
Deliveries of Be-200 amphibious aircraft to the USA are not yet possible - Military Industrial Complex Board

Image source: © РИА Новости / Георгий Зимарев

Moscow. December 9th. INTERFAX - The Russian Federation cannot supply the Be-200 amphibious aircraft to the United States because of the issue of engine certification, First Deputy chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission (MIC) of Russia Andrey Yelchaninov said in an interview with Interfax.

"Unfortunately, the issue of certification of the Be-200 aircraft engine in the United States has not been resolved, which prevents any deliveries," Yelchaninov said.

The Be-200s were equipped with D-436 engines manufactured by the Ukrainian Motor Sich, but Ukraine banned their delivery to Russia. Earlier, the aircraft manufacturer Beriev TANTK announced possible deliveries of the Be-200 to the United States from 2021.

The first deputy chairman of the Military-industrial complex Board said that the Russian Federation is working on creating a domestic engine for the Be-200.

"The issue of providing the Be-200 with a domestic engine is relevant. Rostec has already decided to finance the creation of the PD-8 engine, further refinement of this power plant for the Be-200 aircraft is planned. Other options are being worked out," Yelchaninov said.

According to him, the president's instruction on the creation of a "Euro squadron" is being implemented, including 10 aircraft, which, presumably, will be involved in extinguishing fires abroad.

"There are applications for the Be-200 from other states, including Algeria. The customer may receive the first aircraft next year," he said.

The Be-200 is a multi-purpose amphibious aircraft designed for firefighting and emergency assistance in areas of emergency disasters. The Be-200 can take 12 tons of water on board. The tanks are filled within 14 seconds at a speed of 150-190 km / h when planing on the water surface. During one refueling, the aircraft is able to dump up to 270 tons of water on the fire.

The Be-200 is delivered to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Navy.

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Comments [1]
10.12.2021 11:02
А западных аналогов Д-436 не существует что ли...? Что нибудь из движков для Бомбардье и Эмбраера.
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