
Air support: the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed combat-ready aircraft in Ukraine

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Виталий Тимкив

Against this background, the nationalists again disrupted the humanitarian exit of civilians from Mariupol

On March 6, Ukrainian armed formations once again thwarted an attempt to withdraw civilians from the encircled Mariupol. According to representatives of the People's militia of the Donetsk Republic, the nationalists started fighting in the area of the city and even fired at one of the columns of refugees. Information about the disruption of the humanitarian action was also confirmed by the International Red Cross. Also over the weekend, a large-scale Russian air operation unfolded over Ukraine. Fighters and air defense systems of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down 11 aircraft and helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in two days. The Russian Defense Ministry said that combat-ready aircraft on the territory of Ukraine had been destroyed, but part of the forces had relocated to Poland and Romania. High-precision weapons disable military infrastructure facilities. Meanwhile, the Russian military released documents that show that biological weapons were being developed in American laboratories on the territory of Ukraine.

Civilians are being taken out

The International Red Cross said that the second attempt to evacuate 200 thousand civilians from Mariupol failed. Eduard Basurin, deputy head of the DPR People's Militia Department, explained that on March 6, Ukrainian nationalists shot a convoy of refugees trying to leave Mariupol along a humanitarian corridor. Civilians were moving along the M-23 highway in the direction of Novoazovsk when militants from the Azov battalion opened fire. According to Basurin, the Ukrainian side refused to guarantee a regime of silence in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Air support

Image source: iz.ru

Nevertheless, by the evening of March 6, the servicemen of the DPR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation managed to ensure a safe exit in the direction of Novoazovsk for about 150 people. But in Mariupol there was food left for one or two days, Eduard Basurin noted.

He also called the losses of the Ukrainian army during the special operation on the territory of the DPR - 493 killed and 595 wounded.

Fighting in the sky

The troops of the People's Republics of Donbass, with the support of the Russian Armed Forces, continue to advance, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on March 6. The DPR units are moving towards the city limits of Mariupol from the north-western direction.

Last weekend there were air battles over Ukraine. According to the Russian military department, on Sunday, Russian fighter jets and air defense systems shot down three Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jets and three drones. In total, the Ukrainian Air Force lost 11 combat aircraft and two helicopters in two days. Almost all combat-ready aircraft of the Kiev regime have been destroyed, stated the official representative of the Russian military department, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

— At the same time, we are reliably aware of Ukrainian combat aircraft that previously flew to Romania and other border countries. We draw your attention to the fact that the use of the airfield network of these countries to base Ukrainian combat aircraft with subsequent use against the Russian armed forces can be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict," the general said.

In the sky over Ukraine, Russia is now completely dominating, and from Ukraine there can only be single sorties from airfields in western Ukraine, former commander of the 4th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense, Lieutenant General Valery Gorbenko, told Izvestia.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Pavel Volkov

Image source: iz.ru

- Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were three military districts and three air armies on the territory of Ukraine— - he explained. — There was a very developed airfield network. Therefore, they can still take off single planes. They are shot down.

According to Valery Gorbenko, the main burden in the fight against Ukrainian aircraft is borne by Russian fighter aircraft.

— As far as I know, there has never been a case when a Ukrainian fighter shot down or damaged our plane. The level of training of our pilots exceeds the Ukrainian one. Their level is comparable to what we had about 20 years ago.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on March 6, the airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force in Vinnytsia was disabled by high-precision long-range weapons. The object was hit by at least eight cruise missiles. A few hours before the Russian strike, the speaker of the President of Ukraine, Alexey Arestovich, said that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation had run out of "Caliber" missiles.

Secrets of biolabs

During a special military operation, it became known about the emergency cleanup of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense. Employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories handed over to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation documents on the emergency destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases on February 24, the Russian military department reported.

In its letter, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine asks to destroy "biological pathogenic agents" in autoclaves with disinfectants or by boiling. In particular, in the Act on the Destruction of crops, the state institution "Kharkiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health" reports that its employees destroyed about 40 test tubes with biomaterials. "The Poltava Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health" reported on the destruction of 24 containers with 12 biomaterials, these acts are available to Izvestia.

The documents received confirm that the development of components of biological weapons was carried out in Ukrainian biological laboratories, in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation noted.

Photo: Depositphotos.com/karrastock.gmail.com

Image source: iz.ru

- In order to prevent the disclosure of facts of violation by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent an instruction to all biological laboratories on the emergency elimination of stored stocks of dangerous pathogens, — said the representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation promised to provide the results of a detailed analysis of the received documents in the near future.

Such laboratories appear as part of the military development of territories, Oleg Zheltonozhko, an expert in the field of chemical and biological weapons, told Izvestia.

—Their very presence indicates a violation of international law—" he said. - Admission to work with such materials must be obtained from international organizations. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is not an independent structure, and it seems that only the customer can know the details of all the work. In this case, as noted, it is the US Department of Defense. Such laboratories could solve the problems of studying the effects on humans or animals of certain pathogens in a given area. There have been rumors about them for a long time, but it is not yet known how many such centers there are in Ukraine. Anyway, the very existence of such laboratories is part of the plan for the military development of the territory of Ukraine.

Polish Hawks

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, during a video conference with a bipartisan group of senators and members of the US Congress on Saturday, March 5, asked to increase military assistance to Ukraine, including fighter jets.

After a video meeting with the President of Ukraine, congressmen who made statements to the American media stressed that they would support the Biden administration. They mentioned a number of difficult practical issues, including the delivery of aircraft to Ukraine, and the need for the approval of the White House and the actions of Congress.

- The urgency of the help of the United States and its allies in supporting freedom for the people of Ukraine has never been so great, - said US Senator Rob Portman. — We must remove all obstacles to providing Ukraine with all support measures, including finding a way for the United States to compensate our Eastern European partners who want to donate their Soviet-style aircraft to Ukraine. There is no time to lose.

The day after Zelensky's Saturday call with a request to provide aircraft to Ukraine, the United States gave the green light to NATO countries if they decided to provide fighters to Ukraine.

Photo: Global Look Press/Keystone Press Agency/MCSN T'ara Tripp

Image source: iz.ru

And already on March 6, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said at a briefing in Chisinau that the US is considering options for providing support to Poland in the event of the transfer of aircraft to Ukraine. According to him, Washington held talks with Warsaw about the possible supply of Soviet-made aircraft by Poland to Kiev, on which Ukrainian pilots are trained to fly, in exchange for American F-16 jet fighters.

"We are working with the Poles on this issue and are consulting with the rest of our NATO allies," The Wall Street Journal quoted a White House official as saying.

But on the same day, late in the evening, Warsaw announced that there would be no aircraft deliveries to Ukraine.

According to the representative of the government of the country, Peter Muller, there is currently a discussion about the scope of NATO's activities. But, as the official noted, this is only a discussion. No decisions have been made regarding the transfer of aircraft to Ukraine.

The Polish Air Force has several dozen MiG-29 fighters, as well as Su-25 attack aircraft. These machines were supplied by the Soviet Union.

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Roman Kretsul

Bogdan Stepovoy

Andrey Fedorov

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