The special forces of the 2nd Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District stationed in the Volga region were equipped with modern large-caliber sniper rifles ASVKM.
This weapon is an upgraded version of the Army sniper large-caliber rifle with 12.7 mm ammunition. With the help of ASVKM, you can hit the enemy even in personal protective equipment. And also - to destroy his lightly armored vehicles from a distance of more than 1000 meters and conduct a counter-sniper fight.
If we talk about sniper training in general, then in addition to a sharp eye, it implies the presence of skills in using modern devices for accurate shooting. There are a lot of them in our Armed Forces. For example, snipers use army rangefinders and portable weather stations. A targeted shot is impossible without taking into account the speed and direction of the wind, other natural features, and this technique just tells you what adjustments need to be made before pulling the trigger.
Snipers and well-proven GLONASS navigators "Grotto" are used. This equipment, coupled with satellite information, will always tell the serviceman how to get to the designated target faster and without unnecessary obstacles.
There are also special methods of training snipers. For example, they are taught the so-called "blind" shooting. And various game elements are used in training. "Blind" shooting is when a sniper first needs to find a moving target that periodically hides behind obstacles. To do this, it is important to quickly calculate a lot of corrections and make a shot at the intended place of appearance of the target with the removal of the aiming point. Terrorist silhouettes, observation devices of enemy armored vehicles and other dynamic targets are used as targets at such trainings, which will have to be destroyed in real combat first of all.
In addition, the military practice sniper "duels", high-speed shooting exercises and the defeat of ultra-small targets, such as a small tin can, by a solar flare.
A few years ago, the Ministry of Defense decided to have a separate sniper unit in each land unit. Depending on the tasks assigned, they can act independently or be assigned to battalions in one or another composition. This is done so that the battalion commander, when necessary, uses a sniper "two", and in another case - a group or a squad of snipers. An ordinary sniper pair goes on a combat mission, as a rule, with a small-sized laser reconnaissance device and means of determining the initial data for shooting.
As for their weapons, land brigades and divisions still use 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifles and 9 mm special rifles - VSS. For special forces units, the industry has developed special small arms, including large-caliber sniper rifles ASVKM.
Yuri Gavrilov