
Russian fighters have worked out interceptions of aircraft in the Brest region

Image source: © РИА Новости, Антон Денисов

Moscow. February 16. INTERFAX - Russian Su-35 fighters intercepted planes of a simulated enemy during exercises in Belarus, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

"Within the framework of the joint exercises "Allied Determination-2022", the crews of Su-35 fighters of the Eastern Military District from the airfield in the Brest region worked out the interception of an aircraft that conditionally violated the airspace of the Union State," the ministry said.

According to him, the role of the violator was performed by the Su-30sm aircraft of the Belarusian Air Force.

"After failing to comply with the requirements, the crew of the Su-35 aircraft performed a number of maneuvers that made it difficult for the offending aircraft to continue the flight, and also demonstrated readiness for the combat use of aviation weapons. As a result, the offending aircraft landed at the Baranovichi airfield, where the plane was blocked, and its crew was detained by a military police unit," the ministry added.

On February 10, Russia and Belarus began major maneuvers "Allied Resolve - 2022". The exercises will last until February 20. Moscow and Minsk announced that the Russian military will return to their permanent deployment points after the exercises.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the arrival in Belarus for the exercises of a number of units of the Eastern Military District with regular weapons. It was officially reported that the S-400 long-range air defense system, the Pantsir-S division of short-range air defense systems, Su-35 multi-purpose fighters of the fourth generation and Su-25SM attack aircraft were relocated to Belarus from Russia.

The maneuvers are taking place against the backdrop of a crisis in relations between Russia and NATO. The United States, other NATO countries and Ukraine announced the concentration of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border and the threat of a Russian invasion.

On February 10, the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, confirmed that Russia has no aggressive plans against Ukraine.

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