
The robot "Marker" is taught to ride in a group and interact with other robots

Image source: © РИА Новости / Пресс-служба Роскосмоса / РКК «Энергия»

It is expected that the development will become the basis for the interaction of ground robots, unmanned aircraft and special forces

MOSCOW, December 13. /tass/. Specialists of the Foundation for Advanced Research (FPI) are working on the autonomous movement of the Marker group of robotic platforms coordinated in time and space. Robots during the movement along the route must go around obstacles themselves and interact with each other, the press service of the foundation told TASS.

"The solution of the tasks set in the project will allow creating the technologies necessary for the development of robotic platforms capable of independently planning and carrying out actions in an uncertain environment and functioning as part of a group when solving tasks requiring group management and interaction," the FPI said.

They clarified that at the moment, the interaction of heterogeneous groups of robotic platforms "Marker" (on a wheeled and tracked basis) is being worked out when moving along a pre-laid route. A group of robots must maneuver when encountering static and dynamic obstacles, as well as change the format of the formation, without deviating from the route task.

The robotic platform "Marker" is a joint project of the National Center for the Development of Technologies and Basic Elements of Robotics FPI and the NGO "Android Technology" (developer of the anthropomorphic robot "Fedor"). It is assumed that this combat robot will become the basis for working out the joint interaction of ground robots, unmanned aircraft and special forces. "Marker" is positioned as a constructor for creating models of warfare in the future.

In December 2020, the combat robot "Marker" successfully passed sea trials in fully autonomous mode in winter conditions. In the fall of 2021, a robot in a security performance performed patrolling of the Vostochny cosmodrome and worked both in radio-controlled and autonomous modes.

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