis everywhere just call them J-10C.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan in the cockpit of a J-10CE fighter jet of the Pakistan Air Force. Photos from The Office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan .

Close-up photo from a Chinese manufacturer, apparently before shipping to Pakistan via https://twitter.com/shen_shiwei


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