
The expert spoke about the legal possibility of sending Russian troops to Donbass

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Зураб Джавахадзе

Russian troops can be sent to the territory of the LPR and the DPR legally, according to the provisions of international law. This was stated by military expert Viktor Baranets in an interview with Izvestia on Tuesday, February 22.

"According to the law, the government of the LPR and the DPR turned to Moscow to conclude contracts. This is within the framework of international rules," Baranets said.

According to the expert, when concluding such an agreement, Russian President Vladimir Putin may apply to the Federation Council for permission to use Russian troops outside the country.

"After that, our help will follow, most likely military, to help the defenders of the Donetsk and Lugansk lands expel the occupiers beyond their borders," Baranets summed up.

Earlier, on February 21, Putin signed decrees recognizing the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics. The signing of the documents was the result of an extraordinary meeting of the Russian Security Council, during which its members unanimously supported the recognition of the independence of the self-proclaimed republics.

In addition, the Russian leader, the heads of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushilin signed an agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance.

According to the signed documents, the Russian Foreign Ministry should establish diplomatic relations, and the Defense Ministry should ensure the maintenance of peace in the republics. The parties also undertake to "ensure favorable economic, financial and legal conditions for entrepreneurial and other economic activities, including the promotion and mutual protection of investments," as well as to fully encourage various forms of cooperation and direct ties between citizens of the parties.

The situation on the contact line in Donbass escalated on February 17. The DPR and LPR reported intense shelling by Ukrainian security forces, including from heavy weapons. At the same time, Kiev announced the shelling of the AFU positions.

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