The Tanzanian special forces will hit enemies "in two barrels". Yesterday, January 15, the portal He reported that at the parade dedicated to the Day of the Zanzibar Revolution, the soldiers of the special unit were armed with unusual Gilboa DBR Snake carbines.
The parade crew of the Tanzanian special forces consisted of 50 fighters, each of whom carried a double-barreled automatic carbine Gilboa DBR Snake, produced by the Israeli company Silver Shadow. As claims, this is the first confirmed case in the world when military personnel are armed with double-barreled rifled small arms.

Tanzania Special Forces with Gilboa DBR Snake carbines
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The Gilboa DBR Snake is a paired 5.56 mm AR-15 automatic rifle powered by paired magazines. The weight of such weapons in the unloaded state is 5.15 kg. The army version of the machine gun releases two bullets with one pull of the trigger, while its civilian version is equipped with a separate trigger for each barrel.